Chapter Twelve -Still Alone...

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(Y/n)'s POV

"I'm supposedly the most powerful one in the house besides Slender and what's my mission? Destroying the cameras that caught Jeff, Masky and Ej kidnapping me" I explain

Walking through the Slender forest with smile showing me where to go,the Grim Reaper decided to tag along on my first mission. No one in the house took my beenie so I had to be creative, I tied a black shirt around my white hair.

"You wouldn't be able to handle a mission the rest of your friends go on" Death pointed out "You're not a killer"

"How do you know" I asked in a child like manner

He turned to look at me and I let out a giggle. Smile happily walked in front of us, Death floated with black smoke coming from the bottom of his cloak. I looked at this and floated in front of him waiting for and answer.

"And why is there smoke coming from the bottom of your cloak,is it angry smoke" I spoke again chuckling a bit.

"You have the power to give life,killing is the opposite of what you're meant to do" Death explained

"Like if someone dies can I bring them back?" I asked curiously

"No,once their dead thats my territory,only I can bring them back. You on the other hand give life to anything else... any new life even inanimate object. But also you have the power to stop death provided you get there first. And healing,you can heal others and you heal fast,yourself" He told me

We floated after smile a little further and I began to see the end of the forest.

"Why are you so grumpy all the time?why aren't you ever happy?" I asked

"There is no happiness in death" he said bluntly

"There's happiness in everything, it just takes a little effort to see it why do you thimk I lasted that long?" I said smiling warmly

"So I have one more question though, can someone love people like us? get married and have kids,let them and our new friends be our main priority instead of missions all the time? Like you and me is it possible to lead those kind of lives" I asked

"If we wanted to,we just have to love the right person" he answered

Smile came to a hult, as soon as death answered the question he let out a low growl then turned and walked in the direction we came in. Then we heard foot steps and out of nowhere Lj came walking past, he had an angry expression painted on his face. Immediately I smiled.

"Hey Jack, look I got my first mission" I yelled excitedly. But he walked on as if I wasn't there

"Jack?" I called, he walked past not even daring to look in my direction. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm.

"Why don't you ask your little boyfriend that you want to run away with! You should have shot yourself with your fathers gun, you don't belong here" he spat then yanked his arm away.

He reached into his sleave and pulled out my black beenie and threw it in my face and with that he walked away.

I stared at the black beenie in my hand, I felt a tear role down my face and fall on the floor,it made a sizzle noise as it burnt the leaves it had landed on. This is why I don't love this was why I stayed to myself and this was probably why the only comfort I found was in death.

"Must I end him" Death spoke in a low almost demonic voice

"No, but how did he know about that, the only person I told was-" I asked before Death cut me off

"No one hurts you, now that I'm here so I'm going to ask again... Must I End Him!?" He spoke now in a completely demonic tone

"No death don't do anything just leave him alone maybe he deserves it" I sighed pulling the shirt I covered my head in and put my beenie back on my head.

"I have souls to get, I'm leaving" he said still in a demonic tone. And then teleported out of sight

Was death mad at me? And smile and Lj? What did I do and what did he mean boyfriend is he...nevermind he probably isn't. I walked out or the forest putting the hood of my suit and running to the place where I had been kidnapped. It was pouring rain just like the day I was taken.

It was actually quite weird being back home, it never felt like home more like a place I stayed and now so did the Slender Mansion. I made my way up through the rain to the cameras and pulled out one of my swords then cut them where they stood. Luckily in my old town people were too stupid to check the cameras first... huh idiots.

"I agree" a dark voice spoke.

I turned around pulling out my other sword ready to defend myself,it's weird that after that night in the forest I was able to master using them without any training.

"Who goes there" I yelled, gosh did I really just say that.

"It is me, Abethest (Another made up character but im sure you picked that up)" he spoke stepping into my field of vision

He was tall but not as tall as Slenderman or Laughing jack. He had pitch black hair and black eyes. He smiled with jaged teeth like LJ and he wore a Black coat

"So you're the life giver,aww how cute you're a newbie!" He mocked

"Doesn't mean I won't hesitate to cut your head off" I growled

"Awww trying to sound tuff how cute! Now listen here my beautiful princess,this is whats going to happen. You're going to come with me and we are going to work with me to make my new army to kill those pastas you love so much and help me rule as my queen" he explained

"Uhhh I have a few problems with your little plan
1: Don't call me beautiful you're gross
2: I would rather die then help you!
And 3: I'm no queen, I'm a king" and with that I threw my right sword at him.

He dodged it and the sword boomeranged back at me and I caught it. He threw plazma bombs at me but I doged every one.

"Oh I'm so glad I got to you before you learned to use your powers" he chuckled then. I have more?!

He threw a plazma bomb at me in that ten seconds I was distracted, it knocked me too the ground knocking my swords out of reach. He then pounced on me holding my neck while punching me repeatedly. He got up and stomped me in my stomach then kicked me in my side.

"You hurt everybody that could of helped you!" He paused stamping me on my left hand "Aww did I hurt my princess?" He mocked giving me another blow in the face "I'll leave you,for now but I'll be back" he pulled the beenie off my head and put it in his pocket then he walked off into the darkness.

I was left on the floor bleeding and hurt in the rain, I gasped at every breath because it hurt so badly. I pulled myself up and limped to my swords and placed them in my holder with my right hand. The place was quiet and all that could be seen was the little bits of street that the streetlights illuminated.

I hunched over and grabbed my hurt stomach, and let the tears I had been holding in for years flow like a waterfall, I had felt like I had hit rockbottom. I sobbed and fell to the floor trying to breath despite the pain.

I took a deep breath in and pulled myself up again never letting go of my stomach. I stumbled up and looked around,then limped towards the forest.

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