13 • Undressed

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Keith froze.

One minute everything had been fine, the next everything plunged into darkness. He had been trying to remove what should have been his final meal for the day from his hair, when suddenly the water temperature plunged while he yelped in surprise. Then the lights flickered and went out along with the water. He stood there in stunned silence while he tried to process what had just happened.

He had no idea how much time had passed when he heard someone call him from the hall.

"Keith, as you still here?"

"Yes," he answered, unsure what to do.

"Where are you?" It was Lance. For a split second, Keith thought this might be another one of his practical jokes. But if it was, he wouldn't need to ask where he was. Maybe this was something else.

"In the shower," Keith directed.

"Still? The water's not running," Lance remarked.

No shit.

"I noticed," he said. As he heard Lance push the bathroom door open he exclaimed, "Hey! Don't come in!"

Keith could almost see the smirk on Lance's face as he taunted, "What? It's not like I can see you."

Keith sighed. It was then that he realize just how strongly Lance smelled. It wasn't a necessarily a bad smell, just very present. Maybe it was only the darkness sharpening his other scents. He shook his head to clear it, sending water droplets flying.

"What do you want?" he asked, annoyed.

"Shiro sent me to come get you. The power's down everywhere, we need meet up at the oxygen tanks, in case we run out." Lance said defensively. Keith heard clothes rustle against skin, probably Lance throwing his hands up. It as really weird how he knew exactly how Lance would look even if he couldn't see him. He wondered if Lance was experiencing the same thing.

Suddenly, Keith was very aware of his nakedness.

"'Kay," he said, pulling back the curtain, reminding himself that Lance could not see him. "Grab me my towel, would you? I left it on the sink," he extended his hand.

He heard Lance turn before something tougher his chest. He recognized the fluffy texture of his towel, and realized that Lance's cool, Brown hand was also touching him. It felt nice after being in the steamy shower. Quickly, he pulled the towel out of Lance's grip and proceeded to towel off. He was glad the power outage hid his face and...other things, but he was uncomfortable with Lance there.

"My clothes are on the shelf," he directed.

"Huh? Oh, right," Lance sounded a bit startled, like he'd been caught doing something embarrassing. "Um, I think this is a shirt."

Keith heard the clothing whip through the air. Lance, apparently trying to avoid the previous awkward, was waiting for Keith to take it from him. He reached out blindly until his hand met fabric.

"No, that's my shirt! Here," he shoved the shirt in Keith's hand.

"Sorry, but incase you haven't noticed, I can't exactly see what I'm doing,"he said irritatedly as he took the shirt.

"Hey, just trying to help!"

"Well don't! I can figure this out faster on my own," Keith said as he attempted to push the other boy out the door. However, he tripped over the toilet, kocking Lance down and landing on him in the process.

Then the lights went on.

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