Cuts that can heal

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I felt a stab on my body and shot up screaming from the pain but my eyes were still shut cause I was half awake." I'm sorry that must if hurt I'll try to be more gentle." I  heard a soft voice, but when I heard it I felt like shaking remembering what just happened to me. But the voice was different to the guy named Josh. It was sweet in a way knowing it was a girl. I finally opened my eyes to she a girl with blond hair in a pony tail and blue eyes. She saw that I   was staring at her. " when I saw you in that river you had me scared". She said while putting something cold and white on a cut on mg leg." You look like you could use some more rest". She started to get some water when the door flung open and two guys came running in. "Kiki! We heard a scream and ran here to see if anything happened!" I got scared that I jumped off the bed and slid right under it hiding under it in till someone lifted the blanket from the side. It was a guy with silver like hair and blue eyes ocean  like colour." You don't need to be scared we're not going to harm you". That boy gave me a smile and for some reason I felt safe for the first time in forever. He reached out his hand but the I heard another voice." Zen she doesn't know who you are so do you expect her to take your hand like she-" but he stopped when he saw me taking his hand. Zen the looked at the other guy and gave him a glare as in -(she took my Hand so shut up)- kind if look. Then he looked back at me and pulled me from under the bed." There, there's nothing to be scared of is there now?" He looked me in the eye and i shock my head." See now there's nothing to be scared of ". But at that moment I felt dizzy and it felt as the world was spinning. My body felt like nothing and couldn't move at stared going back wards and my eyes started to shut. Just then I felt a hand grab me by the waist and the neck to catch me. "WOAH!" I heard a voice and then I went unconcise.

When I opened my eyes I felt very weak. I sat up and looked around the room, just then I remember Kiki, Zen, and another guy how's name I didn't hear we're her in the room. But there not here. I got out if the bed and went out if the room that led me to a hall way."hmmm... This place looks a lot like my dad's house but with pictures and flower pots". I muttered. I went down the hall that led me to a stair case. I pecked around the corner of the stairs and I saw a living room with two nice couches that looked white and a coffee table in the middle and under the staircase was a small table with two chairs at each end. I wanted to go down stairs but then realized all three of then were their. Zen was at one of the couches drinking tea and Kiki and the other guy were playing chess and also drinking tea, they were also under me so I could see the chess pieces and see who's wining. After 10 minutes I heard "check mate" from Kiki and the game. When I realized how long I've been sitting their I quietly tried to sneak back to my room as if I wasn't there. But when I moved a step the floor board made a sound and Zen looked up and caught my eye."Busted" was all I said out loud and I tried to run to my room but tripped on the step and fell down the stairs and ended up blushing so hard that I looked like a tomato." Opps.." Was all I said. Kiki and the other dude just stared at me but then the guy just broke into a laugh and Kiki smacked him in the head. Zen walked over and held out his hand which I toke and he pulled me up." We'll did you have a nice trip down the stairs" is what he said after he pulled me up. I blushed so hard that it made Zen laugh. "You fainted earlier and I caught you before you hit the floor." He told me with a serious look in his face. The man how I didn't know his name came up to me."Hi, sorry I didn't introduce my self earlier. My name is Mitsuhide." I stared at him for a second then gave him a smile. Kiki noticed that I was weak and rushed out if the room. "What's she doing?" Zen asked. But then Kiki came back in with a white bag then she picked me up like I weighed as much as a flour bag. Then settled me on the couch. She grabbed a bottle from the bag a smeared some liquid on my wounds. Then gave me a couple of pills." Your going to start to feel sleepy and you might fall asleep." My eyes felt heavy as soon as she said that."here I'll carry her to her bed". I heard someone say. My eyes shut then and then my body was lifted up."Okay Zen." I heard Kiki say. So it was Zen who was carrying me. But then i felt really sleepy that I went  unconcise.

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