Chapter Sixteen -Team Work And Moving On

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Narrators POV

"On the contrary my dear" (Y/n) said

"Uhh and I was in the mood for a good kill" Jeff sighed happily

About seven policemen came into the bedroom and saw the scene a white wearing sword holding girl, a floating elf, a mad man with an everlasting smile,a smiling dog, a extremely tall monochrome clown and two naked,bloody idiots pressed up against the wall on the floor.

"The nabour said that he had heared some ruckes here but I never expected it to be this bad. You people better get on the ground and tell me who the hell you freaks are!" A policewoman shouted

"Oh no, it seems you've seen too much" (Y/n) said with the same sinister smile on her face

"And now you've gotta Go To Sleep" Jeff said in a dark voice

The policemen looked at them confused at what they ment but before they could process the happenings Jeff had pounced on one of the policemen stabbing him in the heart. The rest of the policemen jumped in surprise pointing their guns at Jeff the closest policeman starting to shoot at him. (Y/n) jumped in front of Jeff deflecting the bullets with her swords.

BEN floated behind the policeman and snapped his neck. (Y/n) jumped at the policewoman pointing the right sword at her neck,then ducked when Jeff pounced at the women stabbing her repeatedly,blood splattered all over them. L.j stood against the wall twirling the red loli pop in his had with a ridiculously large grin on his face.

Three of the policemen fired at them and the last one ran to the cruiser to call for help. (Y/n) covered them by swinging her swords again,she threw her right sword at one of the men and it landed in his shoulder. The policeman fell back howling in pain,the other two policemen ceased fire trying to help their co-worker.

Jeff jumped onto one of the policemen and BEN glitched over to the other snapping his neck. Jeff repeatedly stabbed the policeman laughing like a maniac.

"Well" Jeff asked

"Well what?" (Y/n) asked

"Kill Him" Jeff huffed pointing at the man with (Y/n)'s sword in his shoulder.

"What?! No!" (Y/n) screamed

"Fine,I'll do it myself" Jeff grunted. He went to the man and slit his throat.blood pouring out of the freshly made wound

Smile ran after the policeman who went to call for help, before the man could reach the car he was tackled by the dog. Smile bit into his neck the shook his head, tearing the mans head clean off his body.

"Your first real fight with us,you look so hot with blood all over you" BEN said pervertedly

"BEN" L.j growled gritting his teath

(Y/n) looked over, they were still sitting against the wall,fear written on their faces. They were covered in blood and were in pain. (Y/n) walked over and put her hand on his face. Jeff grabbed her wrist and pulled her to her feet.

"What are you doing" Jeff spat at her

"I'm trying to heal them" (Y/n) said innocently

"No, people like them deserve what they get! I may be on my own vibe and angry most of the time but it doesn't mean I don't care about my own kind" he explained bluntly

"Aww Jeee-" (Y/n) began

"Don't even" Jeff interrupted

"But his right, you were scared to love, you were hurt because of them (Y/n)" L.j added

(Y/n) looked at L.j,Jeff and BEN then at them she knitted her eyebrows then walked out the door leaving everybody in the room confused. (Y/n) walked back into the room with a house phone then stood in front of them.

"I didn't ask you to flirt with me and make me fall for you. It wasn't a must. But for you to let me pour my heart out after you used me well... thats just cold, even on these guys standerds and they kill people for fun. So yeah Jeff is right,you deserve to bleed to death"

(Y/n) threw the house phone in her face, she walked towords the door with the guys following behind her, she stopped at the dead policeman with her sword still embedded in his shoulder then pulled it out.

"Oh and if you tell ANYBODY that you saw me or my friends I'm going to make sure my friend Jeff over here to kill you as slow and painfully as possible. Then I'm going to make sure my partner Death ensures you burn in hell were you belong (if the reference is too much I apologize) so... I don't know how you're going to explain this" she said looking at the corpses on the floor. She then put the sword in its proper holder.

They all walked out the door (Y/n) and L.j hand in hand.

They went to the tv then glitched out back to their home.

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