The Piartes

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I stood there shocked at what I found at my window. "Who are you!" I said. "We're here to take you to our master." Said one of them. I backed away trying to get to the door. But one of the them jumped into the air and tackled me. He looked a lot older that the other guy. The other guy looked like a kid though. About thirteen to fourteen years old. This one looked like he was twenty. "Get off of me!" I yell. "Sorry, but no." Said the guy on top of me. I struggled, but it was no use. He was heavier than me. Plus, he tied me up soon after I got tired. "Now let's get going. We don't want to be punished by her. I swear we would die if she punished us again." Said the boy. The man got off of me and put me over his shoulder. He tied a piece of cloth over my mouth so I could talk or scream. He went to the window ledge. But stopped waiting for the boy to go down first. I looked at Obi. Of Raj saw him there, he'd do something to Obi."Mmmuf!" I tried to call out to Obi, but the cloth on my mouth stopped me from saying his name."Mmmuf! Mmmuf! Mmmuf!" I tried yelling at the two guys. But they weren't listening.

The man jumped down if the window and I screamed, but no one whoops hear me. He landed on his feet. How is that possible? He's carrying me and didn't get hurt from a two feet drop! He started running and jumped over the castle wall and into the woods. This reminded me when Josh did the same thing, well a bit. He ran a little bit deep into the woods till we reach a spot with horses. Wait didn't Obi say that Zen was coming? But Zen must be crossing the bridge to Tambarun though. And that's a long ways from the castle. It's like a two hour ride from the bridge to the castle. Three and a half in a carriage.

He put me on the horse with me laying in my belly side ways. My feet were dangling from the side, and my head as well. He then tied me onto the horse so I wouldn't fall of. He got on and got the horse to start moving. While we were going past trees at a fast speed, my stomach hurts because I was bouncing up and down. I think I'm going to throw up! We rode into the night. But then we stopped. What's going on? "Do you hear that?" Said the man to the boy. "Yeah, some travellers are coming this way, might be guards since the sound of hooves." Said the boy. Someone coming! They might be able to help me. But then the horse started walking into the trees. We were hiding in the tress, waiting for them to pass us. No! They were getting closer, but the horse started walking slowly and quietly through the side of the horses. But then I saw them. The people who were coming this way.

"Mmmuf! Mmmuf!" I started freaking out on the back of the horse trying to get free. But the man soon slapped me and told me to shut it. But I won't. Because that's Zen and Kiki and Mitsuhide coming this way! "Mmmuf!" I tired shouting his name, no matter what. I show my head right and left and the cloth around my mouth was sliding down. I kept yelling until he punched me in the eye. We quietly passed them, and I gave up hope.

"Who's there?" Said a kind voice. I saw that they stopped and were looking this way. Kiki was the on who noticed us, well must of heard us. Because she got off her horse and walked over to the trees. Yes! Everything will be alright. But then we started moving again. But not slowly but fast. Both of the horses burst out of the trees and were galloping the detection Zen came From. This startled them. But when the horses jumped out of the woods, the cloth fell off my mouth. "Zen! Kiki! Mitsuhide! Help!" I screamed. They acted fast and were back on their horses and chasing us. " I said shut ur girl!" Said the man and smacked me.
"How dare you put a grand on her!"
Yelled Zen.

Put before I knew it the man threw something at them and it hit Mitsuhides horse. It fell and hit the ground with Mitsuhide tumbling to the ground. "Mitsuhide!" Yelled Zen. "I'm fine! Just get her!" He yelled. They were still chasing after me while Mitsuhide was out of site now. "Where's Obi?!" Yelled Zen. "They knocked them out when these guys came and toke me!" I yelled back.

"Hey! Don't say a damn word! You red head!" Said the boy. The boy then did something to break a branch off the tree above us. This hit Kiki's horse and she tumbled over. "Kiki!" I yelled. Zen didn't stop and was still chasing us. But then....


Zen fell off his horse and onto the ground. "No!!" I yelled with tears in my eyes. "No." I whispered shutting my eyes. I looked up to see a women with dark green hair on a horse with a gun in her hand. We stopped beside her. "Good, you got her." She said looking at me. "You monster!" I yelled at her. She slapped me in the face. "Master." Said the boy and he bowed his head. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm the captain of the ship called,'The Claws of the Sea'." She said. "Captain Umihebi." She said. She put her hand on my chin and pulled my head up. "And you my dear will be good use to me." She said giving me a evil glare. "Boys, go grab the blond ponytail girl and bring her with us. Leave the two men to die here. Their just commoners." She said. So she doesn't know that the guy she just shot is the prince of another country. It's probably for the best. She would sell him or use him. But I can't image him dying.

They pick up Kiki, who was unconscious. And put her on the back of the boys horse in the same position. But they didn't put a cloth on her mouth. They toke mine off my face. We started riding and the sun was coming up soon because the sky is a bit bright from the east. But I was so tired. I couldn't keep my eyes open....

I wake up to see I'm still on the horse. I look around to see we're on a cliff. But not to far there was a sail boat down in the ocean. The sky was blue and the sun was over my head, so it must be around twelve. I see Kiki is still unconscious.

The horses galloped over to the ship. And it was a pirate ship. They toke me and Kiki off the horses and onto the ship. Please this won't be bad. The toke us onto the ship and went through a door and went inside below the deck. They threw us into a room and locked the door. I was sitting against a wall. And Kiki, well, she was still unconscious laying on the floor beside me. While we in the room that looked like a closet, there was a mirror. I looked into it to see my face had cuts and a black eye. Must if not felt them. The black eye I knew because the man did punch me in the eye. But with all this pain, all I could do was sit there and wait. Wait for a miracle. And hope Zen is alive and not dead. And I sat there with tears dripping down my face.

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