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I wake up to pitch black. I try to sit up but my head smacks into a roof. What the hell? I put my hands to the sides and I hit a wall. Am I in a chest?! I start bagging to walls." Help! Let me out of here!" I yell. I keep banging but nothing happens. After a while I gave up. I sat there in complete darkness. I was afraid, scared to death. Remembering about the Josh incident made me shiver. Josh was going to kill me, but Zen and his aids came in time to save me. Zen must've noticed that I'm missing by now. But I have to clue we're I'm going or what going to happen to me. The the box shakes and I smacked into the walls. We started moving. We're am I going?! I can feel the box moving so I must be on a carriage or a wagon. I was so tired that I soon fell asleep....

I wake up later still in the box. But I look around and see a small light. I crawl closer to it to see a shape of a key hole. I look through it to see it's dawn. But also to see a bridge not to far away. Wait... did we just go across the bridge that separates Clarines and Tambarun?! Then that means I'm in Tambarun! Zen! Kiki! Mitsuhide! Help!  They can't help me. Now that I'm in Tambarun. I'll miss them, But it might be for the best. My family's here, and I'm probably a burden to them. But I'm might not even see my family. It's been a month sense the incident. Going to town, horse killed, being kidnapped. Why is life a living hell! Mom, what do I do? Why did you have to leave me. A tear rolls down my check remembering my mothers death. When I was only  eight years old my mother died. Some pirates came looking for my fathers gang, then Lions of the mountains. They attacked us and burned everything down. My mother protected me. And when our house was burning down she through me out the window before it could collapse on us. It collapsed on mom as soon as she through me out the window. It toke dad two weeks to recover from mothers death. But it hasn't been the same sense she died. The box shakes and I smash into the walls again. The carriage stopped moving. I look through the key hole to see we're at castle gates. Then the box shakes again and I snake into the wall once more. I
Look through the key hole to see two Tambarun guards and an iron gate that's closing. Could my kidnapper be the Prince?! It has to be! Him looking at me, waving at me! And even spying on me in the middle of the night that one time I caught him, but he ran away. Im so angry right now! But what dose the Prince want with me? I'll just have to wait and find out. But at the moment the top of the chest door flung open. At there was a man standing there. He grabbed a cloth and a bottle. He then lured something on to the cloth and that's when I figured what was the liquid substance on the cloth. I tried to run but the man grabbed me from behind and put the cloth over my mouth and nose. I tried to fight him off, but it was too late. My vision started to get foggy and soon I was knocked out by the alcohol substance.

I woke up on a bed in a fancy room. My clothes were different. Instead of my cooking outfit with a little blood from my bloody nose, I was in a green and white dress. I looked like a princess in this thing! The dress went all the way to my ankles, and instead of my brown boots, there were black flats. I noticed my hair was down instead of its Usual ponytail. My hair has gotten a bit longer sense the last time I checked, that was before I left to go to town with Yuki to get supplies. My hair was half way down my back, now it's almost at my waist. I've never cut my hair, the lady's who dated the guys who were in my dads gang always told me that it was beautiful and I should never cut it. They said my mother would be proud of me. So maybe that's why I never cut it. I move and get off the bed. I walk over to a window to see it's sunset. I tried to pry open the windows, but it never opened. I turn to see a door. I walk over to it and try the door nob, but it was locked. How is a door locked?! It should only lock from the inside! It's no use. I'm never getting out of here! I wait there sitting there hopeless. The sun was almost gone when the door opened. There stood another man. He must be Prince Raj's aid." I see your awake." He says. I say nothing to him. It was silent for a few seconds, but he broke the silence." Prince Raj is waiting for you." He says. He then moved away from the door and points to the door gesturing me to come. I sit there not wanting to, but then it won't be worth it, I'm stuck here and no ones coming to save me. It can't be helped. I might as well do as I'm told. For I'm afraid on what's going to happen to me. I stand up from the bed and walk out of the room. Raj's aid leads me towards a room we're Raj is wait for me. He opens the door to show a dinning room. And Raj is sitting the waiting for me. And next to him is a seat. Raj's aid tells me to go sit over there. I walk over to the table and sit beside Raj." Ahh Shariyuki! I'm glad to have you accompany me here." He says smiling. I look up showing no expression on my face. He then cups my face with his hand." You should be happy. Your my Concubine! And you will have anything you want." He says. Did he just say Concubine?! I then stand up shocked. He chuckles and looks at me." No need to be afraid my dear." He says." Now please sit down and enjoy our first meal together." He says and motions me to sit down. I slowly sit down, scared a little. I just want to go back to Zen. Were it's safe. His arms holding me tight. But that's not going to happen. I'm going to be stuck here forever! Even if I'm not happy here, I'll listen to what I'm told by Raj. I'm scared what he might do. And the won't be pretty.

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