Chapter One - (Regrets and Interests)

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So this is my first X Reader and book so I'm apologizing in advance for any horrible spelling errors and how horrible the story is in general, that being said I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read my story, Enjoy <3 :-).

(Y/n)'s POV
I shifted uncomfortably against the wall trying to adjust my beenie (not sure if thats the proper name) using the wall to support my somewhat heavy bag. It was Wednesday morning and I was stuck in my least favorite place in the world,school, I stood on my own letting the events of the past few days haunt my memories like an old abandoned graveyard.

"He said he loved you,he said he missed you" Wednesday
"He blocked your number" Thursday
"He drove past you. She was in his car, he kissed her" Friday
"Pretend you're ok" Saturday,Sunday,Monday
"He unblocked your number,he lied about it,you kissed him anyways" Tuesday
"I give up..." Monday

"(Y/n/n)" a soft voice called,pulling me from thoughts. I looked around trying to find the owner of the voice when I was met with a pale, freckled faced, blonde haired girl smiling at me,it was Brittney."Why are you frowning at the wall" she asked giggling. I realized she was talking about the angry expression I had painted on my face, I immediately softened my expression giving a slight chuckle. "I was thinking about Five Nights At Freddy's" I lied "I've been playing that dahm game for months and I still can't get past the 4th night" I continued, rolling my eyes. She shook her head giggling before she let out a slight sigh "Oh (Y/n/n),you and your games, oh reminding me! Have you played that game about that scary guy...Slenderman?". I furrowed my eyebrows and cocked my head to the side like a puppy "Slender what-now?" I squeaked "Man (Y/n/n) SlenderMAN"she exclaimed smiling brightly. I starred at her with an emotionless expression on my face for what felt like forever before bursting into a fit of laughter

"oh no he's going to make you maintain a healthy lifestyle by making you diet and exercise regularly" I exclaimed moving my shoulders up and down "aaah!my worst fear" I shouted in a high pitched sarcastic tone "It is for you,you're a couch potato" she pointed out "But on a serious not (Y/n) he's really scary, look him up" she said shrugging "seeing as you used my full name I'll take a look, but honestly he sounds as scary as a kitten in a cu-" something cut me off,it was high pitched screaming. I swung around making my bag fall from its possition, without the support of the wall I felt the bags weight as it pulled me slightly back. Running towards me was a beautiful black haired girl,she had light caremal skin colour that glissened in the little bits of sun that was shining.

She crashed into me hugging me tightly, as she did so ii stood awkwardly trying to smile but it looked like I was bearing my teeth like a wild animal, she pulled away seeing my failed attempt to smile and she let out a high pitched laugh "ug (Y/n), *gaaaaaaaasp* banquet is friday!are you ready?" she asked excitedly, I lazily gave her a shrug. She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the school bell, "we'll talk about this later" she huffed as we began walking to class...

                                                                *Time skip*

I walked into my house seeing (S/n) (sibblings name) making popcorn, I gave them a week smile before turning the corner to my room. As soon as I got in my room I threw my school bag into a corner and let out a deep sigh, school was terrible because She came up to me, asking questions about him, she was being rude and bitchy"wow this bitch has fucking balls" I thought to myself, the only reason ii didn't knock her teeth out was because you know banquet, and they spent so much money on me and if I fight the school wont let me go and bla bla bladie bla,I rolled my eyes and walked to my bed pulling out the tablet I kept under my pillow. I had remembered this Slender-guy Brittney was telling me about this morning.

I layed on the bed and went to the search engine and typed in "Slenderman" I saw pictures of an extremely tall well dressed figure, he had no facial features and was extremely pale. I read his story "wow" I said raising my eyebrows "that's....something not scary though" i shrugged rolling off the bed. As I stood I looked at the 'subjects relating' column, I got interested and clicked on one plopping back down on my bed . I spent hours reading some of these characters stories, BEN Drowned,Eyeless Jack,Jeff the killer but one particularly caught my eye 'Laughing Jack' I was about to click on the name when my bedroom door swung open,I jumped slightly almost dropping the tablet in the process. At the door stood my father, "Come,we have to get your banquet dress from the dress maker" he huffed then turned walking away again, "oh that" I sighed exiting the pages of the search engine then putting the tablet back under the pillow,then lazily rolling off the bedd before turning and followed my father out the door.

I hope you guys enjoyed it and didn't find it too boring because ii jave an awesome idea for this book-thing.

(Unforgettable Insanity)Laughing Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now