Chapter Five - New Beginnings And Worst Fears

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(Y/n)'s POV

Grabbing the pillow I had in my arms tighter my eyes flew open only to be met with darkness. It was then I realized that I was at home in my bed holding my cuddling pillow with the sheets over my head,I touched the top of my head to feel if my beenie was still in it's proper position.

I let out a sigh of relief and pulled the covers off of my head. My eyes widned when I saw that I was not in my room and bed at home. The bed I layed in was queen sized with white sheets,my bed was a single and my sheets where my favourite colour,blue, with dolphins on them. On the left hand side was a simple little window allowing the morning sun to shine into the room

The walls were white and clean with nothing on them not even a simple painting and so was the roof,my room had my drawings of cartoon characters that I had drawn myself stuck all over the wall and was a pale yellow colour that I wasn't a fan of but I kept it that colour anyways. And this room must have been three times bigger then mine.

On the left hand side by the the bed on the far end was a door.

The bed in this room was against the wall in the middle of the room with two bed side tables with a lamp on each one,the dressing table on the left hand side where I was laying had a sketch pad,pencil and eraser neatly placed on it.

I looked for the door that was on the far right hand side of the room planning to find out what exactly was going on. I threw the covers off myself wincing at the sharp pain in my side. I looked at myself to find that I was not wearing my school uniform anymore,I wasn't even wearing my own clothing, my skirt,matric jacket and shirt even my school shoes were no where to be found. Instead I had on a big plain black t-shirt tucked into a pair of big black sweat pants that strings were pulled and tied tight around my waist in order to fit me,I also had black and white stripped socks that reached my thighs under the sweat pants.

Panic began to wash over me when I saw a chain wrapped and locked around my ankle. The chain lead all the way to the leg of the bed which I was assuming was meant to keep me right where I was. My mind ran a thousand miles per hour,my breathing picked up and I could feel the sweat on my forehead. I desperately pulled on the chain around my ankle in an attempt to escape.

"It's no use child" a soothing deep voice spoke giving me a fright

I immediately let go of the chain and looked up to see the well dressed tall,skinny,faceless man I had learned about not too long ago Slenderman! How did he even get in here with out me hearing him?

"Yes child,it is me" he spoke again

Wait can this thing,can this thing read my mind?! Apple,waffles,banana,di-

"Yes,I can read your thoughts. I'd appreciate if you'd call me by my name and not a 'thing' and try not think too dirty,it would be very hard with two bens around here" he answered

My eyes darted down moving quickly from left to right, then finally I looked back at the creature standing at the foot of the bed.

"I'm in hell aren't I?" I asked him my face turning worried

"I am" I said again flopping onto the bed,then shooting back up then looking up at the roof.

"I knew it, ooooh its because im such a mean person! But I can't help that I'm surrounded by idiots! I'm sorry I made fun of every single person I had come in contact with and I'm  sorry that I'm so sarcastic all the time I cant help it! It just falls out of my mouth! And im so-" I shouted before getting cut off.

"Relax child,you're not in hell" he assured me.

I looked back down at him and tilted my head

"Then where am I? I just want to go home." I whispered looking down at my feet

(Unforgettable Insanity)Laughing Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now