Chapter 15: The Overlord

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I blinked open my eyes and stared up at a dark sky above. I suddenly remembered the portal, and how we had finally made it back to minecraftia.
The only problem was that someone was stepping on my chest.
As my eyes adjusted to the dark, it dawned on me that what had seemed like the night sky above me was actually a tall, arching roof to some kind of building. We were in a large, castlelike room, with crimson walls and a couple torches but no windows.
I struggled to get up, thinking that Ty had stood on me by accident or something, but whatever was stepping on me really wanted to keep on stepping, and wouldn't budge.
I could now make out a figure in the dim light, and I noticed it was a regular Steve, with the blue t-shirt and the darker blue pants and everything.
Wait a second.
The Steve's eyes were-you guessed it-all white. It was Herobrine. He actually was real.
"Having trouble?" Herobrine snickered, looking down at me.
"Get off me," I growled as I tried to stand up, but he pushed his foot down harder, knocking the breath out of me.
"Poor little pony. The Overlord sure has creative ideas on punishments," Herobrine mused, and that's when it hit me.
I was still a freaking pony.
Herobrine finally lifted his foot and stood back as I got up.
How was I a pony and not him?
Looking around, I saw everyone else who had traveled through the portal, still ponies, getting up and staring at Herobrine. With a frown, I realized that Twilight and her friends were here, too. Why had they gone through the portal with us?
"Glad to see that you could make it," Herobrine said to all of us, twirling my amulet in one hand.
How'd he get my amulet? I wondered. Maybe when I was unconscious from the portal travel stuff he took it off...
I looked down and noticed that I was now wearing my amulet, the real one, with the purple gem in it. Weird.
"Herobrine?!" Ty exclaimed. It seemed as though portal-travel had restored his memory somehow. I'm not gonna complain...
Herobrine laughed. "I take it that you didn't go through the portal intentionally?" he asked Twilight and her friends.
Twilight looked thoroughly puzzled, Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked ready to beat someone up, hopefully Herobrine, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were frowning and Fluttershy was shivering so hard I could see her shaking.
"Someone pushed us in after them! You planned this!" Twilight exclaimed. Herobrine gave a fake smile. "I only played a part in this setup, Twilight Sparkle," he said in an ominous voice. "If only you knew..."
"Why are we still ponies? Was sending us on that journey across Equestria and up a mountain in less than a day not enough for you?" Ian scowled.
Herobrine sighed and stopped twirling the fake amulet. He shoved it into his pocket and looked over his shoulder.
"The OverLord planned this, not me," he explained. "I simply helped him. He asked me for my help, in fact. I just helped because I'm into banishments to other dimensions, secret minecraft portals, that kind of thing."
"Who is this 'The OverLord' anyway? There's a lot of OverLords out there," I asked the white-eyed Steve.
He chuckled and turned as a large figure emerged from a tall, arching doorway in the back of this dreary room and chuckled, the exact laugh we had heard in the parkour map.
My mouth dropped open when I recognized who it was.
There's no way, I thought incredulously.
It was the Derpollolus Squid Overlord.

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