Coward pt. 2

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Part 3 on the way 😉

Love ❤

Shanu 😙


"Unnie why are you crying?" Rania asked me worriedly.

I sat up on the bed. I wiped off the tears with my hands and smiled.

"Don't worry Rania, I think something just went inside my eye... haha ​​..."

Seriously Vanessa? A better excuse?

"What?" she asked, giving me a face that said 'you really think I believe you'.

Who would have believed you?
Certainly not Rania...

"It's... it's about Hosoek oppa right?" she asked, looking at me with sad eyes.

The only person who actually knew my feelings for Hosoek, other than myself, was my adorable sister, Rania.

The only person who was with me in the most difficult times of my life.

Especially during the time I had let gone of Hoseok.

She listened to my desperate muttering of how much I regretted letting Hosoek go while crying for hours, sometimes she couldn't even sleep because of me... but she was always there, to comfort me...

As I struggled to forget about the boy I loved with all of my heart... Hosoek.

And that's why it didn't matter how irresponsible she was or how angry I was at her...

She will always be my adorable little siste ...

"Yes love... I'll... I'll see him again... Finally. After all these never-ending years... I will see him again." I said, crying and smiling at the same time.

Rania smiled too.

I took her hands in mine and held them tight. I looked into her eyes.

"I think God finally gave me a second chance... and Rania I can't absolutely, in any way, let it get away, because... I know, this is the last chance I'll ever get..." I said, smiling.

I saw my sister's expression soften.

"Exactly unnie! Hosoek oppa deserves a person like you to be by his side, he would never regret it... if you got together..."

My smile faded and I let go of her hands.

I saw her face fill up with concern.

"I doubt that... that he would want to date me... But that's not what's important... what's important is that I'll be honest... that I will tell him how I felt about him back then and how those feelings never changed even to date, I just want him to know that." I said, lowering my head to stare at my hands.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to go out with him... I wanted that with all my heart, indeed...

But he probably has a beautiful girlfriend already... and one of his caliber... now that he was an idol he obviously had a lot of girls flattering him.

Or... What I'm mostly worried about...


He was still in love with Soeun ...

* The evening of the concert *

We were in front of the giant stage where in a few moments BTS would have performed.

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