Chapter 12: A Mob of Mobs

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I looked down into the caves. Of course the portal had to be there, I thought drily.

Twilight straightened up and faced us.

"Okay, everypony. Let's get going! The portal should be in here and it's almost nighttime," she said. Turning around, she took her first step into the dark tunnel as an arrow whizzed past her face. It landed in a rock behind us.

Everyone stared, wide-eyed, at the arrow. Then, we slowly turned around to face five strange ponylike creatures with bows and arrows.

Pony Skeletons.

They had horns, but no wings, and they raised their bows in a pale gray aura and clanked angrily.

Everyone ran for cover.

I lunged for a boulder outside the cave entrance and scrambled behind it. Jerome and Applejack leapt for cover behind it with me.

I peeked out from over the boulder and saw the five skeletons standing at the edge of the cave. They looked up hopefully at the sky, where the moon would rise soon.

They burn at daytime just like in minecraft, I realized.

"They're going to start looking for us any second now! What do we do?" I hissed.

"We gotta fight. It's the only way we can get past 'em," Applejack said.

Jerome pulled out his diamond axe 'Betty' and held it in his teeth with an anticipated look.

"How will we fight?" I asked, remembering how Applejack had supposedly sprained her leg before in the creeper explosion. "We don't all have weapons,"

Applejack's green eyes twinkled mischievously. "Jus' follow my lead."

She stood up and charged at the skeletons, who were starting to leave the cave as the moon rose in the sky.

Is she CRAZY?! I thought, but I knew I couldn't let her fight alone. I realized I was charging into the open with her, Jerome at my side with his axe.

The skeletons clanked in alarm and raised their bows, and I had to shove Jerome out of the way as an arrow barely missed his flank.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" I heard Twilight's shocked yell from somewhere, but I leapt onto a skeleton and knocked it to the ground. Jerome slashed with Betty at two skeletons, and Applejack kicked one with her hind legs powerfully.

Her hooves made contact with a skeleton's chin, and both ponies cried out in pain. The skeleton stumbled back, and Applejack held her sprained leg up.

The skeleton I had pinned down was reaching for his bow. I reared up on my hind legs, and brought my forelegs down hard on its skull. It cracked and crumbled under my weight, and the skeleton crumbled to white powder that evaporated into the air, like in minecraft.

I looked over. Jerome was having no trouble against his two skeletons, but Applejack was trying to kick out at two skeletons with one leg while holding the sprained one off the ground.

I got a crazy idea in my head.

Spreading my pale blue wings that I had never really tried out before, I shot up into the sky and kicked some stalagmites off the roof of the cave we were fighting in. They instantly broke, and fell down.

"Applejack!" I called. The orange pony looked up and jumped out of the way as stalagmites crashed down on the skeletons, turning them into white dust.

I quickly flew down and folded my wings, surprised at how easily I had flew compared to Mitch.

Jerome was finishing up the last skeleton. He quickly ended it with a final chop and rushed over to us.

"Are you okay?" he asked Applejack.

She nodded and winced as she tried to put her sprained leg on the ground. "I sprained it more when I bucked that skelly," she said with an edge of pain in her voice.

"We gotta get you back to the others," I said.

"Where is everyone, anyway? Why didn't they help us?" Jerome asked. Suddenly we were aware of growling and screeching noises not far away.

The three of us looked over and saw why the others didn't help us.

They were all fighting with a mob of skeleton ponies, zombie ponies, and one or two enderponies.

"We have to go help!" Jerome said. "You go, I'll help Applejack," I told him. As he ran off, Applejack glared at me. "I don't need anypony's help," she said defensively. "You should be worrying about the others, not me."

I sighed. "You're in no condition to fight. Let me help you find somewhere to hide until the battle's over."

Applejack opened her mouth to complain, then stopped. Her eyes became dazed, as if she were remembering a time when she had refused somepony's help and learned from her mistakes.

She probably has, I thought.

"Well, alright," she said. "But don' make no fuss over me. I'll fight if thy get close enough."

I helped her limp over to a rock where she could cover behind, then rushed into battle.

The twelve of us were all easily outnumbered against the crowd of ponified mobs.

But, we were better fighters.

The unicorns were blasting magic, the earth ponies were kicking and bucking away, an the pegasi were launching arial attacks.

I noticed Ty wasn't blasting with his magic, and I flew over ho help him where he was taking in an enderpony. I landed a square kick right on the back of its head, and it disintegrated into white dust.

"What was that?!" Ty asked.

Oh, right. Memory loss.

"Um, a microwave." I joked, but Ty seemed to buy it.

"Those bony things are called spoons and those green growling things are called pineapples." I tried not to smile as Ty nodded and launched himself into battle with a skeleton fighting Rarity. "Take that, Spoon!" Rarity stared at him, then continued fighting.

After a lot of flying up, shooting down and kicking things, the mob of mobs was just some white dust on the floor disintegrating.

"While you were all fighting the skeletons, these mobs just appeared out of nowhere!" Twilight explained.

Only Applejack seemed to be hurt the worst. Everyone else just had scratches and bruises.

"Well, shall we go?" Ian asked. Everyone nodded and we entered the deep cave.

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