Chapter Nine -Confessions

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(Laughing Jacks POV)

I paced up and down in my room,smile sat in a corner with his ears down whimpering every now and then. I heard a faint knock on the door then the person came in, it was Ticci Tobi

"A-are you okay J-jack" he asked worried

"Yeah I'm okay Toby" I sighed

"You know J-jack I'd never thought you'd l-like a human, if anything I-I would t-think you would like J-Jessica" he ticked

"Jessica? Huh Don't insult me Toby besides I don't like any humans" I spat

There was a clicking sound meaning that I could go search  for (Y/n). I bolted past Toby into the hallway smile running by my side. I felt a hole in my stomach what if she's dead? As I made my way down stairs Slender was at the bottom with a shovel. I stopped at the bottom of the staircase then slender and I calmly walked towards the door smile followed close behind.

I opened the door and on the porch was (Y/n) sleeping peacefully. I let out a sigh of sweet relief as I looked at her. She was wearing her suit but it was all white and she was wearing a black cloak, where in hell could she have gotten that? When my eyes met with the bottle she held in her hands I furrowed my eyebrows.

Why did she have to drink? What was the point!? I took the bottle and flung it at a tree and it shattered into pieces the remaining liquid soaking the bark of the tree. Smile rested his head on (Y/n)'s lap.

"Change her into some normal clothing and put her to bed" slenderman ordered

"How the hell did she survive?" I asked slenderman

"That's a question we should ask her" he replied then walked back to his office.

I watched Slenderman walk away then I turned to (Y/n). I picked up her sleeping form then carried her bridal style to my room then placing her carefully on my bed,smile layed near her bed protectivly. I walked into her room and picked up the oversized tshirt she was wearing the day before.

I went back into my room to find (Y/n) sitting up fiddling with her beenie. When she saw me she cracked a huge smile.

"Jaaaaaaaaack!" She screamed joyfully

"(Y/n) are you still drunk" I asked her ab eyebrow raised

"Nooo" she said shaking her head and rolling her eyes, she began to crawl on the bed but her arms couldn't hold her weight so she fell face first on the bed.

"Ok,maybe a little" she admitted

I walked over to her and looked her in her beautiful (e/c) eyes,she staired at me half lidded still wearing that huge smile.

"Why do you drink (Y/n)?"  I asked her stirnly. Her smile faded and her eyes widened and she looked at me as if I was asking her to jump out a window. Her smile returned then she began singing.

"You're gone and I gotta stay
High all the time
To find
To buy all the time
You keep you off my mind,oo oh oo oh
Spend my days locked in a haze
Trying to forget you babe
I fall back down
I gotta stay high all my life
To forget im missing you"

I smiled at her beautiful voice placing a hand on her cheek,my smile turned into a sad expression when I thought about what she had just sung. I started undressing her leaving her in a bra and panty. My cheeks tinted pink as I looked at her perfectly curved body. Quickly I put the tshirt on,I picked her up to pull the t-shirt strait. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Death said I fancy you" she said softly. My face turned a bright shade of pink.

"But he's wrong" she said blankly she turned to face me then frowned at me. My heart sank at those words and a horrible scowl creeped onto my face. She put her finger onto of my nose then pushed it down,she placed her soft lips on my forehead.

"I Love You, but I'm scared love hurts so bad." she whispered sounding as if she was going to cry then let go of me,dropping onto the bed with a giggle then fell asleep again.

I stood there in shock,did she just say she loves me. Could something so beautiful love a monster like me an what did she mean love hurts? No she's probably talking crap she's just drunk, I grabbed a fresh pair of my socks and put it on for her. I pulled some blankets over her and kissed her forehead.

"I Love You Too" I whispered shaking my head.

I looked at the beautiful figure laying in my bed, why did she drink,it brought back such horrible memories and what did that song mean? I placed my hand on her head, touching her beloved beenie, I don't think I've ever seen her hair well not properly anyways

I took advantage of the situation and carefully pulled off the beenie, her (H/l),(H/c) began to fall delicately out of it like silk, it must have turned back to (H/c) when I took off the suit. Before I even had the beenie off her head she had pulled the covers over her head as if to hide her head. What was she hiding anyways?

I smiled slyly then clicked my fingers,her beloved black beenie disappeared.

"I think I should take a closer look at whats going on in your head my sweet (Y/n)" I said to myself

I placed my hand on her forehead or at least I think it was and clicked my fingers letting the black fog teleport me away.

(Unforgettable Insanity)Laughing Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now