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So this is a request from my friend Daniela.

She is such a cutie. I love her ❤

Hope you like it.

With lots of love,

Shanu 😙


Daniela POV.

Me and Taehyung have been together for almost 2 years now and I couldn't be happier. He is boyfriend material to the max, he is handsome, funny, affectionate and everything you could ask for a boyfriend to be.

He is so talented too. He's an idol and I just adore his voice, it's so deep and manly but at the same time so warm and melodious.

Adding to all of that was his quirky and loving personality.

I fell in love with him so badly that now I cannot even imagine a life without him. We met through Dawon unnie, Hobie oppa's sister at a gathering, we became friends almost instantly it was inevitable with his outgoing and adorable personality. I wouldn't go as far as to say that it was love at first sight but I could with most certainty say that I felt attracted to him from the first day I had met him.

One thing lead to the other and I found myself confessing my love to him on a starry night when we were hanging out together randomly just to 'kill time'. I caught him off-guard as he was visibly really shocked which made me really nervous thinking that maybe he didn't really think of me that way. Just as I opened my mouth to say it was alright if he didn't feel the same way he suddenly pulled me into his arms and wrapped them around me protectively. He squeezed me gently as he hid his red face at the crook of my neck. I could feel him giggling into my skin. It was such a happy moment, I can still remember so clearly how he slowly pulled away from the hug and smiled so widely looking deeply into my eyes. How he said those five words that made my heartbeat a million time faster making me breathless.

I like you too Dani.

Its been exactly 2 years from that beautiful day counting our 2nd year anniversary together today. I was beaming happiness from all of my pores.

I woke up to the sunlight shining directly into my eyes through the curtains. I moaned grumpily to the disturbance of my perfectly fine sleep. As I started to agitate myself trying to get as further away from the sunlight as possible I felt an arm tighten around my waist as it brought me closer to a warm chest.

I felt a chaste kiss being planted on my forehead. I smiled as I acknowledged Taehyung's presence.

"Goodmorning Princess." I heard his deep, husky morning voice utter. It was the sexiest thing in this planet.

"Goodmorning My Prince." I giggled as I lifted my head from his chest to give him a quick peck on his lips.

As I was about to pull away he brought me closer to him kissing me more passionately and deepening the kiss. It made me hot all over my body. God... why was it so easy for him to make me this weak against him?

His lips left mine as he trailed kisses down my jawline, he then leaned closer to me kissing the back of my ear, exactly the spot where he knew I would have whimpered for. He knew my body so well, he knew how to pleasure me and because of that I felt even more vulnerable against his touch.

His hands relaxed before leaving my waist and slowly starting to caress my inner thighs as he kept on kissing that exact spot...

"T-Taehyungah..." I whimpered trying hard not to moan giving him the satisfaction of the victory yet again.

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