Maybe pt. 2

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It's been almost 2 months from that incident and thereby 2 months since I last saw Jimin. For me it felt like forever. I missed him like crazy. I felt stupid, even after he did that to me, I couldn't get myself to stop loving him whatsoever. But I often got to see him on television and these past 2 months they were on tour and the increasing popularity of BTS didn't help. I wanted to see him so bad but he was way too busy for me to have a chance at it.

These past 2 months I mostly spent with my parents and siblings trying to get Jimin out of my head. I had no intention in involving myself in a new relationship at all. Loving Jimin took all my energy and I just... couldn't move on from it. I knew I was idiotic maybe Jimin doesn't even remember me, maybe he is with another girl already, maybe he doesn't even slightly think of me anymore and here I was thinking and worrying about him all day and all night as if I was the guilty one. At the thoughts that maybe Jimin never actually loved me my heart would shatter and honestly I don't know what to do anymore.

Did I still love him? Yes. Did I want him back? Yes. Was this the right choice? I don't know.

I decided to finally go out and have some time to myself. I was sure that I wouldn't bump into Jimin nor any of the bangtan members as they were on tour. I just really wanted to think about someting other than Jimin... ME. I spend time contemplating about Jimin but never had I thought about myself. And for once i wanted to.

I spent the day going shopping and buying new cosmetics and I have to admit it was pretty fun and it felt great to finally have done something for myself. When I finished, it was already evening and it was slowly starting to get dark . On my way back home I felt exhausted and decided to drop by the bar to have something to eat and some... loosen myself up a little. I was kind of needy you know... and they say "Only alcohol truely understands a broken heart" (A/N: Ok, I just totally made that up XD)

"I'll have some spicy rice cakes and a beer for now. Thanks." I said sitting down at the counter.

As I was waiting for my order I heard some familiar voices coming from the table behind.

" Jimin hyung! Stop it! That's enough for now!"

" Give it back! JungKook you don't understand... *sobs* just give it back already..."

"JungKook just give that damn bottle back , let him do whatever he wants , I had enough of him and his stupid broken heart."

" But Yoongi hyung ... he might-"

" Stupid!? How dare you say that!? You wouldn't understand! I mean how could you when you are an insensitive asshole!"

"An insensitive asshole!? Me!? Yoongi scoffed "That's funny when someone I know can't keep 'it' still for one damn second so has to go fuck another woman behind his girlfriend's back!"

"Y-Yoongi hyung come on..."

" JungKook stay out of it. I wouldn't be surprised when you say she left you! Who wouldn't!?"

"...Yeah... I know... I know I was worng! I fucking regret it, okay!? I am so pathetic waiting for her to come back to me... when she would certainly not... and I know I deserve this but... I feel like dying without her..."

"If you knew you were going to die without her, why would you fucking cheat on her!?" The older male raised his voice.

" I guess I was immature!? You are really beung such a dick right now!" Jimin yelled back.

" You little son of a-" Yoongi was about to slap Jimin . But to everyone's surprise I got hold of his arm.

"Don't." I said firmly glaring at the scene. Everyone was too shocked too see ME of all people there . They gasped at the sight of me. "There are people who come here to clear their minds and like me, they don't wanna hear other people's shit and get stressed out more! If you'd like to continue this shit PLEASE take it outside!"

I was fuming with anger in the outside but in the inside I was a mess, a mix of emotions, I was feeling to many things at the same time, neither I knew what exactly I was feeling. The sight of Jimin in that state made me feel so sad but at the same time reassured that he still had feelings for me. But the fact that he had been torturing himself out of regret and that he had to hear those hurtful words from God knows how many people. Yes it's true he was at fault and he totally deserved it but it was too painful to watch.

" Y/N..." JungKook trailed as Jimin and I were staring at eachother in awkward silence.

"Jungkook, I guess we should leave them alone..." Yoongi sighed, taking away his arm from my grip that I had completely forgotten I was still holding.

"No need. We will be going." I said as I reached for Jimin's hand and dragged him out of the place.

I didn't know what Jimin was thinking as he just followed me without a word. But I was way too confused of what I was thinking to worry about that. What exactly was I thinking? Why did I take him with me ? Where was I going ? What was I going to do ? Honestly... I had no idea.

After walking a few miles and a couple of minutes mentally cursing myself I reached a stop. I had no idea were it was but it was a narrow alley with few or no people around. I figured it was a good place for us to talk. I freed Jimin's hand and turned to face him.
It broke my heart seeing him this depressed and since it was my first time seeing him in real after 2 whole months my heart just melted.

"Jimin..." as I muttered his name he looked up meeting my gaze.

"I thought you were on tour."
"...well there were some circumstances and... it was postponed..." he said looking away.

"And by this circumstances could you possibly be referring to your health?" I asked with worry clearly written on my face.

He looked at me with an expression full of agony and looked away again while muttering.


" You should take care of yourself. " I said.

He got irritated from my words, maybe it was the alcohol or maybe he was frustrated with my response, as he turned to face me.

"How can I!? When you are all I think about!? If you'd come back or if you'd not! I kept hoping you'd come back as you said we would meet again but 2 months!? Goddamn 2 months!? Weren't they enough to mess me up!? It felt like shit! Do you know how insecure and lonely I felt? Do you know from how many people I had to get blamed? However, I could take it all! But I can't stand the fact that you will not return to me! This is what a life without you would do to me! I am desperate and pathetic I know but please..." He was sobs echoed through the alley. "Can't you give me a second chance?" He was crying uncontrollably.

I was too ... he wasn't lying, first because "a drunken heart never lies" and second my heart just felt the sincerity of his words. I took him into a hug and I hugged him as if my life depended on it. He hugged me back. The mixed emotions inside me were slowly clearing out. His strong arms I felt so reassured in and his sweet scent that made me dizzy, I missed them. The sincerity of what he said was confirmed from his pounding heart which threatened to beat out of his chest any minute. The fact that he held me so tight as if I was the most precious thing he had ever held but most importantly that he didn't say a word and let.

"Silence speaks a million words" as he wanted his heart to prove me his love.

All of this helped me to finally understand what I really felt and what I really wanted. There were no more maybes . I loved him. And I wanted him back.

" Jimin... Never let go of me again ok?" I said as I raised my head to look at him.

"Never again, sweetheart." He said before planting a long passionate kiss on my lips.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Jimin."

My love for you is not a maybe.


So this is the ending to Maybe; I hope you guys enjoyed it 😁. It really took me in an emotional rollercoaster. Imagine Jimin drunk and broken... 😢😢😢 (excuse my weakness for Jimin). Honestly I love him sooooo much.

Jimin: so you did take me back afterall. Haha cutie 😁
A/N: *whispers* sue this guy for assaulting my heart like this.
Jimin: What?
A/N: Nothing 😅 I'm happy you liked it. BUT that's not me I'm the author...
Jimin: 😊 Who's next?
A/N: Your best friend as a gift for my best friend. 😁
Jimin: 😕 Taehyungie?
A/N: YES. My bffs ultimate bias.
Jimin: I see. I will love to read it.
A/N: Aww please do 😁. I love you 🙆.
Jimin: 🙆

Thanks for reading guys.
With lots of love ,
Shanu 😙

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