The Prince

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Another day of cooking, another day with Zen, another normal day as always. Well that's what I thought. But it didn't really seem that way. When I made it to the kitchen it wasn't pretty. The chiefs in training made a huge
mess last night and didn't bother to clean it. Plus they weren't any of them but the head chief in the kitchen. And oh boy he was mad." Those idiots! They make a mess! Don't bother to clean it up! And there always late for work!" He said yelling and stomping around the kitchen. But as soon as he saw me he calmed down." Ah! "Shariyuki!" He said smiling." At least I know I can trust you! You've only been here for a couple of days and you do your job very well, but some here don't understand the word get here at ten in the mourning! Or clean up before you leave!" He said. I patted his shoulder to comfort him." Don't worry sir, I'll clean this up." I said. And I swear as soon as I said that he was about to cry." You are the most kindest girl that I ever meet!" He said with some tears coming down. The chief left to do some errands around the castle. I started cleaning the kitchen for it won't be cleaned if no one dose it. But what about the food! I decided to make everyone something easy but tasty. I decided to make them oatmeal, but with cookies and cream. And in twenty minutes I had made two big pots full of cookies and cream oatmeal. I looked at the list of people I need to serve and it said.

Prince Zen ,Kiki, and Mitsuhide.
Prince Raj
Princess Gigi
Prince Izuana
Guards in training.

Who is Prince Izuana? Is he another prince visiting Clarines? Ohh well, there should be enough for all of them. I plated the food and went quickly to deliver it.

I made it to everyone except Zen's office. I quickly hurried and didn't even bother knocking on the door. But I should have cause as soon as I bolted through that door I was greeted to a book to my face. And I fell to the side and on to the ground and I heard a couple of gasps, but I went unconscious.

I woke up on a couch laying there as f nothing happened. As I payed there I processed at just what happened and remembered getting a book smacked into my face. Maybe they thought I was an intruder, I should have knocked. My head hurt really bad. I think I might have a huge headache. But my nose hurt the most. I touch it with my hand and felt something hanging out of both of my nostrils. I pull it out and it hurt bad. But it came out easily. I see it's tissue but with blood soaked on it. Did it hit me so hard to give me a bloody nose? Oh well. I sat up carefully. I pulled out the other tissue and through them into the garbage. I look around the room but no one was there. I look at the cart and see that they are the breakfast. I look at my watch to see the time. And it was almost three thirty. Three thirty! How long have I been out. I'm going to get in so much trouble. I take the cart and run through the hallways back to the kitchen. As I walked in I saw that it was clean. And everyone was working on food. I see the head chief and he noticed me right away. He came up to me, and I was ready for my punishment. But all he did was gave me a smile." Zen came down and told me what happened. I told him about you cleaning the kitchen and you noticed about no one must of got food. So you quickly went around." He said." I'm not mad at you, your a very good worker here! And I'm pleased with that. An I understand how hard it is when you have to worry about more than one thing." He said." So please take the rest of the day off. And tomorrow as well. You really deserve it! After what you have been through." He said. Then he pushed me out of the kitchen and waved making me stand out in the hallway confused. But I let it go and walked to the pharmacy remembering about my cuts, plus I'll see if she has anything to stop the pain in my nose.

I knocked on the door and heard a voice saying come in. I walked inside to see the head pharmacist and a few people. And that was Zen, Kiki, and Mitsuhide. Kiki ran up too me and gave me a hug. I patted her back and she let go. But when she looked at my face she made a cringing face. She toke me away into the bathroom before anyone else get to see me." Have you got a chance to look at your self in the mirror?" Asked Kiki. I shock my head left and right. She then pushed me to the mirror to show me what I look like. And boy was it bad. The whole time I've walked through the halls I regret now. I had dried blood underneath my nose like I had a moustache. And my nose was a bit swollen but you could hardly tell unless you come up close. Kiki grabbed a cloth and cleaned me up. I felt like a little kid, but doesn't mean I didn't like it. After that she said I was good and opened the door where we were greeted by Zen, Mitsuhide and the head pharmacist." So did you remember to come for your badges or your nose?" She said." Both." I answered." So you came for both? Well let's check your nose first." She said and led me to the couch. I turn around to see Zen and Kiki and Mitsuhide haven't left and they watched as she did her work on me. She touched my nose and I winched." Seems its bruised, but not broken. That's very good to see." She applied some ointment on my nose and told me to lay down a bit to let it rest. Kiki came round and say beside me." So, let me guess? Mitsuhide did it?" I asked." Hey! How did you know?!" Mitsuhide yelled." Well, I know Kiki and Zen would never do it." I said. Zen tried to hold back a laugh and Kiki... well you know how she is, her face showed no emotion. The head pharmacist came back and grabbed the two boys and kicked them out of the room. She then toke my shirt off with out warning and did her thing. Soon she was done she told to get some rest and went back to work leaving Kiki and me in the hallway with Zen and Mitsuhide. I started walking to the garden. I needed some time to my self. But every time I toke a step closer to the garden and farther from them, my stomach turned. Why am I feeling this way? Maybe cause of the blood and pain is making me nauseous. I made it outside and into the garden. The fresh air only helped a bit. I walked to the end of the garden and sat down on the bench. I look over the flower bed of Tulips to see Prince Raj talking to someone. Raj caught me staring and waved at me. I waved back. I heard about him and people says he's not a nice man and didn't care about anyone except himself. But what I saw was nothing like that. But I saw something chance in Raj. He showed no kindness in his expression. He whispered to the man and the man looked at me and whispered back. This was weird but they soon left and went towards the castle. I waited for awhile to make sure they left. But I didn't pay attention to the time and soon the sky was at sunset. I stared up into the sky. What should I do? Life isn't the same anymore. Like being with my dad and help the lady's cook and clean. But now, it's not the same. It's not like I'm not happy, I love it here! Just.... I'm not use to this. I was about to leave and head back to the castle. When I hand grabbed me from behind and was pulling into the woods. I tried to scream. But the persons hand covered my mouth. I fought Back, kicking, pulling, hitting. But they were to strong. And when they pulled me all the way into the forest. The smacked something at the back of my head. And I fell unconscious...

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