Open Waters

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I felt someone grip my body tight. The hands were gentle, but strong. I was about to panic but I remembered that I knew these arms and hands. They weren't Zen's, but Kiki's. I knew i'm safe in these arms, even when I'm asleep. She treated me like I'm a child. But then again, she treats Zen like a child as well. That made me feel warm inside, and happy. As if nothing has happened. I didn't want to wake up yet. Just a little longer...

I opened my eyes to yelling and banging above my head. What was going on? Kiki was looking above as well and didn't notice I was awake. Something was going on up there. And it didn't sound too good. "Get the cannon ready!" I heard someone yell. Kiki's grip tightened and I knew she was feeling the same way I am.


The sound of a cannon went off above us. I was scared now. Kiki looked down to see I'm awake. "It's all right, don't be scared. I'm sure it's nothing." She whispered to me. Nothing? It sure doesn't sound like nothing when cannons are going off! A shiver went up my spine and Kiki sensed it.

*Boom* *Bang* *Bang*

The sound of a cannon went off first, but then gun shots came and I got frightened and yelled. Kiki pulled me closer to her. I closed my eyes as more cannons and gun shots went off. Kiki hugged me tighter every time they went off.

I wish this would stop! I don't like it! I don't want to be here! Please make it stop! All of a sudden I couldn't hear anymore. Did it stop?

But when I tried to open my eyes, I couldn't. Did I go unconscious again? Did I go into shock or something? But as soon as I thought that, everything went black and my mind went black...


Someone was calling my name.


The voice was fading and getting quieter.

"Shirayuki! Wake up now!"

This voice...

It sounds like mine!

"Shirayuki! Get a hold of yourself and wake up! If you don't you will die!"

My eyes opened and I found myself with water surrounding me. I gasped in surprise, but regretted it for I let out my air. I looked above me to find a piece of wood floating above me.

I quickly swam to the surface and reached the top gasping for air. I swam over to the piece of wood trying to catch my breath. "What happened here?!" I said looking at my surroundings. There were pieces of wood all over the place from the ship. Some were in flames.

Wait! Where's Kiki! "Kiki!" I yelled out. "Kiki! We're are you!" But there was no response. She couldn't be still under water!? I dived down into the ocean looking around, everything was dark. I can't find Kiki like this! But I can't! I can't leave her!

Because, because! Because she was always there for me! I swam deeper into the dark ocean. It was so cold.

I can hold my breath for two minutes! While I still lived with my dad, he made me do a lot of things, like sword battles, swimming, horse back riding, archery, and more that I can't remember at the moment.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder and J gasped, once again letting go of my air. I panicked since I knew I wouldn't make surface in time since I was so deep down in the water. But then a hand grabbed my arm and tugged me towards the surface.

I gasped for air as we made it to the top. I swam over to the piece of wood since my legs were tired. I looked back to see who it was. And I was shocked....

But then something go a hold of my leg and pulled my under. I screamed as I was tugged under.
"If I'm going to die in these waters, then she's coming with me!" Said a voice. And everything blacked out as something was smacked onto the top of my head and my body sank down into the water in till it wrapped my like a blanket...

*clip-clop* *clip-clop* *clip-clop*

I heard a sound and opened my eyes. Someone was holding me. I looked up to see Zen there looking forward not noticing I'm awake. His arm was bandaged and blood stained. That must've been where the bulled went! Thank god it didn't hit him anywhere else!

*~flash back~*

I gasped for air as we made it to the top. I swam over to the piece of wood since my legs were tired. I looked back to see who it was. And I was shocked....

It was Zen who was staring at me swimming while I tired to catch my breath.

*~End if flash back~*

He saved me! Like always! But why for me! Why is it always me! Can't I save him for once! Now I feel terrible. Ugh!

Zen looked down at me and gave me a sweet smile. He lightly kissed me on the forehead. I looked in front of us to see a castle. Are we in Clarines?! I looked behind us to see Kiki, Mitsuhide, and.....

Obi! He's okay! Thank goodness! I felt a smile spread on my face as he winked at me. Kiki and Mitsuhide gave me a smile when they noticed me staring. This is a happy moment! Well kind of! The thing is that we are all okay! Everything will be alright! This, this...

This is all I need to be happy!

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