Chapter 18: GG!

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I wasn't sure how much more we could take of this.
Soon, that giant squid with a microscopic brain would catch on to our pattern: Rainbow Beam, Stun, Recover, Repeat and we would all be toast.
For the third time, Twilight and her friends shot a cute-looking, yet extremely powerful rainbow laser beam at Derpollolus with the Elements of Harmony. They were all beginning to look tired of having to summon their elements over and over.
Suddenly, I saw a flash of white from the corner of my eye, and turned to see Ty running through the large doorway that Derpollolus had first appeared through. The squid boss didn't notice him, as he was stunned once again on the ground. Heeobrine watched Ty with mild interest.
"Ty! What took you so long? Do you even have a plan?" Ian questioned as Ty approached us.
The expression on Ty's face was strange. His eyes were unusually intense and focused, and he had a small smile forming on his lips. "Just run," he called. "Everyone."
I suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà vu as I realized what Ty was doing. I turned and ran as fast as I could with the others away from Derpollolus and Herobrine.
"Cowards!" Herobrine called. "Come and fight!"
I felt my anger bubbling up. Did he think this was some kind of arena match for his entertainment?!
"Ty, what's going on?" Rainbow called as she ran with us, but she was cut off as a deafening BOOM burst out from behind us.
Everyone screamed as a force pushed us all forward, almost colliding with the wall at the end of the large room.
We all scrambled to our hooves and turned just in time to see the wall behind Derpollolus and Herobrine crash forward as something exploded behind the wall.
Derpollolus roared and disappeared under a pile of debris and chunks of wall. Herobrine screamed but also went under in a shower of crumbling rocks.
I realized that it was TNT. My mouth dropped open. TNT. How, Ty?!?!
When the deafening explosions had ceded, there was a ringing silence. I turned and saw everyone else's jaws were hanging open, except for Ty, who wore a big smile.
I remembered the time Adam, Ty and I had been playing a parkour map called Ender Jumper. It was extremely long and frustrating, and in the end Ty had blew up the map out of frustration.
From the pile of rocks and debris that Derpollolus had disappeared under, I saw white mist begin to rise and evaporate into the air.
We defeated Derpollus!!
"Ty...?" Mitch finally asked weakly.
Ty tilted his head innocently as everyone turned and stared at him.
"Ty...what happened?" Twilight asked, and I knew what he was going to say before the words even left his mouth.
"I don't wanna do dis fight," Ty said calmly.
Adam started cracking up, and in the next second we were all laughing uncontrollably like idiots in the big, dark, depressing room where we had almost died fighting a giant squid.
"Oh, that explosion was the coolest thing ever!" Pinkie squealed.
"How did he even?!" Jason exclaimed.
"GG!" Mitch hooted.
"That was AWESOME!" Rainbow said happily.
"I collected gunpowder from the creeper ponies and sand from the mountain trip, and I had made TNT. I didn't know what I was gonna do with it. Maybe be a troll, maybe help fight. It ended up being choice B," Ty explained when the laughter had finally died down.
"What's with everyone and turning pranks into extremely useful tools?" Jerome asked.
"We would all be dead without pranks," I pointed out, and everyone started laughing again.
I saw movement from the corner of my eye, and as I turned I saw Herobrine was emerging from a pile of debris. He groaned an rubbed his head.
Everyone saw this, too, and looked over at him with grim expressions.
Herobrine gasped and let out a yell. "No! You fools!"
He reached down for something under a large rock and pulled up the necklace with Herobrine's Gem inside. The crimson gemstone was cracked and broken. "You broke the gem!"
We all watched in amazement as the gem shards began to glow red, glowing brighter and brighter. Herobrine screamed in protest as the gem seemed to be sucking him in. Herobrine was drawn toward the gem, and was pulled into the crimson gem. "No!!"
His cries faded as he was sucked into the gem by some strange force. The gem fell to the ground, and we watched in horror as the shards began to reassemble themselves.
The gem had repaired itself!
Herobrine's Gem begain glowing again, but not as bright. A small black hole opened up in the center, growing bigger until it engulfed the entire necklace.
The black hole grew until it was at about the size for a pony to go through it.
"The portal," I muttered.
This was it. This was the legit portal back home. We had beaten Derpollolus, and Herobrine, too.
"Well...this is it, you guys," Twilight said. "This time, you can actually go home. Back to Minecraftia." I looked and saw that she and the others looked unhappy. Our journey had come to an end. With a twige of sadness, I realezed that I would miss them. Judging by their expressions, everyone else would miss the six ponies who had helped us, and they would miss us too. Pinkie sniffled.
"Thanks for everything. All of you," I said, and everyone murmured and nodded in agreement.
The six mares gave us sad smiles, and looked over at the black hole. " should get going. I'm not sure how long this portal will last," Twilight acknowledged, and I realized that slowly, the portal was shrinking. With one last glance back at the ponies, I turned and began walking towards the portal with the rest of the guys. One by one, they all passed through the portal, until I was the last one. I looked back one last time. The ponies were watching me with glum expressions. Pinkie was bawling and hugging Rarity for support, who looked slightly annoyed at Pinkie but still sad to see us go.
I turned back and stepped through the portal just as it closed up and disappeared from the pony dimension forever.

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