Sober (Drunk pt. 2)

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Taehyung just stood there mesmerized by Yura's presence. Firstly because she was as beautiful as he remembered she was and secondly because he didn't know exactly what he should have done in that particular instant. Should he talk to her? Should he offer her a drink? His mind couldn't think straight but one thing was sure... no matter how much he had dank that night... he was completely sober now.

The fact that only her presence could clear Taehyung's mind that easily, out of all the misery that he had been living all these years without her, was incredible. Yura was the one who made him start drinking this much and... she surely could make him stop in a blink.

Within an instant she ran towards him and hugged him tightly. He was shocked; he had no idea what to do... should he hug her back? He felt her sobbing against his shoulder which made his heart warm up... all those feelings, which actually never left him through the years, came rushing back to him. His arms circled around her waist bringing her body closer to his. He embraced her and held her as if he was afraid she'd run away again.


Brittney POV

1.17 AM

I should have known. 'I'll be back at 10 PM'. Of course. I scoff at my naïve self. Did I really think he'd come back that early? Why am I so easily manipulated by him? Why does it take him only some affection and sweet words to make me surrender to all he needs? I am such an idiot...

I stared at the dinner I had made for us, his favourite dish actually, already turned stone cold as it had been sitting there on the table for ages. A sharp pain persisted in my chest as tears ran down my cheeks. Sobbing, I throw the food out into the trash and place the dishes in the sink. I plopped down on the couch and hugged my knees hiding my face in them as I continued to cry. I had enough of this... the arguments, not taking me seriously, not listening to my reasons, the broken promises, the hiding the past behind lies and the most heart breaking of all, the fact that he never actually loved me.

I was just a rebound... and not a quality one either. I had to replace Yura and mend his broken heart but... I didn't even compare slightly to her. That's why he had to always go drinking... to erase my image from his head and paint Yura... so that when he finally arrived home, intoxicated, he could imagine her as me... I was only used, all this time... and it hurts... so bad.


Taehyung check his phone to see the time just after seeing Yura home.

"Fuck." He cursed at himself as he remembered the promise he had done to Brittney before going out. "She's going to be so mad." He ruffled his hair in frustration before getting into the car and driving off home.

It was true that he had completely forgotten the promise but it was inevitable. He had just met Yura, the love of his life, after almost 4 years. He had to talk to her, he had to know what had happened to her, how she was saved and everything inbetween that. They had only talked that night, other than the hug there was no skinship at all. She had tried to lean in for a kiss more than once, it was true that he wanted to do it too, but he knew it was wrong and... he had mixed feelings about Yura's return. There was no doubt in the fact that he still had feelings for her... but they weren't as strong as what he remembered... also Brittney was always at the back of his mind the whole time. He would never want to hurt her; he loved her... and a lot. Maybe it all did start as 'wanting to forget' but she turned out to be much more than just a mere replacement for Yura, for one, she was nothing like Yura and second her undying love for him melted his heart. He knew that he'd never find anyone who'd love him the way she did... unconditionally. No matter how many times he broke her heart she'd never love him any less. He fell in love deeply with that energetic, adorable and considerate girl.

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