Chapter Six - New Friends

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(Y/n)'s POV

The door slammed open and in came the dog that had stolen my school bag. He ran in and tackled me to the floor causing BEN to fall too,the dog began to lick my face as if I was his best friend that he hadn't seen in months.

"Geez Smile did you have to knock me down too" BEN asked rubbing his head

"Oh gosh smile!smile sit! Or something" I yelled trying to avoid the dogs tongue

Immediately the dog obeyed my order and moved back,sitting just in front of me. I scrambled to my feet and walked to the dog who was smiling at me. This dog was so big that when its Sitting this dog was nearly looking me in my eye.

"So you're Smile, I heard you were excited to see me" I said observing him,he responded by licking my face again

"You stole my bag,I hope you covered it in dirt" I said in a baby voice while ruffling his fur

I heard the door close,I looked over to see who closed it. My hands dropped to my side and my eyes widened to the size of saucers. BEN took one look at the door then at me then laughed as if he was being tickled. In through the door walked a monochrome clown with black shoulder length hair and a black and white stripped cone nose,feathers on his shoulder and a half striped black and white top and suspenders, he had bandages rapped around his tourso and hands he also wore puffy pants and black and white stripped socks. He must have been eight feet tall

He walked in sporting a dark frown walking towards the stairs seeming to not notice me when BEN burst into another fit of laughter and he turned towards us. I felt my stomach churn and my mouth go dry. When his eyes met mine his lips curled into a grin then he walked towards us. My heart must have been beating a million miles per second as the clown towered over me.

"A human,how interesting. Are you here to play?" He asked In a kind voice,smile stood up beside me and started growling

"Relax smile I won't hurt your friend,I just want to give her something" he explained his smile never fading,he reached into his sleeve and pulled out a round blue and white sweet rapped in a clear rapper. I lifted my shakey hand and excepted the candy. I wanted to thank him but when I started to speak I felt the bile rise in my throat. He smiled at me amused at my fear in him.

"Well, eat it!" He ordered in a deeper more menacing tone

I jumped a bit at his request and fumbled to open the rapper,then tossing the candy in my mouth. It tasted like blueberry it was the best sweet I had ever tasted. I couldn't help but smile at the amazing taste sensation in my mouth and the clown noticed too widening his smile showing me his row of raisor sharp teeth. My smile was replaced by shock when I looked up at him.

"Do you like it? I made it myself! I can make you more when we play together! And we will play together!" He said excitedly deepening his voice at the last part and frowned.

I shook my head fast in agreement then his face softened " I think those socks really suit you,I'm Laughing Jack by the way"

With that he walked away and leaned against the wall smile following and sitting next to him,I let out a sigh of relief and relaxed my body. The door flung open and in walked the man with the white hoody or Jeff and the man with the blue mask with what looked like black paint dripping out of the eye holes who I assumed was Eyeless Jack

"Oh look EJ,your snack woke up" Jeff said nudging EJ

"Oh look BEN a gorilla just walked into the house" I said half lidded not taking my eyes off of him,everyone giggled,it even seemed like EJ was laughing based on his body movements. I could see that Jeff was angry despite the smile he wore. He stomped over to me then pointed in my face.

"You're terrified and you know it,you're transparent!"  Jeff spat

"Says the surprised ghost" I said laughing

He then threw me over his shoulder in an attempt to show me his dominance

"I could kill you in a heart beat (L/n)! You humans are disgusting creatures" Jeff spat in disgust

"Quick blink once if you're not hideous" I asked. He turned his body causing me to hit my head on the couch then he dropped me off his shoulders making me land on the floor with a dull thud

"Whoops I didn't see you there" Jeff said sarcastically

"That's not fair!" I complained

"Life's not fair" he pointed out

"I suppose you're right,I guess that's why you gotta use cheat codes" I said smiling as I kicked his legs causing him to fall over landing on his back. I took advantage of the moment and jumped on top of him pinning his arms in the floor,a low growl escaped his mouth when I looked up at smile he was sitting next to Laughing and Slenderman.

I scrambled to my feet as Jeff did the same. "It's thirty seconds lights out or get out" Slenderman anounced

"This isn't over (L/n) he said with a grin,everyone walked away in different directions some upstairs and even new faces quickly ran down the stairs and out the house into the night. Then the door and windows began to close by themselves and lock.

"Now you either sit by the light of the tv or go to your room M.s (Y/n)" Slenderman spoke calmly. The Tv room was completely deserted except for me,Smile and Slenderman. I nodded and walked up the stairs to my room and smile followed,when I got to the second last door I saw LJ by the last door. Oh my was my next door neighbor the clown?  put my hand on the door nob and took a last look at jack.

He flashed me a smile with his razor sharp teeth,my eyes widened and I walked into my room forgetting to open the door ending up with me walking into the door. He let out a laugh then disappeared into his room closing the door behind him. I opened my door allowing smile to come in then I closed the door. I took off the large pair of sweat pants and put it neatly on the bed. The black t-shirt was long enough to almost touch the black and white thigh high socks I was wearing just showind a little skin

I got up on the bed and crawled into it as smile made himself comfortable on the floor near my bed. It was a place I'd have to get used to but I had to admit it did feel more at home here then I ever did back there. No more stress,no more fights and no more him... I grabbed a pillow I deemed best to be my cuddling pillow and drifted off to sleep.

(Unforgettable Insanity)Laughing Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now