Dark and Light

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I woke up feeling a lot of pain on my head and legs. "Ugh....." I moan. I tried to stand up but failed and fell into the wall."w- we're am I?" I whispered to my self." We'll  your in Clarines now". I heard a mans vocie  from some were in the room but it was too dark to see anything but a window above my head. Moonlight came through the window. "It still must be night time still ". I say out loud." We'll sense your not going anywhere now what's your name?" I heard the man again." S- Shirayuki" I whispered. It was so quiet it knew he heard it." We'll Shirayuki you won't be getting out soon to bad you couldn't say goodbye to your family cause your going to be with me for a very long time". I sunk my self onto the stone floor tears in my eyes but never made a sound for him to hear that I'm crying.
"My name is Josh and your going to be my Slave for a very long time. Maybe I'll sell you when I'm tired of you". After that I heard him walk away. I started to cry even more. After about ten minutes I started rubbing the rope that tied my hands against the stone wall." I need to get out of here fast" I whispered to my self. After about thirty minutes I knew I could break the rope but when I was about to break it Josh came into the room checking on me I though fast and laid down and acted like I'm dead. Holding my breath I didn't move and inch. " hey girl you awake?" I didn't respond. " Hey! Wake up!" I didn't respond." WAKE UP!" He yelled and started shaking the iron bared door." Please don't tell me your dead!?" I heard keys rattling and unlocking the door. Then I felt hands on me. I broke the ropes at that moment and punched Josh in the face and he went backwards into a wooding barrel and went inside if it. While he staggered backwards he dropped the keys onto the ground and I picked them up and ran locking the him behind me.

When I made it up the stairs I tried looking for a door but I couldn't see one not even windows. I ran into the only hall. While I ran I through the keys into a wall. I finally found some stairs. I ran up the stairs and found windows right in front of me. I found chair and smashed the window with it.
I claimed onto the window and jumped without thinking. I landed on my knees in stead of my feet and that hurt like hell. "Ahh!" I yell out in pain but still got up. "We'll look what we have here". I heard a mans voice and looked behind me to see Josh right there. I stared in shock." How did you get out" I say." I live here so I know we're every secret door and room is Shiaryuki". He gave me an evil grin." Now be a good girl and come with me". As he said that he started walking towards me. I tried to run but I couldn't my foot hurt so bad I think I spared it when I jumped. But I didn't want to be caught by that guy. So I started to walk but needed up limping. Then I felt him behind me when I made it to a tree." Your hurt so u can't run from me" he said in a wicked way.just when he was about to grab me I spotted a stick on the ground and stabbed him with it. "Agh!! You little!" But before he could finish what he was saying I feel backwards and into a river were I drifted of and lost conciseness....

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