Chaper Eight -True Power

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(Y/n)'s POV

I ran out into the woods,I had to catch Death even... well even if it killed me. I ducked under low hanging branches and jumped over large roots of old trees. I was tired,I couldn't run anymore I stopped in my tracks bending over holding my stomach. I felt the bile rise in my throat,forcing it down I stood up and called for him

"Death! I know you're here!" I yelled walking on

The night was quiet,not even an insect stired, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of the twigs snapping under my feet. I took another sip from my now half full bottle of vodka and took rest on a fallen down tree in defeat. I let Slendermans words run through my mind

"You're suicidal,You never belonged there" I slumped down on the rotting tree taking yet another sip from the bottle.

"Then where do I belong?" I asked out loud

"You are where you need to be" a dark deep voice answered but the voice didn't speak english, it spoke a foreign ancient language but some how I'd understood it as if it were my mother tongue. I spun around to see The Grim Reaper floating behind me. I fell off the tree and flopped to stand up again. When he was near I didn't feel as drunk, my mind was fine but my body still felt the effects.

"You!" I spoke in amazement of the figure that now floated in front of me

"You don't know do you?" He asked

All I could do was stare at him,my mind in a horribly confused state and the alcohol didn't help either. We stood silently as if he was leaving me process the events that unfolded in front of me.

"Am I ganna die?" I finally spoke

"No" he said slowly

"What then?" I asked impatiently

"You already know that you're destined for greatness" he said bluntly and shrugged. My eye twitched thats it! I didn't care if he was Death or how drunk I was,I was going to get answers.

"What do you even have to do with my 'great power' anyways YOU'RE DEATH" I screamed swaying back and forth. He let out a chuckle.

"It's our first proper meeting and already you're being feisty" he said chuckling slightly.

"Our first proper meeting" I repeated

"You see,you and I are completely different as you know I'm Death but you,you have the power of life and the power to heal along with much more" he explained

"Like reincarnation?" I asked my eyebrows raised. He let out a low hum

He walked towards me pulling out a necklace just like his except instead of white sand running through the hour glass the sand was black. He tied the necklaces around my neck. My suit started changing from black to white,my hair stayed the white. Instead of thigh high boots I had on timberlands and thigh high white socks. My feet left the ground,I was floating!

"Now you can make sure your little friends stay immortal,especially that clown you fancy because if you or your friends get hurt you could still die. You work for the thin man but you're still my partner " he said

My face went as red as a tomato. I could never fancy a clown it wasn't something that was ever possible for me. The thought gave me butterflies in my tummy then all of a sudden I was thrust into the air like a rocket dropping the bottle of alcohol. Going higher and higher I couldn't even scream for help.

I went through the clounds seeing the sky that was dimly lit by the rising sun,it was beautiful as if looking at artwork. I'd stopped flying and began falling back to the ground again but it didn't feel like I was falling it felt like I was being set free.

The floor came closer and closer every second,as I was about to hit the floor but as if second nature I'd began to fly doing corkscrews in the air and flying above the trees. I flew high and low but finally turned back and landed next to Death yawning tiredly. Death floated over to me, my heavy eyes closed as I felt him wrap me in something then pick me up bridal style

He floated for a while then finally set me on a hard surface placing the bottle I had dropped back into my hands

"Sweet dreams young one" was the last thing I heard before drifting into a deep sleep.

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