Chapter Eleven - Untitled

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"Why do you think LJ aked that?" Masky asked shoveling a spoonful of cheescake into his mouth

"But it is true right? The saying ' A drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts'" hoody asked

Masky,Hoody,Jeff,EJ,Jessica,Clairisa,Clockwork,Sally,Tobbi,for some reason Photo negative mickey and myself sat in the tv room on our day off even slenderman had decided to join us for our day of relaxation. The room was so full that  some of us just sat on the floor. Only LJ went on a kill today,but before he left he had asked us is what a drunk person says really what they think or is it just mindless babble.

"Hey guys where's smile?" Clairisa asked looking around

"Probably with (Y/n)" Ej answered. Clairisa furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms slumping back into her chair.

"Where is this human anyways? I'd like to meet her" Sally said

"Yeah,why exactly is there a human in the house Slender? I though we killed those things now we're keeping one" clockwork added

"That's what I said! And that girl has an attitude, if she works on my nerves one more time I won't hesitate to make her my meal" Jessica huffed

"Please do, so I can get my smile back!" Clairisa complained

"Well, she did survive a night out in the woods by herself and came out with not even a scratch so maybe she has skill. Besides I happen to think (Y/n)'s pretty cool, and hot" I explained whispering the last part

"Yea well I don't think she's cool" Jeff mumbled

"That's because she beat you" EJ mocked nudging Jeff in the side

"She didn't bea-" Jeff started to yell but then we all heard a high pitched scream.

The scream came from upstairs and then the sound of thumping, the sound got louder and closer and then in came (Y/n) with two swords in her hand and... a pillow case in on her head. Smile ran down just behind her

"Where is it? Which one of you took it?" (Y/n) shouted in anger

"Where is what? The pillow that belongs with that pillow case" Jeff snickered

"This isn't a joke Jeffery I will murder you! I will literally murder who ever took my beenie because that is one joke I do not find funny" she sneared

"Aww is the little baby crying cause she lost he-" Jessica began but was cut off by (Y/n)

"Oh shut up you harlet!" (Y/n) hissed smile growling at Jessica beside her

"Thats it you BRAT you're mine!" Jessica spat

And with that Jessica unhinged her jaw and lunged off the floor at (Y/n). At that point I knew she was a gonner but then (Y/n) did something we all didn't expect. (Y/n) jumped and did a flip then landed on the ceiling,she stared down at Jessica who was now laying on the floor in shock.

(Y/n) had her blades tightly held in her hands as she stood upside down. (Y/n)'s (E/c) eyes changed from (E/c) to a deep red,her face in  a frown while she bared her teeth. Jessica quickly scrambled to her feet then hardened her expression as she looked up at (Y/n)

"Are you not going to do anything" I asked Slenderman

"Let them sort this out themselves" he said calmly

(Y/n) blinked her eyes and they turned from the deep red back to their original colour. (Y/n) jumped from the ceiling at Jessica but Jessica quickly doged it and jumped on the coffee table.

(Y/n) turned to face Jessica then kicked the coffee table from under Jessica sending Toby,Masky and Hoody to quickly flee from the floor by the couch where they had made themselves comfortable as the coffee table crashed into it. But Jessica was too quick though,as (Y/n) kicked the table Jessica sprung into the air.

(Y/n) threw the sword in her right hand at Jessica,the blade caught her black hoody and sent her flying over the couch and against the wall as the blade lodged itself into it,pinning her,her feet a few inches off the ground.

(Y/n) jumped onto the coffee then flew over the couch,she landed in front of Jessica and floated in front of her. (Y/n) took the sword in her left hand and held it against Jessica's throat. Then we all noticed that small things in the room began to float off the ground. Discarded candy wrappers and papers, romotes and even Masky's cheesecake floated into the air

(Y/n) tightened her grip on the sword and grabbed a handful of Jessica's hair with her Right hand, Jessica winced in pain and the floating objects burst into flames. I,along with everybody else stood shocked and confused staring at (Y/n).

Finally I let out a slight giggle,then another one and so did (Y/n) then we burst out laughing. All the things in the room that were set ablaze dropped to the floor extinguished of their flames.

(Y/n) released the fist full of Jessica's hair then pulled her sword out releasing Jessica. Jessica fell to the floor looking up at (Y/n) in shock. (Y/n) then floated back over the coach right next to me.

"Since when are you not so human?" I asked drying the tears

"I'm guessing forever" she shrugged

"First you stab me in the side then you set my cheesecake on fire,do you not like me M.s" masky pouted

(Y/n) looked at masky for a second analizing him she raised her eyebrows and gasped.

"Oh no I'm so sorry about that! But to be fair if you were just attacked by a huge smiling dog and your stalker then a man in a feminine mask, you'd do the same" she pointed out
Landing on the floor and petting smile.

"I am not your stalked" Jeff spat

"D-dude you kind of were" Tobi admitted

Everyone except for Jessica who was on the floor almost forgotten and clairisa who was helping her.

"I hate to cut you're fun time short (Y/n) but I have a mission for you and smile" slenderman said

Slender then got up and walked towards his office and (Y/n) and smile followed

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