Hug Me

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Dedicated to omgitsbangtan

Hope you like it 😊


*alarm ringing noise*

Ah... It was already morning. I hated the fact that morning came so fast, I could swear that I just went to sleep 10 minutes ago... how tiring.

I get up and set that annoying thing off, seriously why do alarms have to be so noisy?

I checked the time: 06.00

Yeah exactly, you'd be probably wondering why the hell I wake up this early. Well my friends, I am the vice president of the student council afterall. Yeah you could start boo-ing.

Honestly if you ask me how I actually became the vice president I would probably tell you that I really don't know because actually I have no idea how it happened. One day I got grounded because I was late on the first day of school and the other I was elected the vice president of the student council. Ironic, isn't it?

Well maybe I am not that mad about it... because if I hadn't been elected as the vice president and entered the student council... I wouldn't have met him... my angel... Park Jimin.

I couldn't thank God enough for actually letting all of this happen, thanks to everything that happened to me that day I got to meet my mochi sexy boyfriend.

So as I said before the first day of school didn't start off as good for me and after I got grounded for being late I was taken to the student council office and there I met him... he was the most picture-perfect guy I had ever seen... imagine those guys you would see only in anime or in dramas well it looked like one of them had come to life. I couldn't take my eyes of him... he was so damn gorgeous.

He introduced himself saying he was the president of the student council and I just thought to myself, could someone get any better than that? I mean not only he was so freaking attractive but he was intelligent too? Such perfection...

So as you would have already guessed I developed this HUGE crush on him and I couldn't help but admire him from afar. Anywhere I was my eyes would unconsciously search for him. I was pretty smitten.


Unfortunately I wasn't the only one. He was so popular around the school, girls literally fell to his feet just by a single gaze from him, I mean I should have figured it out... It didn't require a genius to put 1 and 1 together and realize that such a person would be indeed really popular. Drop-dead gorgeous girls were in love with him, each time I saw those girls trying to flirt my self confidence fell to 0.

Even so, Jimin always kindly and carefully brushed them away, saying he wasn't interested in having a relationship just yet... which by the way relieved me but at the same time made me sad as I wouldn't have a chance, well not like I had one before.

So it was LITERALLY impossible for me and him to end up together... but we did... and I still can't believe it.

It was just a random day when I heard that the school was re-electing the student council. Jimin was re-elected president, OBVIOUSLY and somehow the next thing I knew was that my name was called as the vice president. YES. JUST SIMPLY AS THAT.

So the day after that I started to go to the student council everyday and thus I saw Jimin everyday. Slowly I started to talk with him more and more, and naturally got to know him, the more the days passed the closer we got and one day out of nowhere Jimin asked me out. YES. HE DID.

"Thunder... I really like you... would you go out with me?" he asked blushing really hard.

I was speechless, I had to pinch myself to believe it was true. Obviously I said yes. I was even redder than a pepper but I was so happy.

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