Chapter Fourteen- The Start Of Something New

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So I got caught doing something really bad soo I might not be updating in a while... cause I might get my teeth kicked in then have my tablet taken away... uhm I just want to say that the thought of anybody reading this and enjoying it will bring happiness to my horribly dull life. U guys don't even know how bad im going to get it so all ii ask is that you enjoy and thank you again for reading. I know I might get a fnaf mike x reader out if im alive after this so you have that to look forward to.


(Y/n)'s POV

I floated off the bed,my legs were like jelly and were sore. Lj jumped from the bed and went down the stairs. Everyone was sitting in the Tv Room talking and laughing,when we walked in all eyes were on us. BEN jumped up on the couch his face twisted into a perverted grin.

"Lj, you got some! When is it my turn (Y/n)" he yelled

It was then that I noticed my attire and my face went red as a tomato,Lj had a triumphant smile as he wathed me go red in the face. He took me in his arms,holding me in a tight embrace.

"Try anything you little twit and I will break you in half" Lj growled.

Lj looked at me in my eyes still not letting me go,he sweeped all the hair onto the other side of my head,i guess he really loved playing with my hair. He gave me a kiss on my cheek then he let me go and I floated up again.

"Where's Slender guys?" I asked

"In his office" Hoody replied. With that we floated out of the tv room towards Slendermans office.

"Why aren't you walking (Y/n)! Why aren't you walking?!" BEN shouted while laughing

I floated to the doorway and gave BEN a death stair. BEN ducked as lasers shot at him and hit the wall behind him. Do I have laser vision?! My thoughts were interrupted by LJ pulling me by my waist into slendermans office. My mind snapped back into panic when I entered Slendermans office

"Slender! Slender! Slender!" I yelled frantically

"Yes children, have a seat." Slenderman said calmly. My expression turned from worried to a lazy half lidded smile.

"Oh,why thank you Slender" I said lazily,I pulled the chair and sat down, then jumped up again slamming my hands in his desk repeating "Slender! Slender! Slender!" Laughing Jack leaned against the door frame chuckling.

"Yes child" slender sighed

"Where is he where's smile?" I asked frantically

"I'm afraid he is where you fear he would be" Slenderman said sympathetically

"Oh no" I said raising my eyebrows

I clenched my fists and knitted my eyebrows, I'm not A killer,death said so himself so I can't let blood be on my hands. I felt electricity run through me,a wonderful rush and before I knew it I was standing in the tv room in my white suit,my swords in my hands. Perfect.

"BEN I need your help!" I spoke placing the blades back in their holders

"Is it finally my turn?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows

"Don't be a perv BEN this is serious" I rolled my eyes

"What do you need" he asked seriously

"It's smile,he-he, he's going to do it" I said in a panic

Jeff furrowed his eyebrows "I'll help only because I know exactly what you're talking about and maybe I'll do the job myself"

"Thank you Jeff but you can't do the job I need to stop it" I stressed

"Well then what are we doing standing around lets go" BEN yelled. BEN gr bbed my hand and I held Jeffs and then we glitched through the tv.


Its kind of a short chapter my apologies, I do have to study for prelims so ive been sketchy with my writing

(Unforgettable Insanity)Laughing Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now