Listen to you feelings

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I wake up to the sun shinning in my face. I groan and turn on my other side. I opened my eyes and saw Zen right beside. I fell out of the bed surprised then remember what happened last night. I was still on my back laying on the floor just laying there. I finally get up and just stand there. Zen looked so peacefully in his sleep. I walked over to the other side of the room and found some clean clothes on a dresser. I picked them up and went strait to the bathroom. I got undressed and turned on the shower. The water felt so good on my skin. I kept my bandages on cause I didn't know if I'm suppose to take them off. I turn off the shower, dry my self, and put the clothes on. I had a dress on that went up to my knees and white leggings with brown boots.

( that's what she's wearing but pretend it's her and the shoes are brown boots

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( that's what she's wearing but pretend it's her and the shoes are brown boots.)
I put my hair into a ponytail. My father always told me I should cut my hair but I never did. It's always been long. Like halfway down my back. I opened the door and was back into the bedroom. Zen was still sleeping. So I walked out of the room and left as quietly as I can. When I was finally out I walked around the hallways for awhile. I was so bored I didn't watch were I was going a walked into someone. I fell to the ground. I looked to see who I hit and apparently it was Mitsuhide. And right behind him without getting hit was a smirking Kiki trying to hold back her laughter. When I was about to say sooty a pain shot up in my right foot. I closed my eyes gripping my foot. Apparently when I fell I twisted my foot. Kiki was right beside as soon as she saw my reaction. Then Mitsuhide got up. I forgot about my foot. I knew it was hurt and when I try to walk I'm really slow. And know this happened. Kiki and Mitsuhide grabbed both of my arms and pulled me up. "Sorry" I say to Mitsuhide." No, it was my fault I should have been paying more attention." He said back. I told them I'm fine now and they relaxed and let go." I was wondering....." I said. " what is it?" Said Kiki." Well I was wondering if I could do something. Like helping around it working so I have something to do." I said. They stared at me for a minute till Mitsuhide broke the silence. " I know!" He said. Me and Kiki both looked at him." She can try being a cook here at the castle! I really loved your pancakes when you made them they were the best pancakes i ever tasted!" He said. I remember when they found me in the stream and toke care of me, I made my famous Orange pancakes to show I'm thankful for what they did. Kiki the looked at me and agreed with Mitsuhide. Kiki then grabbed my hand and started walking.

Soon we reached the kitchen. A chief looked up to see who came in. There were about four chiefs." Kiki! Mitsuhide! Welcome! What brings you here?" The chief said. He must be the head of the kitchen. He was really nice. " ohh is that the Princes friend everyone is talking about?" He said smiling at me.
"Yes she is. But we came thinking she would be a great chief sense the castle only has four. She's really good". Mitsuhide said. " oh really" the chief said." Well then lets test out your skills." The chief said. He lead me inside and gave me a apron." This is what you have to do." He said." You have to make a meal and if I like it you can work here!" He said smiling. I was a bit nervous. Okay Shirayuki! You can do this! I told myself. I looked around the area for ingredients. I saw a couple and thought of a meal I could make. I grabbed so potatoes and started peeling them. Then a grabbed a pot a filled it with water and turned on the stove to 350 degrees. I was fast on my feet cause I learned if you want to be a cook a chief has to be fast. I put the potatoes in the boiling water and sprinkled some salt, garlic powder, and some dill in the water and stirred. Then I found a chicken breast and threw it into a frying pan. I sprinkles salt and pepper, and some seasoning salt, with onion powder. I flipped it and cooked it till golden brown and both sides. I grabbed a plate and put the chicken on. The I grabbed the potatoes and grabbed a lid and drained the water. I found some milk and poured a little bit in the pot. I found a whisk and started mashing it. I plated the mashed the potatoes and sprinkled a bit of dill on top. I brought it to the chief to taste.
" Wow! That toke you 30 minutes to cook!" He said. I smiled at him. He tasted the chicken and mashed potatoes and you should of seen his face! " I'll tell you one thing" he said.
" I can't wait to see you in this kitchen tomorrow!" He said. I couldn't help but smile at him. Kiki and Mitsuhide both smiled. "Welcome aboard the team! Uhh.."I forgot he didn't know my name."Shriayuki" I whispered to him. "Shriayuki!" He said. We both talked awhile and some of the other chiefs came to greet me and congratulate me for making it into the cooking team. They told me not many make it. We were al chatting away in till I was three in the afternoon. Me, Kiki and Mitsuhide left waving goodbye. Kiki and Mitsuhide left to go somewhere saying Zen must be looking for them and I smiled saying thank you. I walked into the garden the castle had. I was there for awhile but some maids came and told me they were looking for me and I had to change my badges. I totally forgot about them. So I went with them to the Infirmary. They brought me in and left closing the door. A lady sitting at a desk looked up at me. She had dirty Blonde hair and green eyes. She smiled at me." Ah! You must be Shirayuki!" She said happily. She toke me over to a room and sat me on a couch. She then pulled my leggings up and toke my boots off and started
un badging my badge and cleaned them up. She then put new badges on. She pulled my leggings down and pulled my dress up. I blushed a bit. She turned me around and my back was facing her. She pulled my dress up still by whole back was showing. I forgot it was hurt and bruised as well. The maids didn't do anything with my back yesterday so I forgot. She put some cream on and badged it up. She pulled my dress down." There" she said." Were all done!" She said smiling. " I want you to come back tomorrow and everyday from now on so I can clean your wounds and cuts." She then pulled me off the couch and led me to a door.
"See you tomorrow!" She said happily and closed the door. I didn't know what to do so I just wondered around the castle bored. I walked back to the garden. I sat down and smelled the flowers. " Shirayuki!" I heard. I looked to were I heard it come from. I saw someone running. They were getting closer but I still couldn't see who it was. And then I saw who it was. My heart was beating fast. I stood up from the ground and looked over to the person. All I anted to do was run to him and jump into his arms just like my heart is telling me to do. It was Zen.....

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