Chapter Seventeen -Healing

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Narrators POV

They glitched through the tv into the tv room where Masky,Hoody,Sally,Clairisa,Jessica,Ticci Tobi and Clockwork were all relaxing for the day. Jeff,BEN,L.J,Smileand (Y/n) entered laughing only to be met with staring eyes.

"Where have you guys been?" Masky asked

"We went to go take care of... business" (Y/n) answered

Masky stood up but hunched over and winced in pain grabbing his side.

"What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked worried

"Remember the day we came to fetch you and you stabbed me, well that wound never healed...literally" Masky answered chuckling slightly

"Oh gosh let me help you" (Y/n) said pulling up maskys jacket

Under his jacket was blood soaked bandages,(Y/n) touched the bloody cloth as Masky winced in pain. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and released it,nothing happened and (Y/n) opened her eyes and looked at Masky.

"I don't understand, Death said this was one of my powers" (Y/n) said cocking her head

"Maybe he lied to you" hoody suggested

"No, he's death why would he lie?" BEN reasoned

"Then how do I make this work?" (Y/n) asked

"Maybe if you think of something... I don't know... you... maybe it'll work" L.j suggested putting his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

(Y/n) gave a nod then put her hand back on maskys wounds again and closed her eyes

It was a crisp Autumn night, there was a slight breeze in the air. It was a very quiet night,but the again it was always quit at (your aunts name)'s house. (Y/n) walked out of one of the bathrooms in her aunts house sporting a black oversized star wars hoody that (male cousins name) had borrowed her. It fell over the denim shorts she was wearing making it look like she had no pants on at all.

"Come on (Y/n/n),we're going to play 30 seconds" (your older female cousin) shouted from the dining room.

(Y/n) walked over to the dining room,it was a large room with a huge long window,the curtains were open showing the quiet dark street outside. On your right was a dark wooden dinning room table with 8 chairs and on the left was a white leather lounge sweet. (Y/n) was always the quiet one even with her family. She would just sit in the tv room and watch Adventure time or draw pictures with her younger cousins stationary.

(Y/n) walked into the dining room,she was met with big smiling faces all on the couches against the wall and window.

"Come play with us" (Y/O/f/c) said

"O-oh u-uhm... I'm no good at this game, I'll pass" (y/n) stuttered then began to walk away. (Y/o/f/c) grabbed (Y/n)'s arm and dragged her into the room and sat her down in the couch that was against the window.

"Nope, you're playing! Now you're in a team with (Y/m/c/) and ( two close family friends) and I'll be with (S/n) and (two other cousins). Ok we go first!" (Y/o/f/c) explained. (#1Y/c) picked a card and began

"Ok, it's a designer" (#1Y/c) began

"Denim" The team yelled in unison

"No,no,no, it's a religion too" (#1Y/c) said waving their free hand in the air,the team went quiet.

"Denim" (#2Y/c) screamed in excitement.

(Y/n) and (Y/m/c) burst out in a fit of laughter clutching their stomachs

"I didn't know denim was a religion" (Y/m/c) said between laughs. (Y/n) high fived him

"Ok,ok next one guys, oh...oh oh... that guy... I uhh oh I think he invented gravity I think" (#1Y/c) yelled frantically

(Y/n) cocked her eyebrows at (#1Y/c) then turned her head to look at the window. (Y/m/c) did the same as (Y/n). They staired out the window in though.

"Oh he's a singer"(#1Y/c) said

(Y/n) looked at the rocks and trees that were visible in the dark, taking a moment to think if gravity was invented instead of just being. They were brought back by a voice yelling "times up!"

"We got 3 out of 5 " (Y/o/f/c) said happily

They all started talking and laughing and playfully arguing about how they cheated.

"Uhm... I'm no expert but uhhh... I don't think someone actually invented gravity I think it came standered on the earth since you one" (Y/n) spoke

Everyone in the room turned to look at (Y/n),partly because she never spoke much but mostly because of what she had just said. The room went quiet for a moment then was filled with laughter, even (Y/n) was laughing her head off.

"Oh yea, I saw you and (Y/m/c) looking out the window, were you guys taking a legitimate moment to think if gravity was actually invented" (#2Y/c) asked wiping the tears from their eyes

"Yea,and when (#1Y/c) said that he's a singer too, I was all like 'oh my god!he invented gravity and he can sing too?!?'" (Y/n) said laughing

The whole room roared with laughter at (Y/n)'s comment. (Y/n) smiled for once it felt like she was happy in life staring at what people say are your friends for life,closer then close, your family

(Y/n) opened her eyes,her hand still in Maskys side. She lifted the bloody bandages and looked underneath, Maskys wound had completely healed not even a scar it was as if nothing had happened.

(Y/n) and Masky hugged each other with a large smile plastered on their faces.

"I knew you were special" Masky sighed messing with (Y/n)'s hair

(Y/n) excitedly turned to L.j the smile she had on her face never fading. She jumped up on L.j wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso. Eveybody in the room smiled and clapped except Jessican and Clairissa who was starting at smile.

(Y/n) looked at Clairisa then at Smile. She let out a soft smile as L.j lowered her to the ground.

"Hey uhm Smile... why don't you go play with clairisa?" (Y/n) suggested

Clairisa perked her head up at (Y/n)'s suggestion. Smile cocked his head to the side, (Y/n) gave a nod to Smile,who ran up to Clairisa.

"Wow thank you (Y/n)" Clairisa said smiling, (Y/n) smiled at Clairisa then turned to hug Laughing Jack again. Jessica shot Clairisa a death glare, Clairisa ran out the door with smile.

"Hey, I'm sure you're tired from your first killing" Laughing Jack said lifting (Y/n) into his arms.

"But I didn't kill anybody" (Y/n) protested

"Yeah but you helped love" Laughing Jack explained walking up to his room.


I've always seen some writers complain about how the app gives them shit, the app almost whipped this whole chapter. I was about to cry,tears of a king lol... anyways I just hope you guys like it because was very hard getting out to you. ii love you all


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