Chapter Ten - Pain Behind The Truth

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Laughing Jacks POV

The black mist of teleportation had cleared up and now I was standing at the entrence of my monochrome circus. I walked in and as a slower version of circus music played in the background, the rides looked broken down and abandoned but they still worked. There were the spirits of my past victims they all where gorged,mutilated and beaten, letting out low moans and floated around like mindless zombies in search of something, every now and then bumping into each other before changing direction and moaning that way.

I walked through towards the main tent,passing the children trying to avoid bumping into one every now and then. I made my way to the tent, I touched the head of a child, he let out a load moan as if he was afraid I laughed at this. In the tent was a projecter and a video that began to play as I walked in

*In Video*
The setting was a hospital,on the bed sat a young women who looked like (Y/n) holding a bundle of blankets and next to her stood a man whom (Y/n) also resembled. The women seemed to be in tears as the man next to her comforted her. In front of them stood a mn in a white lab coat.

"Im sorry Mr and Mrs (L/n) im afraid your daughter is very sick,unfortunately she probably won't live to see her first birthday" the man in the lab coat spoke

The clip cut to the next part

We were still in a hospital setting with what looked like a 3 year old (Y/n) she layed in a hospital bed,tubes connecting in and out of her fragile little body and what looked like her parents standing next to her in tears as a different man in a lab coat spoke.

"Your daughter seems to have holes in her brain. This might be whats causing her epilepsy... we don't think she'll make it."

The clip cut to the next part

Again we were in a hospital setting, little (Y/n) nowlooked about 6-7 and sat in a hospital bed this time all alone in the darkness. She stared at the ceiling then at the bars around her bed like a big crib she tugged on the cords of the drip as she tried to jump out of the prison but failed miserably then she began to cry.

The clip cut to the next part

Now we were in a totally different place, it looked like a school yard and a now 9 year old (Y/n) sat on a low wall all by herself. She wore a checked green and white dress and her (H/l) hair sat messily as she swung her legs. A group of girls walked passed her snickering and laughing at her

(Y/n) balled her hands into little fists her face turned into a deep frown as she watched them walk away. As soon as they passed (Y/n) loosened her fists and softened her expression letting out a deep sigh then slouching.

The clip cut to the next part

It looked like we were in a house now with (Y/n)'s father screaming and shouting in rage holding a bottle of alcohol in his hands and (Y/n),her mother and her sibling watching him. (Y/n) now looked 17, so a year before now...(btw You're 18 in the story) her hair was much longer then what it looks like today but she looked so beautiful why would she cover up? (Y/n)'s mother grabbed her arm while her father wasn't looking and whispered

"Go hide your fathers gun"

(Y/n) nodded then quickly ran to what looked like the room her parents occupied then ran over to the bed. She leaned over and grabbed a pistol then ran next door to what must have been her room. Rummaging through her draws she pulled out a black beenie the one she so lovingly wore today and stuffed the gun in it then stuffing it back into her draw and exited the room.

As she left the room her father came walking towards her then grabbed a large chunk of her hair in his hand, twisting it and cursing at her,she quickly kicked her father in the gut then ran into her room locking the door behind her.

She slid down against the wall onto the floor as her father yelled and banged on the door. She furrowed her eyebrows as she stumbled up to the draw where she had hidden her fathers gun. She picked up the beenie and took out the gun. Tossing the gun back into the draw and closing it with her leg she put the black beenie on her head.

The clip cut to the next part

It now looked like a few months before now. (Y/n) sat up cross legged in an unfamiliar bed and laying next to her was a boy... he was shirtless and bad the blankets covering his bottom half. He stared at (Y/n) who was only wearing a big black hoody and her famous black beenie. From the whole scene I could only take that they had done the deed.

"So did you at least have friends in hospital" he asked

"Nah, everyone where I was,was to sick. I could never really think about being friends with anybody because they'd either get discharged or die" she said playing with the sleeves of the hoody

"Weren't you lonely?" He asked sympathetically

"You get used to it I guess that's why I never get close to anybody but to be fair I've always preferred to be on my own but sometimes I don't want to be alone" he let out a small chuckle "I guess you can call me a lonely loner" she said giving a heart breaking smile.

"You're not alone anymore! You've got me and I promise I'll never hurt you, I love you" he said sutting up and hugging her kissing her all over her face as she giggled looking genuinely happy

The clip cut to the next part

(Y/n) was walking in the road with two friends holding three small bright red packets of crisp,she smiled widely as she looked at the crisps

"Geez guys I've been craving these crisps for fiveever!" She exclaimed

Just then her bright smile faded as a green car pulled up past them,you could see into the rear window. There was the guy from the previous clip in the driver seat and a unknown girl in the passenger seat. They leaned in for a kiss then the girl got out of the car.

"(Y/n) isn't that -" her one friend began to speak

(Y/n)'s expression was full of hurt and heart break bit she quickly changed it to a surprised smile when her friend turned to face her.

"Yeaaa" (Y/n) said widening your smile

(Y/n) walked to the drivers seat she stared at the boy with a blank expression. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out,poor (Y/n) looked like she was drowning. (Y/n) closed her mouth and gave a thumbs up then walked away from the vehicle.

She had her left hand on her beenie and her right hand was balled on her face. Her face was twisted into such a deep frown that it looked like it could lock that way. As she got farther away from the scene it seemed like her body went limp and the tears rolled down her face.

The clip cut to the next scene

It looked like later on that day. (Y/n) sat on her bed, her legs were up and her head rested in between her knees as her arms rested on each knee. In her left hand was a tissue covered in red stains and in the right a blade...

Then the screen went blank

I sat there stairing at the black screan. It all made sense now,with that I stood up. Slenderman said I needed to kill or at least find my next pray. The black fog consumed my body and I teleported away.


So honestly I only expected like five people to read my story, but I'm guessing that more people then that at least took a look at it which makes me very happy. I've been going through a tough time with school they want me to dye my hair from reverse ambre blond and brown to black :-( and now I'm very sick with flu or some crap like that and other things and all of that and it kind of reflects in my story. But I'd like to thank everyone who even just taking a look at my cover because it warms my heart <3 :-) ii love you all


(Unforgettable Insanity)Laughing Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now