Chapter 17: Ty's Plan

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"What do you mean, it won't defeat him?" Adam yelled. "He seems pretty defeated to me."
The giant rainbow tornado that surrounded Derpollulus had ceded, and the giant mutant squid lay dazed on the ground.
Herobrine gave a devious chuckle. "The Elements of Harmony are powerful, that's for sure," Herobrine explained, tossing a popcorn kernel into his mouth, "but they can't destroy enemies from other dimensions."
Everyone gasped. Now what?!
As if Ty had read my thoughts, he turned to me with a strangely intense look on his face. "Keep them distracted. I have a plan," he muttered.
Oh, god. I wasn't sure I trusted Ty on plans to save our lives from giant squid overlords.
"What? What do you mean?" I asked him confusedly, but Ty just shook his head impatiently. "Just stall!" he exclaimed, and ran off.
Jason, who was standing next to Ty, caught on.
"Why don't you do anything? You're sitting there eating popcorn," Jason said to Herobrine disgustedly. The white-eyed man shrugged. "I helped Derpollolus bring you here, but you're his enemy, not mine."
"Sooo...if we're not your enemy, why don't you help us get out of here?" Twilight practically screamed. Herobrine narrowed his eyes to pure white slits.
"Because I'm not the nice guy. I do what I please!" he hissed. Twilight gave a disgusted growl and shot a pink beam of light through her horn at him.
It bounced off an invisible forcefield surrounding Herobrine, who looked bored. "Don't waste your time," he sighed.
Meanwhile, Derpollolus was stirring, struggling to rise to his feet-uh-tentacles.
"Twilight! Keep blasting Derpollolus with that rainbow thing!" I called out. The purple alicorn gave me a doubtful look. "Didn't you hear what he just said? We can't destroy that squid this way!"
"Yeah, but Ty has a plan. We just need to stall him for a little while," I explained quickly.
Twilight raised her eyebrows.
"It's the best chance we have," Applejack cut in. Twilight sighed.
"Okay. We'll keep holding him down. You all go try and attack Herobrine or Derpollolus." She turned around, and she began to rise as her crown began to glow, preparing for the next magical rainbow attack thing.
"Jerome! I'll try to shoot it with magic, come help me with Betty!" I called out to the fluffy brown pony.
Jerome looked relieved to have something useful to do, and pulled out the diamond axe he had retrieved earlier when it fell off the squid. The edges of the blade were tinged red.
Jerome and I charged closer to the giant squid, who was on his tentacles by now but still looking faint. I gathered my energy and felt a twinge of satisfaction when I saw a yellow laser beam shoot from my horn at Derpollolus. I was getting pretty good at magic if I do say so myself!
The giant squid roared as my beam hit him, and at the same moment Betty flew through the air, left a nice gash on one of his tentacles, and flew straight back into Jerome's jaws like a sick, messed-up boomerang.
Derpollolus cried out, but before he could attack the two of us another rainbow beam shot from the elements of harmony at the overlord.
The rainbow surrounded him once again, rising until he was engulfed in the colorful tornado of doom. Herobrine laughed nearby as though he were enjoying a funny movie.
Once again, the tornado eventually died down, leaving Derpollolus stunned once more on the ground.
Jerome and I ran back to stand with the others.
We can't keep this up forever. Where is Ty?!

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