Dangerous (Smut ft. Taegi) [Mature]

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This is another smut imagine for my close friend Camillo. ❤

As you guys know I don't really write smut but I tried my best.

It's kinda intense so read at your own risk. 🔞🔞🔞

I hope you like it.

With lots of love,

Shanu 😙


To tell you the truth these days, my relationship with Taehyung was not going well... we would always argue over the slightest thing and not talk for a whole day. It was getting out of hand lately and it was worrying me to death. I felt it... the fact that Tae has been distancing from me and... honestly it hurts. I know that sometimes our arguments are also my fault but... nevertheless I love him, so fucking much... and I wouldn't bare to loose him.

I knew from the day I started dating him that our relationship was an unhealthy one. He was an idol and I... just a normal high school boy. Ironic isn't it? How did we even meet? How did 2 people of such different levels meet?

I was- and still am a huge ARMY. At first I had my fair share of embarrassing insecurities where I would ask myself what a guy of my age was doing drooling over 7 men when he should have been playing Mario craft and watching porn. That was what normal high school boys did. I understood that I was different and it was difficult... to adapt to my differences because deep down I was still only a young boy who had no idea of the complexity of life.

I became close to a lot of girls. They were my best friends, obviously I got made fun of for staying with girls and got called gay all the time... pftt I can't even believe they still use the word 'gay' as an insult.

It took me a while to come to terms with my sexuality... like I said I was too inexperienced to understand anything. I still liked boobs but I had erotic dreams about my male idols. It was all a jumble... until one day I finally realized that I was Bisexual... It came as a shock to me as well as to my family but they understood- or at least they pretended to understand. Either way my friends were all supportive and that's what made me confident... I didn't want to hate myself for what I was and therefore... here I am. Me. Camillo.

The way I met Taehyung hyung was when I went to a bts fan sign. I was your typical over excited fanboy and I quickly caught his attention. During the time we talked his eyes wouldn't leave mine and he held my hand so tightly... I still blush at the memory... After the fan sign, sadly knowing it was over and that I wouldn't meet Taehyung for a long time again, I dragged my feet towards my home. As I stood in front of the the front door I ruffled through my bag finding my keys when I suddenly caught something in my hand.... it was a piece of paper, it wasn't there before...

You're kinda cute. Call me in your free time ;)



My heart nearly stopped beating. Oh my fucking God. He slipped that paper during the fan sign. My cheeks burned red as I smiled like an idiot. I was the happiest person on the planet.

After that day we started texting, then calling, then face timing and slowly became closer and closer until one day I decided to tell him my feelings.

I like you.

I like you too cutie hihi.

Not in a friendly way...


I think- no I am sure I am in love with you. I know it's weird for a guy to like another guy and you're a celebrity and I am peasant but... I really like you... to the point that it hurts me.

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