Chapter 16: Shoot Magical Rainbows

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For the record, I'm not some crazy guy who hunts down random squids and attacks them for fun.
The squids usually attack me. Actually, they don't really attack me, they just kinda sit there and annoy the crap out of me.
But this squid was a different story.
Way back when, the Derpollolus Squid Overlord had kidnapped my girlfriend at the time, Dawn. Ty, Jason, Ian, Jerome and I had to go on a huge quest, traveling through the dimension of the squids to save Dawn from Derpolollus.
In other words, we had to do parkour up a tower labeled 'Totally not where Dawnables is'. At the top was the Squid Overlord and- wait for it- Dawn. Surprise.
We had fought off Derpolollus and in the end we defeated it and rescued Dawn.
All this accomplished in, like, 15 minutes or something.
But now, somehow, this annoying guy was back and was responsible for our ponification (I'm going to pretend that's a word).
"You have beaten me once, but this time I am stronger...and, uh, better!" Derpolollus's voice boomed throughout the dark castlelike room.
He was, in fact, much bigger and stronger-looking than last time, but it seemed as though he hadn't gotten any less derpy.
"Dude, what is wrong with you?" I yelled at the giant squid. He laughed and Herobrine ran to his side, smiling mischeviously.
"What is that thing?" Rarity shrieked.
"Squid," Jason replied flatly. "A big one."
"Is that the guy we fought when we had to go save Dawn?" Ian asked, gaping.
Derpollolus chuckled. "I have waited for this day, when I can destroy you all and stuff!" he exclaimed happily. "I even had a minion push in extra ponies to destroy!"
"D-destroy?" Fluttershy gulped.
I looked around and realized everyone was tensing. We all knew that we were going to have to try and fight this big guy.
"Now, it's time for your deadly deaths!" The squid boomed. He sounded stupid, but still threatening.
He brought up a huge tentacle suddenly and smashed it on the ground in front of us. Everypony ran away as fast as they could from its giant tentacles. We all hid behind a chunk of stone that had jutted up when the giant squid had smashed the ground.
Derpollolus laughed as we all ran, with Herobrine standing next to him watching. They were just playing with us.
"Do you think we could try flying around it?" Jason asked Rainbow Dash. The cyan pegasus nodded an looked over at the giant squid, who seemed to have no idea where we were. "Three, two, one!" Rainbow shouted, and she, Jason, Fluttershy, Mitch and Twilight shot into the air. The squid called out in surprise when he saw them. Twilight blasted him with magenta magic rays, while Jason, Rainbow and Mitch rapidly flew up to his face, kicked him in the sides of the head, and flew off again. Fluttershy seemed to be asking the squid nicely to stop swatting then away like flies.
They were annoying him, but not doing too much damage.
I looked over and saw Herobrine had used his magic-evil dark power stuff to summon a bag of popcorn.
"Some of us should go in while they're distracting him!" Pinkie exclaimed. I nodded, and I followed her out into the battlefield with Jerome and Quentin.
Jerome stopped and pulled Betty out. He threw it and it soared over our heads and landed in one of the giant squid's tentacles. It yelled in rage and shook the injured tentacle.
While he was distracted, Quentin, Pinkie and I began kicking and headbutting his sides while the pegasi continued to attack from above.
With one angry movement, Derpollolus thrust out one tentacle, sweeping it across the ground. It threw the four of us across the room and we landed with a thud not far from the jutting stone where the others waited.
"Are y'all okay?! Get back behind here!" Applejack called from the rock. We ran hastily back for cover with the others. I looked up and saw that the angry squid was focusing on the Pegasi again, coming dangerously close to swatting Jason with a large tentacle. They quickly flew back to the rock.
"We distracted him but we can't hurt him that good!" Rainbow exclaimed.
Derpollolus was looking around the arena confusedly again. He still hadn't found out where we were hiding.
Herobrine chuckled and muched on some popcorn, yet didn't do anything to help the giant idiotic squid.
"Where did you go?" Derpollolus boomed.
"We don't have much time. We need a plan!" Twilight said hastily.
"What about that crown thingie?" Quentin asked.
Twilight gasped and looked up to where her strange crown with a pink star-shaped gem on it.
"I forgot all about that!" she exclaimed. "Yay, Elements of Harmony time!" Pinkie exclaimed.
I frowned. What were Twilight's crown and her friends' necklaces going to do? Shoot magical rainbows at Derpollolus?
We watched in stunned silence as the six ponies began to rise, their necklaces glowing. The necklaces shot beams of light at Twilight's crown, and suddenly, a giant rainbow beam shot from the crown at Derpollolus.
My mouth fell open as Derpollolus was engulfed in a giant rainbow twister. He yelled in protest, but Herobrine, still eating his popcorn, simply chuckled.
"Silly ponies, that won't kill him!"

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