Chapter Three - The Beast

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(Y/n) POV
It was monday morning and I happily jumped out of my transport,today I decided that I would wear the school skirt instead of a pants which I never did, I would always wear the baggiest school uniform I could,I had my earphones in my ears playing music,I was listening to Sledgehammer By Rihanna,i liked that song because I could relate to the lyrics,pushing aside the weird events that had occured that weekend I had a feeling today was going to be a good day. As I stood in front of my school. I was greeted by my beautiful friend Zaneeta,she jumped up and walked over to me gave me a quick hug and then we both started walking into the school,it was still empty because we had arrived so early. As we did so she walked in behind us, " How's the whole 'you know who' situation?" She asked sympathetically, my expression hardened as I furrowed my eyebrows giving her a gaze that could kill,I then softened my gaze now giving her a smirk while letting out a small laugh " I give up hun." I finally answered "Its ok (Y/n) don't be sa-" she began but I cut her off with my singing.
" And I will rise up from the ashes now, ashes now
Oh,the sparrow flies with just the crumbs of loving spilled yeah"

I was about to sing the next line but I felt an elbow in my side,i looked at Zaneeta her eyebrows were furrowed and she was staring at the floor "Do you hear that?" she aked. I pulled my right earphone out and listened closely "sounds like a dog" I said looking at her,we both turned around to see where the sound was coming from. What I saw coming around the corner nearly made my heart stop,it was a dog,a husky I think. I wasn't too focused on what type of dog it was I was focused on the size of it,it was huge,bigger then any of the biggest dogs ever seen! It made those dogs look like puppy's compared to it. I stood staring at this beast running into the school, she and Zaneeta must have been as freaked out as I was because they were standing and staring at it instead of fleeing like the few other people who were there.

Watching the dog running I quickly realized that it was running right at me,my eyes widened as the dog tackled me to the floor,my school bag cooshening my landing. I layed on the floor motionless watching its every move as it towered over me. The dog turned its head and pounced again, this time at her,it grabbed the sleeve of her school shirt ripping it as she landed on the floor with a thud. I quickly realized that while the beast was distracted I could get up and run,I began shuffling backwards trying to get away but it turned its head and looked at me and before I knew it I was now face to face with it. It took slow deep breaths then huffing them out, the dogs face was so close to mine I could feel his warm breath on my skin. Looking up at this living nightmare I couldn't help but notice the tag he was wearing, it had no writing only a circle with a large X in the middle,I cocked my head a bit realizing that I've seen the symbol before.

As I analized the the tag,this... thing did something that made my blood run ice cold. It was smiling at me with human like teeth. Before my mind could process what was happening the dog moved forward as if to bite me, I quickly covered my face with my arms turning slightly to the side. I felt my arms being torn from my face and pulled over my head and with that I was dragged a bit upwards,it stopped and my head hit the floor. I looked up to see this creature running towards the fence that seperated the field from the school buildings with my school bag? Ignoring the people coming to help me and see if I was ok and I sprung from the floor running after the dog. When I reached the fence the dog was already on the other side, which was impossible because the fence was far to narrow for the dog to go through it and way too tall for the beast to jump regardless of its size.

I watched the dog running away on the field stopping by a man with a white hoody, my eyes widened when I recognized the figure, the man from the party. The man took my school bag from the dog glancing at me as he did so then turning and walking into the distance till him and the dog were unseen...


So it might be a chapter or two before I actually include Jack but trust me he's coming, don't stress dear children

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