Chapter 7: Elements of Harmonicas Stuff

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"Of course the freaking portal is all the way over there!" I groaned.
"Don't worry, Canterlot isn't that hard to get to. It's the capitol of Equestria!" Twilight assured.
"Yes, but Canterlot is simply the most largest, most popular city! It would take quite long to find the portal there," Rarity commented. "But, um, we have the gem, right?" Fluttershy asked. "How long would it actually take to get there, and how would we get there?" Jason asked. Twilight thought for a moment. "We could always go by train, it would only take about an hour," she decided.
"Then lezzgo!" Mitch exclaimed. "Wait," Twilight stopped him. "I think we should take Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie along, too." Rarity tilted her head. "Why?" "We need them to hold the Elements of Harmony. You never know, something could be guarding the portal that we need to defeat." Fluttershy and Rarity nodded. "Elements of Harmony?" Ian asked. "Basically, the biggest most powerful weapon in Equestria that can only be used if Fluttershy, Rarity, our friends and I are present," she explained. "So before we head to Canterlot, we have to go fetch them. Come on!"
We walked through the town with Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity until we left the busy town area ad came to spread out plains. We passes through an apple orchard and stopped at a large red barn.
Loud barking came from inside, and a lean brown and white dog bounded up to Jerome.
"Oh god, not again!" he said, but the dog stopped in front of him and rolled over.
"Oh, okay then," he sighed. "She wants a belly rub!" Quentin told him, and gave the dog a belly rub with his blue hoof. The dog wagged its tail.
"Winona, get back here!" A voice called from inside, and an orange freckled pony with a cowboy hat trotted outside.
"What in tarnation?" She said when she saw us. "Hi, Applejack. We were wondering-" Twilight started, but was cut off as a pink pony with a curly magenta mane bounced out. "Hi, Twilight! I was just helping Granny Smith bake-" She gasped, her blue eyes wide. "TWILIGHT! Who are all these ponies? Are they new to Ponyville?" she raced up to meet us in a blur. "Where are you guys from? Manehattan? Cloudsdale? Phillydelphia? San Franciscolt? The Crystal Empire? Canterlot?" she bounced all around us, babbling excitedly.
"Pinkie! Calm down!" Twilight ordered. The pink pony stopped bouncing.
"These ponies are from another dimension, and they need our help to travel back to their world. I wante to ask you and Applejack to come with us, since I wanted to bring the Elements with us."
Applejack looked over at us, then nodded. "Sure, Twilight. Where y'all headin' too?" "Canterlot!" Rarity sighed happily. Pinkie nodded and continued bouncing. "Oh! I'll come! I love trans-dimensional travel!" No one questioned her on why she loved to travel dimensions.
"Great!" Twilight said. "Now all we need is-" "Rainbow Dash? We got it covered," Applejack said. She looked up. "Hey, Rainbow!" she called. A couple seconds later, a light blue pony with a rainbow mane poked her head over the side of a cloud. She blinked sleepily. "What?"
Pinkie took a deep breath, but Applejack covered her mouth before the excited pony could explain. "We'll explain on the way. Elements of Harmony stuff."
Rainbow dash flew down with ease and landed next to Applejack. "Alrighty," she yawned. "Hey, who are all these guys?" she looked over at us. "We'll explain on the way," Twilight said.
"So...what's Minecraftia like?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Lots of blocks," Ty said. "Monsters!" Jerome chipped in. "Crafting and mining," Ian said. "That sounds...AWESOME," Rainbow said.
We all sat aboard the train to canterlot with Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie and Applejack, all of them wearing their 'element' of something. I forget what. Harmonicas? Let's go with that.
A few ponies in the train cart with us were staring. I smiled at them and gave them a 'go the hell away and stop staring at us' smile. Most turned away embarassedly, but one blonde pony with a gray coat waved back with a bright smile.
She looks like Ian's minecraft derp skin, I thought, and turned back to where Twilight was discussing who would go where in canterlot to search.
"Once we get to Canterlot, we'll split up in teams of two or three and search the city. Rarity will show us which direction to go in, and we'll split up to find it. It can't take that long to find."
"I'll go with Ty, Applejack can take Jerome, Rainbow can go with Jason, Fluttershy can go with Quentin, Pinkie can go with Ian, and Rarity can take Adam and Mitch." Everyone nodded in agreement.
I looked down at my amulet again. It was usually a deep purple color, but now it was a blood red. I wondered why I hadn't realized the change earlier.
A screeching noise of the brakes on the train were heard, and I realized we had reached the city.
Ponies started getting up to leave the train, so we got up and followed.
I hoped we'd find the portal soon.
Then we could get out of here, and no one would ever need to know the story of how SkyDoesMinecraft became a pony.

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