The Ship

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I woke up to a strong grip holding me. I felt something comfortable under my head, like a pillow. My body moved side to side a bit, and so did a mop against a wall in front of me. I opened my eyes fully to see a cabin, well closet. I turn to see my head is laying down on Kiki's lap and she was holding me. She noticed I was awake and put a gentle smile. "Are you alright?" She asked. "Yeah, but what about you?! Like you fell off your horse and stuff!" I said sitting up. "I'm fine Shariyuki, I've gone through way worse." She said patting my head like I'm a little kid. "You need some rest, look at your self! Where did all these marks come from? Was it the pirates?" She said worried and angry. I looked up not wanting to tell her what Raj did. "I'll hurt those pirates for what they did to you if it's the last thing I do!" She said raising her fist and having an angry expression on her face. "I-it wasn't t-the pirates, I-it was R-Raj." I said looking away. Her expression changed. I felt tears in my eyes and Kiki grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. She patted my head and stroked my now short hair. "Shh, it will be alright, I know it will." She said. "H-how? Z-zen got shot and what about Mitsuhide? He must be hurt. Kiki then stopped. "Did you just say Zen got shot?!" She said raising her voice. I slowly nodded. "A little after you went down and went unconscious, the women of this ship shot him out of no where." I said looking into her eyes. "Zen will be find, I know it. But it's hard to take in. Truth is. Zen isn't dead. Zen has this chest pad under his shirt in case of something like this happens. Don't you think for a prince who's clumsy won't be prepared?" She said smiling at me. "So you mean, he's not hurt?!" I said. "Well he's not dead but I can't promise he's not hurt." She said. "Oh thank goddess!" I said tears of happiness filled my eyes.

The room Suddenly started rocking back and forth and cleaning supplies and items were moving across the floor as well. "What's going on?!" I said and that's when the ship suddenly went right and I went backwards. "Shariyuki!" Said Kiki and she grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug and we both went to the wall together. Kiki slammed into the wall and her back arched up in pain. "Kiki!" I said shocked. "I'm fine, all that matters is your okay." She said smiling. She protected me. The ship turned left and I tumbled out of Kiki's arms and hit the other wall while Kiki was still on the right wall.

"Shariyuki!" Kiki said and crawled over to me, but the ship went right again and she slid back into the right side of the wall. My back was in pain. A piece of wood was sticking out and went a little in my back. Kiki didn't know though. But the ship went right again and I slid out of the piece of wood and tumbled over to Kiki. She caught but gasped and noticed my back. "How did that happen!" She said then Looked up to see the piece of wood from the wall was sticking out. "Oh my god! I need to treat you!" But she couldn't while the ship was rocking back and forth. She then got up and started banging on the door yelling to open. The door flung open with a man standing their. "What!" He yelled. "My friend is hurt!" She said pointing to me. The man looked at me then walked towards me and picked my up. "Get what are you doing?!" Kiki yelled. "Going to treat her! The only reason I'm doing this is because she is our way of getting rich! No one will buy a girl who's hurt." And with that he shut the door on Kiki and walked up the stairs to the deck with me over his shoulders.

"What is it!" She said seeing me on his shoulder. Then she realized the stab Wound and motioned him to take me into her cabin. "Listen red head, don't think about escaping, or your friend will get it!" Said the captain and fixed up my gash. After that she sent the man to give Kiki food and she gave me food as well. But she didn't send me back, yet. "Your the only way we're going to have food and new clothes you know?" She said. I looked up to see her staring out into the sea. I looked away and the man came back to take me back to the closet.

When I got back Kiki toke me into her arms and kept asking if 'I'm alright' and 'if they did anything to me'. But I said I was fine. I noticed the piece of wood is gone so this doesn't happen again I guess. But I felt tired, I bet they might have drugged me. How dose a girl get kidnapped, but people come and kidnapped you again even though you were already kidnapped?! I dot get it!

My body slowly moved to the side and my head ended up onto Kiki's lap. She smiled at me and started stroking my hair. I slowly let my eyes close hoping for the best. I don't know where, or why, but........

For some reason.............

I feel.......

Like everything's.........

Going to change soon..........

Really soon.....

And yet......

I don't feel scared at all........

But happy......

In a way.......

But then again......

I don't know if this is suppose to be right......

I think.......

Something bad.........

Is also going to happen........

And deep down.......

Really deep down..............

Everything seems like it's going to end soon........


We're all going to be separated no matter what we do.......

But the truth is.........

I want to stay here, here with Zen, Kiki, and Mitsuhide........

Really I do.........

Even if it means leaving my dad without a word..........

But I guess I'm almost eighteen.........

So I have to leave him sometime.........


This doesn't feel right........

And I slowly drift off to sleep while Kiki is still stroking my hair like a child, and yet, I hope everything will go back the way it was. But I feel it won't. I just wish that time would stop before Raj kidnapped me, then everything would be alright. I felt a tear roll down my check. And everything went Black...

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