Birthday Present

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I was waiting seated on my couch, hands crossed, sulking. This is all because my lovely boyfriend apparently forgot my birthday. MY birthday, my BIRTHDAY. I scoffed thinking how ridiculous this situation was. It wasn't even that we were going out just since recently, we've been together for 5 years, 5 WHOLE FREAKING YEARS. Its the time for him to wife me up NOT forget my birthday!

The thing that really pissed me off was; he knew how I really cherished my birthday and he once said that he particularly liked that little trait of mine.

SO HOW COULD HE. It's already 3pm and I haven't seen or heard for him the entire day. I sighed and continued sulking. A couple minutes later, I saw my phone screen light up with a notification, it was him. I rolled my eyes and really wanted to ignore whatever he wanted to tell me because I was so pissed, and I was already sure that it would have just been a lame excuse. My attention was once again drawn to my phone screen as another notification showed up. It read "Come to the garage ASAP". Even though I really wanted to ignore it, that stupid personality trait called over-thinking made me rush to the garage. I really worried something bad happened to him; Ugh I am such wife material.

As I got in front of the garage I saw Jin inside, his back facing me. It was dark, what the hell was he doing without turning on the lights. I wanted to run towards him but remember? I overthink like crazy, and this situation really reminded me of a creepy true crime case I had once heard of. What if, just, what if it was an imposter?

"What are you doing?" He shouted from the inside, his voice kind of annoyed. "Aren't you going to come in?"

Even if you could mishear anyone else's voice, you could never do the same with Jin's especially when he shouts. It's just too recognisable. I went in and the lights magically turned on. I saw how the whole garage was filled with birthday decorations and balloons. So extra, just like him. It was so pretty! Then Jin turned around. I nearly choked on my own saliva. He was wearing a bow ribbon on his head and looked at me with a cute expression.

"So? Are you happy with the present I got you?" He said smiling. "It really doesn't get better than this." He said as he spread him arms proudly waiting for a hug.

"You?" I asked chuckling. "And when did you prepare all of this anyway?"

"Where did you think I was all morning?"

I ran and gave him a big hug. I was so happy. I was really lucky to have him and I couldn't ask for anything more.

"It really doesn't get better than this." I said as I looked up at him.

"Exactly." He said as he pecked my lips. "That's why you cannot let me get away, so I made it easier for you."

"What do you mean?" I asked curious and confused.

I watched as he got down on his knee. What, this was really not happening was it!? Was he proposing to me?

"It's about time you hub-me-up am I right or am I right?" He said with that damn grin as he winked.

The rest was history.

Well I can say that was, hands down, the best birthday present of my life. Kim Seokjin.

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