Desperately pt. 2

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"Please Joonie... Don't make me become too desperate for you..." After I let out those words I kept staring at my feet. I didn't dare to look up to see Namjoon's face. Even after saying all of that, deep inside I still hoped he wouldn't actually do any of it...

Minutes passed by and none of us said anything, we were just standing there in complete silence. I was worried. What was Namjoon thinking? Why wasn't he saying anything? I slowly raised my head so that I could see his face.

It was scary. I had never, in my whole life of knowing him , had seen him with such an expression. His eyes... they were dark, filled with every possible emotion. They were angry. They were reflecting anger in all it's aspects.

" J-Joonie... " I trailed off I couldn't speak it felt like I had a lump in my throat that didn't let my words come out... but again I had no words to say in the first place... I couldn't read him. I couldn't tell what was going on in his mind at all. Even after knowing him for so long I couldn't tell... The only thing I knew was that... it was fearful...

After intensely staring at me for what it felt like forever, he moved forward towards me and got hold of my wrist. His grip was so tight that my wrist started hurting. While still holding onto my wrist he came so close to me that our bodies were practically touching. He brought his face closer so that his lips were millimetres from my left ear.

"You want me to treat you horribly? Are you sure? " He said with his raspy voice that sent chills down my spine. He was acting really weird.

"You will regret saying any of that..." He whispered as he bit my ear. What on earth was he doing !? More like what on earth was he saying!? I was blushing furiously due to what he was doing. My head couldn't think straight. My legs were beginning to feel weak. I was dizzy. This is what he did to me. My body is so weak against him.

"N-Namjoon w-what a-are y-you s-saying?" I stuttered. I heard him chuckle.

"You are so adorable when you are weak for me... " He whispered (A/N: can we just imagine how sensual RM would sound whispering? *hyperventilates*)

"Namjoon-" That's all I managed to say before I was dragged by him into the studio where he and LE were. He literally pushed me inside of the room before closing and locking the door. What the fuck was he doing!? I turned to my side to see an as much confused LE looking at Namjoon.

" Sit there. " He ordered while boring into my eyes.

"What!?" I shouted . I was not taking any of this shit anymore. I'm done with him and all of his sudden mood changes. I got myself up to leave.

"You better sit your ass down Y/N!" He raised his voice and gave me a murderous look. I was scared now really scared. What was he trying to do? Why was he so angry at me?

"Good girl. And now you better watch carefully. Really carefully. " He ordered with his raspy voice as he got a hold of LE's waist and started kissing her passionately. LE was shocked at first but she soon relaxed under his kiss and started to kiss him back.

'Are you telling me to be a complete asshole to you!?'

No. He was not. He was not doing this. LE wrapped her arms around Namjoon's neck as he deepened the kiss . LE's fingers were tangled in Namjoon's hair.

'You are the last person in this entire world I would ever want to hurt!'

Lies. Complete bullshit. Then he wouldn't be doing this to me!

My heart felt like it was being torn apart layer by layer . The agony I felt was indescribable.

"If this is a joke... I-It's not funny..." I said under my breath. I felt weak. I was holding back tears. My eyes were hurting from trying to do so. As I said that it only angered Namjoon more as he slid his arm under LE's shirt... or rather his shirt LE was wearing. To how much this scene made me feel completely agonized I couldn't stop staring at it. Be it Namjoon's words or be it my masochistic self the reason for it. I was beginning to tremble and tears that I was trying so hard to hold in finally fell freely down my cheeks. I was sobbing uncontrollably.

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