New Path to Take

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I woke up in a daze. "Did Kiki give me a sleeping pill?" I said. I looked at the side of my bed and saw Zen sitting beside my bed sleeping. And Kiki and Mitsuhide in a corner sleeping." What is going on?" I got out if bed and stood in the middle of the room." Maybe I'll make breakfast for them to show them how thankful I am for taking care if me". I said while walking out of the room. I headed down stairs and into the kitchen." What should I make?". I looked around and found a oven and a basket if food. "I know!". I grabbed some eggs and flour and milk and mixed it into a bowl. When the batter was mixed I grabbed some sugar and oranges. I sprinkled the sugar into the batter cause no one like pancakes that aren't sweet then I squeezed the juice from the orange into the batter to make it taste like orange. "I'll make them my famous orange pancakes!" I said happily. I grabbed a frying pan and heated the stove. After the pancakes were done I put them on separate plates everyone got 2 pancakes. I wasn't hungry yet so I went outside for some fresh air. I missed being outside. The sounds, smell, the freedom. It was like I was part of the forest. But then I looked at the trees. They didn't look like the ones back home."wait... We're am I any ways!?" I haven't thought about that sense I first woke up." Your in Clarines Shirayuki". I looked at to see Zen there. For two seconds I stared at him then totally freaked out."C-C-CLARINES!!!!!". I shouted.
"I'm not in Tambourin anymore!" I panicked."wait your from Tambourin?!" He stares at me bewildered." Yes! I was kidnaped and I escaped but went unconcise and fell into a river!" I said. He didn't say anything for one minute." No wonder you were bruised and had cuts on you". He said,"Okay okay that's enough with this conversation we will continue later but why don't you go eat some breakfast I made." I said." Oh no wonder it smells good in the house." He said. Then he ran into the house.

Kiki and Mitsuhide woke up later and ate there breakfast to. After that Zen explained to them what me and him talked about earlier." We'll if she got kidnaped wouldn't it be dangerous for her to go back knowing the kidnapper is still out there and might still be looking for her?" Said Kiki." I agree" said Mitsuhide. Zen looked out the window to see me picking flowers. They wanted to talk alone so I left them alone. Even though I could still here them a bit." I understand why someone would kidnap her." He said. It was my hair I knew all along. It's red and very rare I know I'm not the only one with red hair but.. For now everywhere I go I'm the only one with such hair." So what should we do Zen?" Said Mitsuhide. Zen looked at him then said." She should stay here in Clarines but in the capital so I can check on her to see if she's safe cause after her telling me that even if she's in Clarines she still could be kidnaped by people but at lest I know that she's safe." I didn't know what some if the things he said but I understood." Why don't we have her stay in the castle so she would be more safe?" Said Kiki. Castle?!! I though what are they talking about. "That might not be a bad idea." Said Zen." I think she should be part if the chefs cause those pancakes were so good never tasted anything like it!" Said Mitsuhide. I giggled at that and they looked out the window and they heard me giggle." Opps" I muttered and looked away. They started to snicker when they saw my reaction." And she's a funny one" he added raising his voice so i could here. I burst out in laughter. I couldn't hold it in anymore. They looked at me and started laughing also. We all laughed till we were tired. I came in with flowers in my hand and put it into a glass vase." We'll then it's decided" said Zen."Huh?" I said." Don't worry you'll find out Shirayuki" Said Mitsuhide." You'll be with us for awhile Shirayuki is that okay?" Said Kiki." Yeah I trust you all after all you guys put up with me for like three days, and thank you for that" I said. They all gave me smiles. "Would you like tea?" Asked Kiki." Yes please" I said and for the rest if the day we talked drank tea and played chess which I beat Mitsuhide two times and Zen couldn't stop laughing cause I said I don't play chess a lot and that's true and Mitsuhide dose. And I cooked super that they all said it was amazing. And I went to bed for tommorow is going to be a big day.

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