Chapter 6: Power Moves

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As Twilight went to knock on the door of Rarity's house, something hissed behind us. I whipped around just as something leapt on my face and started clawing viciously at me with small claws.
"AUGH!" I cried and ran around in circles, shaking my head in attempt to get it off.
Suddenly, it was flew off me with a pull. I wasn't hurt, since it couldn't claw me good through my pony-bacca fur, so I wasn't that hurt.
An ugly white cat hissed at me from inside a glowing green aura. I looked over and saw Ty's horn glowing the same color.
Adam ducked for cover, but Twilight took the cat in her magic and put it back on the ground before Ty could accidentally slap Adam in the face with it. The cat hissed and ran off.
"Well that was an anti-powermove," I said. "Hopefully I'll get a power move soon to beat that. I didn't know it was half past cat in the face."
Mitch chuckled, then everyone burst out laughing.
Suddenly a scream came from inside.
Everyone except Twilight and Fluttershy looked alarmed.
Twilight sighed. "Rarity...let's go see what speck of dirt ruined her whole day this time." She opened the door and led us into a large, fancy room with mannequins all over the place.
A white unicorn with a glossy purple mane was clinging to some curtains by a workdesk as a fly scuttled across the floor. Fluttershy gently flew over and scooped it up in her hooves. She flew over to the window and left the fly outside.
"Oh, thank goodness you're here, Twilight! The most disgusting fly just flew in and almost touched me!"
She stopped as she looked at us behind Twilight.
"Oh, uh, who are you?" she asked awkwardly to us.
"Hi, Rarity. These are our new friends who were transported here from their world, Minecraftia..."
Twilight explained our story to Rarity, who looked over us with wide eyes.
"...And we need to find the Gem to get them to the portal, and we thought you could help?" Twilight asked.
Rarity blinked. "Of course, Twilight...I've never heard of a..."Gem of Herobrine" before, but I could try and find it for you!" Twilight beamed. "Thanks! The gem should be with one of them, but we don't know who."
Rarity stepped forward and surveyed each and every one of us with her horn glowing a faint blue.
She passed Quentin with no response.
Ian, no response.
Jason, no response.
Ty, no response.
She passed by me with no response. She stopped and frowned at my fur. "You know, I could probably do something with that fluff of yours. Curl it? Weave gems into it? If you want-" "Uh, that's okay, I'm good," I told her.
She nodded but still looked at my fur as if she could picture emeralds weaved through it already. Ty gave a low snicker.
When she passed by Mitch, her horn shot blue sparks from its tip.
"Oh! Diamonds!" she exclaimed.
I frowned. The Gem of Herobrine was a Diamond?
Mitch's eyes went wide as Rarity pulled out a slender diamond axe from under his shirt.
"BETTY!!!" Mitch and I cried together.
Rarity gave the axe a bizzare look. "How is it possible to make an axe from diamonds?" She wondered out loud.
"Only you, Mitch," I laughed. "How?!"
Mitch looked at Betty floating in Rarity's magic aura. "I spawned Betty in my inventory before we did the was going to be the best prank... I didn't know Betty followed us here!"
I took Betty from the aura and held it in my teeth. It was surprisingly easy to hold in my mouth.
"Whatever you do, don't give Betty to Ty!" Ian exclaimed. Everyone laughed, but Adam looked a bit nervous.
"I'll hold onto her," I said, and tucked Betty under my suit. "There's the PowerMove to contradict that Anti before, everybody!"
Rarity blinked at the axe in awe, then snapped out of it and went back to Mitch. Her horn glowed faintly again. "Nothing else besides that,"
DAT axe, I corrected to myself.
Rarity said. She moved on to the last one, Adam.
Instantly, her horn shot sparks again, but bigger. "Oh! This must be it! I've never felt a gem like this before!" She used her magic to pull the gem that had set her horn off towards her. To our amazement, Adam's amulet lifted up and faced Rarity. Adam made a choking sound, and she quickly dropped it. "That is a lovely amulet!" she gushed.
Everyone gasped, even Adam. "That's not my amulet..." he said.
I frowned. "What do you mean? You wear it all the time, dood." "Yeah, but his is always purple, biggums," Mitch explained to me. "This one has a red gem in it."
"Oh," I said. "Trust me, Mitch, I'm colorblind," I joked.
Adam took the amulet off and passed it over to Rarity. "I've never seen a gem like this before!" she said. "It's strange, and it feels powerful..."
"That must be the Gem of Herobrine!" Twilight exclaimed.
Rarity frowned. "It's like a...a compass of some sort...I can feel it pointing in one direction. I've never seen that before."
"That must be how we find the portal," said Jason. "Which way is it pointing?"
Rarity stared at the gem for a moment, her horn glowing brightly, then pointed Northeast with her horn. "It's pointing to...Canterlot!"
Fluttershy gasped. "The portal is all the way up there?"
"What's Canterlot?" Ty asked.
Twilight pointed to the window where Fluttershy had let the fly free before. We looked out the window and saw a large mountain behind many hills and trees. You could see a large castle jutting off the side of the mountain.
"That," Twilight said, "Is Canterlot."

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