Be mine

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This is a request for my close friend Dalila (I am sorry. 🙇 You've been waiting for like forever.)

She is such a sweet and fun person. I love her a lot. ❤

I hope you like it.

With lots of love,

Shanu 😙


"I am so sorry Jimin..." Tears were falling non-stop as they wet my white shirt. My sobs were loud and desperate. I was asking for forgiveness but what I did was nothing forgivable. I was shameless for asking Jimin to forgive me, he couldn't, he wouldn't...and he was the sweetest guy I had ever known.

But I understood what I did was terrible, I am such a spiteful person... why? Why did I have to fall in love with my best friend... when I had such an amazing boyfriend...

"W-Why?" His voice cracked which shattered my heart into millions of pieces. Why? Why Dalila? Why were you doing this to him? Why are you being so cruel? "A-Am I not enough?" All those words that came out of Jimin's mouth were like hard punches to my gut but I knew I deserved all of it. All of those words, all of this suffering. I brought this onto myself, no-one forced me into it. I chose this. I chose to suffer.

"D-Don't say that..." Jimin had no fault in this. It was all me, my stupid feelings, my stupid heart. Jimin did nothing but love me with all he had and I couldn't have been more grateful for that. I loved him. For real. I wasn't deceiving him. I felt love for him... but get the way I used past tense? That's because now it was not like that... my feelings for him were not there anymore... and I felt bad to keep on pretending and deceiving both of us onto thinking that this relationship was working out when we both clearly and utterly knew it was not. Somehow... somewhere I started to fall out of love with him... and deeply in love with someone that I never should have. Jeon Jungkook... my best friend. "Jimin. I loved you and I always will but... my love for you now is different from the love I felt for you in the beginning... I am so sorry..."

My heart was breaking, but it would break even more when I knew that Jimin's heart was breaking 10 times more. How could I? How could I break someone so much? Someone who used to smile so brightly... someone who made me feel like I was his one and only... someone who made me experience my first true love... I would have never forgiven myself for being so mean.

"W-Well I guess this is us breaking up huh?" Jimin avoided my eyes as he had his face turned to the side. Either because he didn't want me to see him cry or because he really despised me that much...

Those words made me realize how much of a big decision I had made. It made me second guess myself. Was I really ready for this? Was I really ready to give up on us? Was I really ready to let go... Was I really ready to let go of such a beautiful mutual love for a hopeless unrequited love? Why was I being such a moron. "Y-Yeah..."

"Just know that I really loved you a lot Dalila..." Jimin's hoarse voice made it clear that he was on the verge of crying.

"G-Goodbye Jimin... I'll miss you..."

"I'll miss you too... really, really much..." I could see a single tear out of all the tears he'd been hiding so hard, roll down his cheek as he bit his lips to keep in a sob.

As he turned and started to walk away I fell on my knees, crying. This was it... the decision was made... there was no turning back now...


I made my way to BTS's practice room with some delivery Chinese food I had ordered for the boys and a special desert I had made for Jimin.

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