Chapter 9: In Benja we trust, for Celestia we must

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"Where did he go?!" Adam yelled beside me. "We have to go find him!" I exclaimed, and ran down the stairs in the observatory outside.
Many ponies had stopped in their tracks and were murmuring anxiously at something in the sky. Adam and I followed their gazes, and gasped when we saw the huge hole in a window in a nearby tower.
But that wasn't any tower.
That was the tower that lead to Princess Celestia's private study room.
"Oh god, Mitch..." Adam groaned. Nearby guards rushed to the tower hurriedly. We followed them, but a guard turned around and blocked our path. "Excuse me, but I'm going to have to ask you to carry on with your day."
Adam frowned at him. "Our friend just crashed into a building! Let us through!" the guard raised his eyebrows as we pushed past him.
We came to a stop as we saw a crowd of guards holding a stretcher with their magic. A farmiliar (and somewhat last summer) checkered pattern was visible on the stretcher.
"Oh, god..." Adam murmured, and we craned our necks to get a better view.
Mitch lay on the stretcher, unmoving, with several minor cuts (some with shards of glass stuck in them) all over him. I gave out a small scream. OH MY CELESTIA!!!!! HE WAS DEAD!!!!!
I could have sworn I saw Adam roll his eyes under his sunglasses.
A couple guards turned around when I screamed. "It's alright, ma'am," one assured me. "This stallion has only fainted from exhaustion after saving Her Highness from a strange monster."
Mine and Adam's jaws dropped open.
Mitch had just saved Princess Celestia?!
"Where is Her Highness now?" I asked, but before the guard could respond, I saw a familiar lean white alicorn emerge from the entrance to the tower Mitch had crashed into.
All the guards, except those holding the stretcher, bowed.
I bowed with them, and after a moment, Adam hesitantly bowed too.
"That's Princess Celestia," I whispered to him. "Ruler of all Equestria."
The Princess looked anxious and shaken, but put on a fake smile once she saw us, the guards, and many other bystanders bowing.
"Princess!" a voice called. I turned and saw Twilight pushing her way through the crowd with Ty close behind. His eyes were wide as he kept glancing over at Mitch, who was hurriedly being rushed to the Canterlot Hospital by the guards.
"Princess Twilight Sparkle," Celestia addressed her former student. "What brings you here, at this time?"
"There's no time to explain, but that stallion they just carried off-Mitch- he's our friend! What happened to him!?"
"I can explain on the way," Princess Celestia said. "I was about to go to the hospital to check on him. You should come with me," she said.
By now, most of the bystanders had walked away, murmuring anxiously among themselves.
Ty turned and saw us still standing. "Adam!" he called. "Mitch-" "We know, Ty. We weren't just hanging around here because we're playing a game of stand!" Adam said sarcastically.
We walked forward until we were walking alongside Ty, Twilight and Princess Celestia as they walked to the hospital.
"Rarity, what happened to Mitch?" Twilight asked anxiously.
"We were searching the top floor of the observatory when he suddenly started screaming the name of that guy who made the gem-"
"Herobrine," Ty said.
"-Herobrine, then he went out of control and started flying all over the place out of control! He flew out the space in the roof, and then..."
"Then, he crashed through my window," Princess Celestia added. "A strange, tall, black ponylike creature had suddenly appeared in my study room moments before. When I looked into its eyes, it held me in some kind of trance and I couldn't move."
"That sounds like an Enderman," Adam said. Twilight raised her eyebrows. "Is that something from Minecraftia?" she asked. Adam nodded. "Something must have sent it from its world into our world... That could mean something-or someone, is trying to get rid of you," she said fearfully.
"They better not have sent Creepers too," Ty muttered. "Creeper?" I asked. "Uh, a monster...that, uh, blows up," Ty explained. I shivered.
"As it held me in a trance, your friend Mitch crashed in through the window and fought off the...Enderman with this strange axe," Princess Celestia continued, pulling out a farmiliar sparkling axe from under her wing with her golden magic.
"He used Betty?" Adam asked incredulously. "Yes, I suppose, if this axe is what you call 'Betty,'" Princess Celestia said. "I asked him what his name was, and what that creature was. He told me his name was Mitch, then he fainted."
"He almost had a heart attack in the observatory," I explained, "Then crashed through a window and fought one of those...things?" Why, I would be surprised if he hadn't passed out after excitement like that!"
We arrived at the Canterlot hospital, and the secretary looked up surprisedly when Princess Celestia walked in with us.
"Y-your highness!" she exclaimed. "Was it true that the stallion they just brought in saved your life?"
Princess Celestia gave a small smile. "I suppose so," she said. "May we see him?"
The secretary nodded. "Oh-of course! He's in room B19."
"Thank you," the Princess said. So elegant, I sighed to myself. I wish I could be as proper as her! We walked down the hallways until we stopped at room B19. Twilight knocked.
"Uh, yeah?" a familiar voice called from inside. We opened the door.
Mitch was sitting upright in a bed in a small hospital room.
It reminded me of the time Rainbow Dash has broke her wing and had to stay at the hospital. She was so bored she had started reading-and what do you know, she liked it!
Mitch had bandages mostly on his wings. He wasn't bleeding anymore, but he still looked somewhat drowsy.
"You're awake!" I said. "How long ago did you wake up?" Twilight asked.
"Uh, only a couple minutes ago. How long was I out?" he asked. "Hmm, well you only crashed through my window about fifteen minutes ago..." Princess Celestia said. "Oh yeah," Mitch said, "Then I chop-chopped that Enderpony!" he remembered.
"Mitch, what gave you such a jumpscare that you flew out the roof?" Adam asked. Mitch frowned. "Oh...I looked at the hourglass and saw Herobrine in the reflection. He was all bloody and stuff. It was not cool."
"Talk about creepy!" I said exasperatedly.
"Mitch, you realize you just saved, like, the boss of Equestria, right?" Ty asked.
Princess Celestia smiled. "It was a good thing you had crashed in when you did," she said. Mitch laughed. "Das good! Where are the others?" he asked. "Still out searching for the portal," I replied. "Hopefully someone has found it by now."
A unicorn with glasses and a white doctor's coat walked into the room holding a clipboard with his magic. He dipped his head respectfully to us. "Princess Celestia," he said. "The secretary had told us you had come to visit this fine young stallion who saved you!"
"Can I go now?" Mitch asked the doctor. "Hmm...well, we've removed all the glass from your wounds and patched them up, so I suppose if you'll be with other ponies to keep an eye on you, you'll be fine."
"Yuss," Mitch smiled, and got out of the bed and followed us out the door.

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