Chapter Eighteen

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Narrators POV

(Y/n) and L.j sat on L.j's bed, (Y/n) had the sketch pad that sat in her room the first day she had gotten to her new home. She smiled down at it as she sketched away, L.j stared at her,her (E/c) eyes sparkled as she smiled down at the picture.

"What are you drawing love?" L.j asked trying to peer at the drawing.

(Gets a little smutty)

(Y/n) slamed the sketch pad shut and smiled at L.j,she leaned in and passionately kissed him. L.j was a bit surprised but he melted into the kiss, (Y/n) climbed on top of L.j and he leaned back onto the bed using his elbows as support. (Y/n) started grinding on L.j, he smiled into the kiss.

"I love how kinky you're getting Ms (L/n)" L.j grinned

"Well... I learn from the best" (Y/n) said pulling his suspenders off

"You know what I like (Y/n) ?" L.j asked stopping their activities

"What?" (Y/n) asked sitting up

"Your beautiful (H/l),white hair. I'm so happy you stopped covering it up" he said running his fingers through her hair. She blushed a bright shade of pink

They smiled at each other then went back into the moment of passion, L.j began trying to undress (Y/n),but then a loud crash was heard in the inner house. Then there was a feminine scream and a loud demonic growl. More crashing then it went silent

"What was that?" (Y/n) asked worried

"I don't know love,we better go check it out" L.j replied

(Y/n) gave a quick nod then floated off him,grabbing her swords swinging them into striking position. L.j got off the bed and leading the way out of the room,(Y/n) floating after him. They got to the marble stair case and into the tv room.

It was in shambles, the tv was smashed into pieces so was the coffee tabe. The sofa's were flipped and torn into. Hoody layed in the middle of the floor, unconscious and Clairisa sat on the floor rocking back and forth and death stood at the front door.

(Y/n) put her swords back in their holders and ran over to Clairisa.

"What happened here?" (Y/n) asked touching Clairisa slightly

"She took them, she took them!" She yelled starting to cry

"(Y/n)! Hoody needs help" L.j yelled

(Y/n) floated to Hoody's unconscious wounded body,she layed his head on her lap. Death floated closer, (Y/n) looked at death who returned the look. She placed her hand on Hoodys chest. Yellow patterns of light formed from (Y/n)'s arm onto Masky's chest, they danced around on his motionless body. (Y/n) white hair danced in the air as she performed her miracle power.

(Y/n)'s eyes sparkled at the light show that took place in front of her,it was her first time seeeing what her healing magic looked like. The others in the room watched in amazement at the display of lights.

"Th-they t-took him" A week voice whispered. It was Hoody

"Who did they take?" (Y/n) asked holding Hoodys hand.

"I d-didn't even g-get t-to t-tel him how I f-f-feel" he stuttered

"Jessica, she,she went mad she,she,she..." Clairisa began to explain breaking down into tears

"What women what?!" L.j asked clearly getting frustrated

"She turned into a beast!" She sobbed "and and she hurt Hoodyh and and she took them" she said weeping

"WHO" (Y/n) yelled helping Hoody sit up

"M-Masky and Smile" she sobbed more

"The bitch took who?" (Y/n) growled through her teeth

Clairisa started sobbing even more,slidding down the wall she was pressed against. (Y/n) went to Clairisa and lightly grabbed her arm.

"What did she say Clairisa,did she say why?"

"She said she's going where she'll be appreciate and she'll get what she deserved she said something about a man named...Abethest..." Clairisa explained whipping the tears from her eyes.

(Y/n) froze,her stomach sank and she felt her body go numb. He said he'll be back,he hurt you and now he's coming after your family. L.j noticed (Y/n) staring worridly at the floor

"Are you alright kiddo?" L.j asked

"What the efing hell happened here?!" Jeff exclaimed walking through the door

"Are you g-guys alright?" Toby asked

(Y/n) looked sick,she got up wobbling as she made it to her feet. She floated to the door past Toby,E.j and Jeff who noticed her state. (Y/n) landed outside almost falling in the process, she ran behind a tree and threw up. The others looked at her in horror. L.j puickly ran up to her.

"Speak to me kiddo! Tell me whats going on here..." L.j said as he rubbed circles on her back as she hunched over

(Y/n) stood up strait whipping her mouth then her watery eyes.

"It all started when I went on my first mission" (Y/n) began.

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