Sorry... Sorry for not being their

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I woke up the next morning as if nothing happened and it was all a bad dream but I knew it wasn't. Especially when I saw the broom stick near the door were I left it from last nights incident. Just then Kiki came in like something bad happened. But ten she relaxed as if nothing happened. U stared at her and she noticed I was wondering why she ran in without knockin." Oh sorry I guess I got a little worried after what happened last night". She said." It okay I understand". I say. We stayed like that for a few seconds until Mitushide came bursting in next." Hey!" I say." What if I was getting dressed a man should never walk into a girls room without knockin!" I say embarrassed because before Kiki came in I was about to get dressed. Mitushide finally noticed what he just did and blushed and walk out as fast as he can as if it didn't happen." We'll this had to be a strange morning". I say." But I won't be surprised if it gets any weirder then that!" I continued. And Kiki nodded. After I got dressed Kiki bright breakfast and with me to keep me company. But I know she is just worrying about me. After we finished I asked if there's anything to do. She said there was a garden and I could go outside the castle but not past the castle gates, I must stay inside to be safe. So I went to walk around for a bit but it got uncomfortable when I noticed that a bunch of people here were staring at me. Most likely cause of my hair colour, but what I didn't know was it cause I'm a special guest here and everyone was informed about me. I finally got tired and went to sit under an oak tree. Before I knew it I was asleep.

I woke up to a hand shaking me. I open my eyes in suprise. I find Zen standing in front of me. He looked as if he seen a ghost. Then he sighed in relief and colour came back to his face. I just sat there bewildered. Zen sat beside me. But all he was doing was staring at me. For a few minutes his eyes never left me and it was getting creepy." What?" I say. " Nothing". He replies back. We just say there like time has stopped. It got uncomfortable with the silencer between us." I should have been there" he said."what?" I say." I should have been there, you could have been kidnapped." He said. I said nothing. Just stared the opposite derection trying to look away from Zen. But I felt his eyes on me like he Hasn't saw me for a very long time. I finally look over to him, I was right. He was staring at me and even when I turned to look at him he wasn't even embarrassed about it. He just kept looking into my eyes, and right there I felt a connection between us. Like we have always know each other, like we were meant to meet. My heart was pounding fast and u felt like blushing. What's wrong with me?I thought. Every time I though about Zen my heart went racing like I had been running 2 km. I felt something was making me feel this way, I felt like butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't take this feeling anymore. I just got up without saying a word and ran. I ran as fast as I can without looking back. Zen was surprised."Shiaryuki!" He yelled and I ignored it I was already at the other end of the castle about to turn at the corner. Zen was up and running after me now. I got around the Cornor. I knew Zen would catch me because he's faster than me. So while I ran I looked for a hiding spot. There was a gap in the wall of the castle. I ran to it, and in just in time I was inside the gap when Zen came around the cornor. Zen ran past the gap without noticing me inside of it. Whew... That was close I thought. I waited about an minute to make sure Zen was gone before coming out of it. I can't face him. Just thinking about him right now makes my heart race again. Why am I feeling this? Just last night and the other days before I never even had my heart race like this in my life! But sense today when he kept staring at me.....

I went inside the castle tired from all that running. I forgot were my room was so I ended up wondering around the castle. I found many halls with paintings and flowers and maids walking around. I even talked to one of them. She seemed very nice. It was sunset when a maid showed me to were my room was. I walked in and shut the door. When I was about to turn around someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth and grabbed my arms." So... You've been hiding here with the prince have you now?" Said a deep voice. I have heard this voice before as it didn't take me two seconds to figure it out." Josh" I say. I felt his breath on my neck." Ha... Would you like a prize? I'm surprised you even remembered my name even when you didn't even look at me". He said. Josh then turned me around to face him. His hair was Blond colour. that night it was so dark I never got a chance to even look at it. He was also shirtless. He wore look black pants with a belt that had a knife and a pouch on it. With black boots tied up. He had blue eyes like Zen's. Zen.. I thought. My heart started to race. Not now! Not at a time like this! He saw my reaction and he thought I was scared of him. He snickered." I never thought I'd ever think this way but you look cute when your scared red head" he said. I just stared at the ground. Then Josh grabbed me and tired a piece of cloth to my eyes and a rope to me mouth invade I scream. Then tied my arms and legs. He then picked me up and put me over his shoulder and jumped. I swear he was like an animal. How could he jump with me on his shoulder and land safely and run?! I was scared now. But the worst thin is. I'm most likely never coming back here, no seeing Zen and Kiki and Mitsuhide, alive again. Cause Josh or who ever he works for is even going to kill me and I had a feeling that's what's going to happen.

I'm so so so sorry I haven't  updated in a month! I got busy with school, family, and other things and I completely forgot! I would write a bit from time to time but I like to make my chapters long. I'll try my best to publish more chapters. Thank you for reading my fanfic!!

~ yours truly Sabrina

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