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"Hey! Jeon Jungkook!" I yelled.

This guy seriously.

He was running around the dance practice room with my phone in his hand. Like honestly that has my whole life in it! What is he thinking!? What if he drops it and breaks it!?

"Give it back!"

"Don't want to!"

"Listen Golden, I have no time to be playing around with you. Give me back my damn phone before the choreography teacher comes in!"

He stuck out his tongue.

That annoyed the hell out of me.

I stood up and ran towards him and tried to snatch my phone from his hand which was literally impossible because of his freaking height.

"No matter how much you struggle, there is no way you'll be able to snatch it off me with that insignificant height of yours. Shorty."

"Well, if only you weren't a fucking titan then I could have!"

"How dare you call me a titan!?"

He started to tickle my side's from behind.

I was laughing like a maniac. "Stop- Stop it!"

"I won't until you say 'Jungkook is the most good-looking guy I've ever seen'."

"What the actual-" I was cut off as he tickled me more making me laugh out even louder.

"Say it."

"Not going to."

He continued to tickle me.

Just then the door to the practice room opened which made us stop in our tracks. We were now in a very strange position. With him having his hands on my hips as he was standing right behind me. I cannot believe this.

In came the choreography teacher and the rest of BTS practically grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh did we just interrupt something?" asked Jimin with that cheeky smirk of his.

" No." I said before getting myself out of that really awkward position.

"It sure seemed like it though..." Said Namjoon coming near Jungkook and elbowing him.

"Nothing was happening." He said scratching his head with a slight pinkish tint on his cheeks.

What the heck? Was he embarrassed now? He was the one who started this in the first place.

"Honestly, you two should just kiss and get it over with." Said Yoongi while rolling his eyes.

"Like it's so frustrating hearing those 'we are just good friends' when it's more than obvious that the both of you are all over each other. "

"Exactly." Added the other members.

"But we are really just friends!" I said, raising my voice.

Like it's really annoying hearing this. Not one day but literally everyday. It's not even true! Jungkook doesn't even see me as a girl yet alone a girlfriend!

Well I'd be lying if I said I haven't been crushing on him since forever but I would not want to ruin our friendship for my selfish reasons.

I like it the way it is.

And I hate it when BTS starts these kinds of conversations because it makes Jungkook embarrassed and awkward and it just makes it more obvious that he hates being teased by girls he doesn't like, especially with me.

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