Chapter 11: The Mountain Song is a Bad Omen

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(Ugh my ipod died while writing this chapter, I was like 75% done with it it too. I had to write it all over again, so sorry if this chapter feels short/abridged.)


What would we do without Pinkie?

Everyone stood just outside the Canterlot gates, looking up at the large mountain.

"So where is this portal again?" I asked. Pinkie pointed to someplace high up. "Right there!"

I couldn't specify where 'right there' was, so I assumed we had to go up. This would take a while.

"Okay, I guess we'll start now. Hopefully we'll make it before nightfall," I called to everypony.

We trudged along the rocky mountain surface, picking our way between cracks, boulders, crags, the occasional dead bush, and, you got it, rocks.

Adam made a failed attempt to lift our spirits five minutes later with a song.

"Mountain, mountain, mountaaaaaaaain!" he sung.

Pinkie chimed in excitedly.

"Mountain mountain mounnntain mountain," she sang along.

"Mountain mount mountaaaain mountain mount-"

Ty grabbed a branch off a dead bush with his magic and raised it threateningly.

Adam stopped singing.

Pinkie giggled.

Ty dropped the branch.

We kept scaling the mountain in silence.

"So how close are we?" I asked Pinkie after a while. "Almost halfway there!" she said.

Everyone groaned.

"Yaay," Quentin said unenthusiastically.

For a while, we continued to trod up the mountain. Only Pinkie seemed sure of where we were headed, and she bounced in the front of the group.

We continued to walk up the mountain in silence, led by Pinkie through the rocky mountains.

We stopped a couple minutes later at a small crag in the mountain. It was flat and smooth. "Uh, Twilight, think we can maybe stop here for a couple minutes and rest?" Ian asked. I turned around and saw he was looking anxiously at Mitch. The pale yellow pegasus's eyes were bright and alert, but he was holding his bandaged leg up slightly as if not to put weight on it.

"Of course," I said. I noticed Mitch had a small limp as he walked past to sit down with some of the others on the crag. I suddenly realized how tired my own legs were as I flopped down.

You could see Canterlot below us, golden light reflecting off its buildings as the sun started to set.

"Mountain..." Adam half-hummed, half-sang.

"Oh god, no-" Jason groaned, but he was too late.




NOW I'LL GO ANNOY JEROME," Adam sang whole-heartedly and poked the fluffy brown pony repeatedly.

"Ty, get the stick," Jerome said while trying to hide a smile.

"No-okay, I'll stop!" Adam said.

And that's when the rocks behind us exploded.

"CREEPER PONIES!?" I heard Ian yelp. Everyone ducked as a shower of rocks hit us from the explosion.

When the smoke had cleared, I saw everyone rising to their hooves and shaking out their manes.

"They sent creepers, too?" Mitch said incredulously. "How thoughtful," Jerome joked, brushing some soil off his shoulder. "Yeah, they really shouldn't have," Jason said sarcastically.

"Everypony okay?" Rainbow Dash called, flying overhead to make sure there were no more of these 'creepers' around.

"Ugh, I think a rock hit my head," Ty complained, rubbing his head.

"You'll live," Rainbow told him.

"M-maybe we should start w-walking again," Fluttershy suggested shakily.

No one objected.

As we continued, I saw Applejack limping in her hind leg slightly. "You okay?" I asked her.

"Fine, sugarcube. Just a lil' sprain from that explosion. It's nothin'." Realizing that Applejack wouldn't accept my help, I sighed and stayed close to her in case she stumbled.

"Ugh, I think a rock hit my head," Ty repeated.

"We know, dood. You just told us," Mitch pointed out.

Ty frowned. "I did?"


"Ty, if I have five apples, and I give three to Mitch, what is the circumference of the sun?" Jerome asked, only half-joking.

"Uhh..." Ty's eyes became unfocused slightly, then he blinked and kept walking. "Ty?" Jerome asked. Ty turned around. "What?"

"Did you answer my question?"

"What question?"

Mitch groaned.

"Great, just what we need! Ty's got short-term memory loss!" he exclaimed.

"I have what?" Ty asked, but Mitch didn't answer.

"That song's a bad omen," Jason said to Adam.

"What song?" Ty asked.

Adam took a deep breath, but Jason shoved his hoof in Adam's mouth before he could break into song.

"Mmm mmph. Mmmph mmh mmmm," Adam sang with a mouthful of Jason's hoof.

"Don't worry everypony! We're almost there!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"Almost where?" Ty asked.

"To the mountain," Jerome joked.

"Okay," Ty said, and Jerome started cracking up. We were already on the mountain!

We continued to scale the mountain with Pinkie in the lead for another 10 minutes.

As we climbed higher, I began to hear a strange whooshing noise. Could that be the portal?

"Geez, Pinkie, how did you get up here so fast?"

Pinkie giggled. "Oh, you know, I just had to make a little dent in the fourth wall!"

I sighed and didn't question it. Pinkie had a thing for breaking the fourth wall, defying physics, that sorta stuff.

We stopped at a large cavern near the top of the mountain. I looked behind is and saw Canterlot far below us. I could also see all of Equestria (at least, it felt like I could see all Equestria. That would be physically impossible. Science!) below us. I looked over to where the sun was disappearing over the horizon.

Princess Luna will raise the moon soon, I thought.

"The portal's in here! That's where the strange noise you hear is coming from!" Pinkie explained. I poked my head down the dark tunnel. "Uhh, Pinkie? How far deep do we have to go?" I asked.

"Oh, not too far," She said, but I knew that if I couldn't see the portal from here, it was going to be kind of far.

"Okay, everypony. Let's get going! The portal should be in here and it's almost nighttime," I called out to everyone.

I took one step inside the cave as an arrow whizzed past my face, missing by an inch.

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