That Night

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I was finally finished work and it's already ten at night. I walk to my room tired. But on my way I bump into someone. "ohh Shirayuki!" Said the person I bumped into. I looked up to see the head pharmacy lady that fixed my bandages. I never got her name though." You never came to the pharmacy today so I can check your wounds." She said joyfully." Well I got busy with work and all." I said kind of tired." Ahh right! You got a job here. Well why don't you come with me so I can check your wounds." She said and then toke my hand and walked to the pharmacy. We entered through the big door and she led me to her office. She then pulled the curtains shut and asked me to take of my chief jacket and shirt. Cause we're alone and we're both girls I didn't argue. She then sat me down on the couch and did her thing. Once she finished she wrapped it up again in new bandages." All done!" She said smiling. I put my shirt and jacket back on and thanked her and left. As I walked back to my room I felt a pair of eyes on my back. I quickly turned around, but to find the hall empty and no one there. Huh. That's wired. It must be all in my head. I start walking again believing it's all in my head. Once I reached my room I quickly open my door and shut it. I locked the door feeling more safe when I do. I turn around but soon gasped and fell to the floor shocked. There standing right in front of me was Zen." You scared me!" I say raising my voice a bit. My heart was still beating fast." Sorry." He said walking over and holding his hand out. I take it and he pulled me up and into a embrace. We stood there hugging each other for awhile. I then felt my legs turn to jelly. I couldn't stand any longer. I'm so tired that I'm about to fall to the ground. Zen notices and picks me up." Is my princess tired?" He says jokingly. And he's not wrong. I am. I'm about to fall asleep in his arms even! He walks over to the bed and lays me down. He notices I'm still in my work clothes. He walks over to the dresser and pulled out a night gown that goes to my knees. It was a light pink colour with short sleeves. He walks over and I sit up without and help. He turns around but doesn't move." You can change, I won't look." He said back towards me. A blush crept onto my face but decided to get dress quickly. After that I walked over to Zen and hug him from behind to let him know it okay to look know. He turns around and hugs me back. He then picks me up and sits me down on the bed. He goes to the other side and takes off his. Boots, and shirt. And all he is wearing are his pants. I blush at the fact he's shirt less. He climbs into the bed and pulled the covers over us. He then hugs me and we lauded like that for a while." Hey Zen." I say softly." Hmm." He day tiredly." How come you sleep here and not your room. Won't Mitsuhide freak on you?" I say." Mitsuhide I don't care about right now." He says. I try to hold back a giggle. After a while Zen was sleeping. I couldn't get to sleep so i got out of bed without waking up Zen. I grabbed my jacket and went outside onto the balcony. The fresh air felt great. I stood there while looking up in the sky. The last time I came out on this balcony didn't go to well. But I shouldn't think about that. It's not like I'm going to get kidnapped as soon as I get on the balcony. I look down below at the rose bushes. But to find not just roses. But, a person staring at me. How long have they been there? But as soon as they saw me looking at me they ran away. That was very strange. But that person was no ordinary person. That Person was Prince Raj himself. Why is Prince Raj staring at me? Plus why is he awake when it's almost two in the mourning! He's probably was on a walk. But that wouldn't make sense for it's almost two in the mourning. Whatever, I turn around to head back inside. Once I got inside I turned around and closed the door. But as soon as I did, I was embraced by arms behind my back. I stood their being embraced by Zen. We stayed like that till I turned around to face him." You had me worried when I woke up with you gone." He whispered." Sorry, I couldn't sleep." I said back." The last time you were on the balcony something horrible happened." He said." I know, I was thinking about that when I was out there." I said. Zen then picked me up and laid me down on the bed. We cuddled up to each other. Zen soon drifted off to sleep but I laid still awake. Something isn't right. I can feel it. But all I know, is that I'm pretty sure something bad is going to happen. And soon I drifted off to sleep.

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