Important A/N!

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So firstly I'd like to thank everyone who is reading my book,it means a lot. Even if it's just a few people it warms my heart!

Secondly I will be writing finals at the end of the month and my parents will be taking all my devices :'( so I will be trying to finish up the book before then luckily its almost finished.

If you do like this book you can take a look at the other book I'm working on it's a Ticci Toby x reader. I think its a bit better then this book if I do say so myself so please check it out <3 I think you might like it.

Since I will be gone for about a month I will bring back another x reader but I'd love to know who you would like me to do it on doesn't have to be a pasta and I would be more then glad to write it but if no one says anything that's cool to I'll just pick a random pasta and go from there.

Again thank you for reading!


(Unforgettable Insanity)Laughing Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now