Chapter Seven -Understanding

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(Y/n)'s POV

My eyes fluttered open as I began to stretch and yawn. My eyes adjusted to the light because my curtains were open. Standing at the foot of my bed was a man,he wore an all black cloke with a hood that covered his face and around his neck was a chain in the shape of an hour glass with sand running in it. In his hand was a synth. It was looking at Death himself

I looked at him in shock as he stared right at me. Was it my time to die,i thought Slenderman said me dying would be a waste of power or something like that. After what seemed like an eternity he lifted his hand and signalling me to follow him. Without thinking I jumped to my feet and followed him out the door,smile sheepishly following me.

Death floated over to LJ's room and quickly opened the door then floated inside. I hesitantly followed him into the room. To my surprise Jacks room was as plain as mine except for his black and white stripped bedding and the board games scattered on a desk in the corner.

Death stopped and stared at the wall opposite the door. Suddenly a hologram had popped up in the direction Death had been staring at and the colourful face on the hologram had spocken up "Hey Kido I'm Laughing Jack" I walked over to Death and watched Laughing Jacks origins.

Laughing Jacks POV

I slammed the front door and walked past BEN who was yelling at the tv screen again. I roled my eyes and walked up the stairs towards my room. As I got closer I saw that my room door was open, I furrowed my eyebrows and walked quickly over to my room to see (Y/n) standing alone stairing at the wall

"How did you get in here?" I asked. She jumped a little and turned to look at me with a  surprised expression on her face.

"Oh Jack I was here with Dea-"she started pointing at the emptyness next to her, her expression turned confused as she searched the room.

"Well I was with him" she mumbled.

Something seemed different about her,she didn't seem scared or nervous around me like she did when I first met her,she seemed kind of... sad. Her gaze was sympathetic and soft. I stared at her soft (S/c) skin and rosey pink lips. Her (E/c) eyes sparkled as her gaze never fell from mine and the tips of her (H/c) hair peeking from that black beenie she never took off.

She played with the end of the ridiculously huge top that EJ had borrowed her and her feet were pointed so that her toes would touch. She still had on my black and white stripped socks that actually looked kind of cute on her. In years I hadn't seen beauty in anything,but right now at this moment I felt like there was staring at the most beautiful creature in the world. It felt like I was seeing her for the first time and I couldn't help but lighten my expression.

" uh Jack, are you okay?" she spoke softly tilting her head slightly,I hardened my expression again as I gave her my attention again.

"I'm fine! Just don't wonder in here without letting me know" I spoke firmly. She gave me a nod and headed towards the door. She turned and pulled me into a tight embrace. I was shocked,just yesterday I had her so scared she could barely talk now she was hugging me. The only people who hugged me were the kids I prayed on,you know, before they become my victims.

No one her age had ever hugged me,especially since she had a fear of clowns. To be honest it was kind of nice. I slowly gave into her embrace and wrapped my arms around her lifting up then she finally spoke.

"You know I'm not a fan of clowns but to be fair I'm not a fan of people either. I know how it feels to be lonely, and I'm sorry that that's what you've been through" her grip on me tightened " but you're not alone anymore, we can play a card game later if you like..." she finished giving me a kiss on the cheek. She jumped down and walked out the door,smile troting behind her.

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