Chapter Two - Parties And A White Hoodie

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(Y/n)'s POV

I layed comfortably in my bed,I had two blankets draped over me because its winter and unfortunately my room was the coldest in the house. I had two pillows one that supposed my head and the other I cuddled,my head was currently resting on the pillow I was cuddling. Laying in my comfortable position I began to feel hot breathing on my face. I furrowed my eyebrows while my eyes shot open to find my older sibling face to face with me, their nose nearly touching mine.

"Wakey wakey princess,time to get up and clean and get you done for your big day" they said beeming with excitement. I picked up my phone and pressed the lock button "but its ten in the morning" I wined "oh boo hoo this is what you get for wanting to be a princess" they said smiling " well then I hand over my throne, besides I'm no princess if anything I'm a king" I said turning to face the other side.

"Exactly" they said slyly then they ripped my cuddling pillow away,causing my head to hit the the bed then they tossed the pillow to the other side of the room running away shortly after. My head shot up then I scrempt "You dingus!!!" Running after them

Narrators POV

After cleaning,getting her hair and nails done (Y/n) was finally ready for the day everyone was so excited for,the banquet. It was so long awaited that when it finally came it felt surreal. (Y/n) stepped out of her mother's room wearing a royal blue dress. It had long sleeves made of lace,with beautiful flower patterns on the lace, it continued to the back of the dress that had a large whole that showed of her back. The front of the dress had the same pattern clustered together leaving a empty space in the middle where there was plain lace covering it. The lace was met just above with royal blue silk that hugged her body till her knees then flowed out,the back had a large train (if you want to see how the dress looks just let me know)

Her (H/l),(H/c) was curled to the side and for once in (Y/n) life she actually did feel like a princess. People came to take pictures with her and all the usual stuff that happens at these kind of things.

                                                            (Time Skip)

(Y/n)'s POV

I had gotten home from the banquet and I was ready for the after party. I wore a waist high black short shorts with stocking and thigh high boots and a black sparkle crop top,I finished the look with a long navy jersy. I straightened my hair and went down to (S/n)'s boyfriend/girlfriends car, it was me my best friend jenny my sibiling and their partner and we went off to the after party.

We pulled up to the party,it had people pouring out every door and the music was loud. "Shots" Jenny yelled as she hoped out of the car "vodka shots" I shouted high fiving her. We walked In pushing past people and we made our way to the bar,we ordered three rounds of shots and drank them quickly then ordered a (alcoholic drink) and made our was to the dance floor.

I was seeing double after five more shots and two (alcoholic drinks) and now I needed the bathroom urgently. I nugged Jenny and showed her I was going to be back,she responded by waving her hands in the air and grinding on some random stranger.

I stumbled to the bathroom pushing past people just as wasted as I was,dancing twits and the smoke of oka pipes around me, the bathroom was empty which was a surprise to me seeing as it was a huge party. I stumbled into a stall and did my business. When I got out of the stall I saw I wasn't alone,with me was a man,he wore a white hoody with red stains on it,black jeans and sneakers. I couldn't see his face because his hood was up but it seemed like he was looking right at me.

"Did I come into the wrong bathroom" I asked wide eyed. I got no answer,the stranger just looked at me "look im sorry man but I just needed to tinkle mmkay I'll be o-ota yer air nw". I stumbled to that basin and washed my hands "seee squeeeaky clean" I giggled showing him my wet hands, I walked past the stranger towards the door when he grabbed my wrist "I'm giving you till Monday (L/n) then you're mine" he spoke coldly. I pulled my wrist from his grip "gosh bro at leasting buy me ssomme dinner first pfft"

I walked away and opened the door "I've warned you (Y/n) " he said angrily before I walked out and looked at the sign 'Ladies Bathroom' before I could make sense of the situation Jenny grabbed my arm giving me another shot "oooooh yea" I said throwing the shot down.

                                                            (Time Skip)

I woke up 3:00pm Saturday afternoon, my head pounded as I opened my eyes.My mouth was dry and when I swallowed it felt like I was swallowing rocks. I thought about the night before,the dresses,the drinks,the man in the white hoody,the dancing, wait the man in the hoody?! What did he say? He was giving me till Monday,what did that even mean? I was brought out of my train of thought by my phone that vibrated I picked it up and saw I got a message from him

(Phone conversation)

Him: Heeeeello hii :(Y/n/n)

(Y/n): Hey

Him :How was the banquet nu

(Y/n) :It was amazing thank you

Him: And the after party

Him :You looked really stunning I must say nu

(Y/n) :After party was bumpin lol and thanks

Him :Hmm and the boys stayed away I hope or should I say I hope you stayed away from the boys

I nearly through my phone against the wall,I felt rage inside of me. Why was he doing this,insisting on playing the good guy when all he did was make me love him and then cheat on me. He was with her and I knew it but I entertained him still. Maybe because I was scared to be alone and unloved or have my heart broken again.

(Y/n) :Haha yea they stayed away no stress

Him :What are you doing this evening?

(Y/n) :I'm going to play The Sims and you

Him :Coming to visit you,for an oil change?

(Y/n) :Uhm if you want to

Him :Great I'll be there at 9:00pm

*End conversation*

I locked my phone and flopped on my back and thought about what the man in the white hoody ment. Then i got up and started my day.

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