Chapter Thirteen -Understanding And Forgiveness

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Laughing Jacks POV

BEN,Jessica,Clairisa,Ej and I sat in the TV room watching BEN play video games. Everyone else was out killing for lights out or get out which was happening in the next thirty seconds. Jessica had her head on my chest as we layed on the couch facing the tv. The front door opened then slammed closed and the house went on lockdown. We were left with just the light of the tv

"Who walked In" Clairisa asked

We all watched the figure walk in, their foot steps sounded wet and muddy as they seemed to limp in. We could make out the two swords coming from the figure it was (Y/n)

"Oh it's the cry baby, is she using her baby beenie to cover the ugly hair her daddy pulled?" Jessica mocked and me and Clairisa laughed,Jessica's head bouncing with my chest.

"Come on guys don't be like that,she's our friend. We might be killers but we're not assholes" BEN huffed pausing his game

(Y/n) stood in the dark her breathing heavy,she was weezing. She began to limp forward her foot steps echoed through the room. I ignored her snd ran my hands through Jessica's hair, it was knotted and dirty and had a weird smell.

"(Y/n)!" Ej yelled springing off the couch BEN gasping and floating up too.

I looked over at (Y/n),and to my horror she looked like she had been through hell. She was dripping wet, most of her beautiful skin covered in dirt and mud. She was slouching over holding her stomach, her arms had scratches all over them. Her eye was blue and swollen and her lip was swollen as well. She had blood coming out of her mouth dripping down her chin onto the floor.

What was the worse of all was her white hair was exposed, her beenie was nowhere to be found, her hair hung was wet,dirty and messily. Ej ran over and picked her up bridal style, and her fragile body went limp in his arms. Ej and BEN quickly went up the stairs in Ej's room

I teleported up the stairs to Ej's door, I turned the handle but he's door was locked.

"Laughing Jack, what's wrong with you! I hit my head on the couch! What's up with you ever since this girl showed up you've been so different what happened you know we're supposed to be together we're supposed to be not lonely together!" Jessica shouted walking up the stairs

I ignored her and banged on the door. But no one answered

(Time Skip)

I sat against Ej's door for the past 2 hours and it was 12 o'clock, I pulled a balloon from my sleeve, it was her favorite colour (F/c) and made a balloon animal. Just then the door opened nearly making me fall back.

Ej stepped out then stepped back, I walked in into the secrete room where he would toucher his victoms before harvesting their organs. I walked into the white room and on the hospital bed layed a peaceful (Y/n), she only had on a black hoodie of Ej's and my stripped socks and her hair was still white and exposed.

"She nearly bled out,but Ej saved her" BEN explained

"She had 2 broken ribs,bruises all on her neck,arms and stomach and burns on her arms but she seems to be heeling quickly" Ej explained more

I gave a nod of understanding then picked her up bridal style and carried her to my bed and layed her down covering her with the stripped blankets. I ran my long nails through her soft hair and smiled. I layed down next to her and drifted off to sleep

(Time Skip)

I woke up on something warm and soft, the feeling of fingers in my hair. I looked up to be stairing at big beautiful (E/c) eyes, it was (Y/n) her wounds almost healed. She smiled as she ran her fingers through my hair,she jumped slightly when she saw me stairing at her.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't like me i-i just woke up here" she said nervously,throwing the covers off herself.

She jumped off the bed,her body still weak she fell onto the floor. I jumped off the bed to her and picked her up bridal style putting her back in the bed and pulled the covers over her. She seemed surprised at my actions.

"When you said I should have shot myself I thought it meant you hated me" she spoke barely above a whisper.

"I could never. You know you look beautiful without your beenie"i confessed

She blushed and looked down,a piece of her (H/l) hair fell in front of her face. I brushed it behind her ear then reached into my sleeve and pulled out a bag full of candy and placed them on the dresser then pulled out a piece of paper,a pencil,a black pen and an eraser then handed it to her

She smiled brightly and began drawing away looking up at me every now and then then she finally showed me what she had been busy with (The picture is at the top I just copied it from a picture on my phone,I drew it but the picture is a copy of another picture)

"It's you" she smiled at the picture "I had it on my phone before but I didn't know it was you, it was my favorite picture"

(Gets a little smutty here)

I took the picture and smiled at it. Then put it on the dresser next to the bag of candy. I climbed on top of her and she backed down laying on the pillow behind her, I leaned in and put my lips on hers,her lips were so soft.

She melted into the kiss closing her eyes and putting her arms around my neck. I licked her bottom lip and she gave me access. I grabbed the bottom of the black hoody and began to pull it off leaving in her bra and panty and black and white thigh high socks. (Y/n) pulled away from the kiss with wide eyes.

"You won't make bugs come out of your mouth while we kiss right" she asked proping herself up with her elbows

"I won't do that to you my dear" I said in a smooth,deep voice and a grin

She grabbed my neck and layed down starting to kiss me, I licked her bottom lip for access and she denied, I roughly grabbed her breast and she gasped. I took the opportunity and explored every inch of her wet cavern.

I slowly started grinding on her while fondling her breast and she let a moan. I stopped what I was doing and lifted (Y/n) up a bit so that she was resting on her elbows again.

"Getting exited are we" I said in the smooth deep voice I used before

She turned a light shade of pink then bit her lip and slightly bit her lip. I smiled at her and reached behind her and unclipped her bra...

(sorry no lemon I don't think I will ever write one because it seems so weeeeeeeeeird /(._.)\ but if its wanted I'll write It later for you guys)

(Time skip)
We layed in my bed,the sheets covering only the bottom half of us. I had on my pants,socks and suspenders which for some reason she finds hot (Don't ask). And all she wore the black hoodie from Ej and my socks.

Her head was on my chest as she traced patterns onto my bare skin I kissed the top of her head then feeling down to her waist.

"Has anyone seen smile!?" Clairisa yelled from the distance

(Y/n)'s head sprung up from my chest,her still white hair fell perfectly against her face even though it was a bit messy from the events that happened before which made it even more perfect to me. Her (E/c) eyes were so wide that you would think she saw a ghost.

"Where is smile?" she asked.

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