3 • Predicament

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Keith was angry. Really angry.

He hated how easily Lance manipulated him into making a fool out of himself. He hated being held against his will. He hated not being able to do anything about it. He hated that he was screaming and begging like a toddler in timeout. What had he done to deserve this?

When he was certain Lance had left, Keith whirled around a surveyed the room. It was a chaotic mess with sentimental knick-knacks oozing out all over the place. Just like Lance.

Throwing down his shirt and luffa, he whipped off his towel and threw it at a 3-foot statue that was silently observing him from the other side of the room.

Hmph, I'm gonna wear that space floozie's clothes whether he likes it or not! He thought as he gingerly stepped over the mountain of dirty laundry. He was suddenly struck with the fear that Lance didn't have any clean clothes. Not that he had much of a choice. He had left his pants and left boot at Pidge's door. Unless he wanted to retrieved his towel, which might be his best option at this point.

Opening the closet, he found a clean pair of jeans and three shirts. He grabbed at the blue shirt, only to find that it was definitely not clean. Keith tossed it to the floor, as that seemed to be Lance's method of determining what needed to be washed. Unfortunately for him, one remaining shirt was pink and the other was purple. Though he was sure he has seen the blue shirt before, Keith could not recall Lance sporting the remaining two shirts. Whatever, clothes were clothes. And clean clothes were clean clothes.

Sincerely hope Lance lets me out so I can change before anybody sees me wearing his clothes, he thought. He hated explaining himself. And this whole mess would just make more questions. He just hated being put on the spot. He snatched the pink shirt. It was a little snug, especially around the arms, and much too long, reflecting Lance's height and lankier build. As much as he hated to admit it, it suited his skin tone. He grabbed the jeans next.

Settling his bare rear on Lance's pillow spitefully, Keith began the process of pulling on pants that were a size or so too slim. The jeans hugged his legs like a second skin, and he struggled to get the fabric around his muscular thighs. Once he got them pulled up all the way, he found himself cuffing the length of the legs more than three times. He was able to button, but not zip up. But the long pink shirt covered it so it didn't matter.

Task completed and slightly worn out, Keith sat back on his palms and looked around the room. The mess was irritating, making it hard to think. There was an air vent above the door, but it's not like he knew where it lead. With any luck it would also have an opening to his own room next door.
Grabbing a chair, he climbed atop it and reached for the vent. Good news: he could reach it. Bad news: Pidge was the only one on board who could fit in such a tight space.

His next plan of action was to tear apart the room until he found some way of opening the door. However, the room was pretty much already torn apart, making it hard for him to think straight. So he started organizing. The clothes were picked up and folded, the curios were placed on the shelf, arranged by color. Trash and old food was placed down the waste shaft.

When he finished, he looked around the room, pleased. Much better.

However, he had forgotten his original intention: getting out. Nevertheless, with a clear space it should be easier to find. Right?


Keith collapsed on the bed. Cleaning up after Lance and searching through his mess was hard work.

He jumped when something fell on him from above. Rolling up to a sitting position he picked up a small, opalescent rock the size of a seed from the sheets. Looking up, Keith found that the ceiling had been studded with more rocks like the one he rolled in his fingers. The rocks were familiar somehow, he just couldn't place them.

As the motion detection lights began to fade, Keith saw the little rock start to glow. He remembered now. The rocks were called Fire Beads. And Lance had built himself the summer night sky as seen from Earth.

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