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After the dinner with Raj, he let me walk around the castle, to help me feel better sense this will be my new home. I passed by many rooms, but didn't go in one. I was walking when looked through a window to see a garden. I ran down the stairs and to the guards at the door." May I please see the garden?" I ask hopping they'll say yes. They could see the sparkle in my eyes when I asked." Uhh... sure" said one of the guards. They must know who I am." I'll accompany you Miss Shariyuki." Said the one of the guards. I was so happy that I could hug one of them, but I didn't. It was night time and there was only lamps that were lit for they were the only light source sense the sun is down. But they were bright enough for me to see. I walked up to the roses and smelled them. They smelled beautiful. It made me smile." Hey!" Someone shouted. I turned my attention to the person who yelled that, and so did the guard. There was another guard walking up to us." You need to get back to your station before Prince Raj see's a guard missing." He said to the guard accompanying me. His face turned white when he said "Prince Raj"." Don't worry I'll stay with her, I'm a guard who walks around outside in case any intruders come." And with that the guard who came with me ran back to the door before Prince Raj notice's. I get up from my knees and walk a little deeper into the garden. There were tulips and Daisy's. that's when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turn around to see the guard got rid of the other guard. He then brought his lips to my ear." Don't worry miss, I'm here to take you back to Clarines." He whispered. Tears of Joy filled my eyes.
" My name is Obi, and Prince Zen hired me to help him rescue you." He said."Zen should be here soon." He said. I just smiled at the thought that Zen is coming. He won't abandon me."I think it's time for us to head back inside." He whispered and I nodded. We both headed inside. We knew that soon things will be happing and we need to be prepared. But what we didn't know, was there was a certain Prince watching, and maybe someone else who's on the sidelines....

I woke up the next day in a bed. But not my bed. Right next to me was Prince Raj himself. I gasped and fell out of bed. When I looked up he was still sleeping. I look around the room. It wasn't my room ether. I remember last night I fell asleep if in my own bed. And now I'm in Prince Raj's room. I get up and find a change of clothes. I get dressed in them and left quietly. I wore a nice dress that was the colour of Tambaruns flag, a dark reddish brown colour. It had a fancy swirly line design that were gold colour. And there was black boots that are a little higher than my ankles. The dress went down to my ankles. I lit my hair into a bun so it wouldn't be in my face. I walked down the hall way to see maids rushing around in a hurry. The quickly good morning to me as the rushed around. I didn't understand what's going on."Excuse me!" I ask one of the rushing maids. She stopped and looked at me and asked if I needed anything."Umm should you explain what's going on around here?" I ask."Oh, you didn't hear? Tonight we're preparing a ball we're Prince Raj is going to announce your engagement." She said and left in a hurry. A ball! Announce our engagement! Oh no! It's all happing soon. Taj probably thinks sense he toke me their going to come and save me! So he's trying to marry me before they get here! I need to find Obi and tell him this. I run down the halls looking at every single guards face. Obi, I saw his face last night. But we're could he be?

Later that day it was four in the afternoon. I went trough every single guard. But non of them were Obi. I sat down in the garden tired from all my running. I sat there trying to catch my breath. The sun was setting though. As I looked at the ground a saw a shadow on the ground, and it was getting bigger. I turn around to see the figure was Prince Raj himself. And he didn't look happy. He then grabbed my arm and pulled me to the castle. He walked me up the stairs and into a room. He shoved me in with him and locked the door and windows so I couldn't escape. He pulled the curtains shut and all their was for lights were candles. He then grabbed me and slammed into the wall." So what were you and that guard talking about last night?" He asked. I was to scared to do anything." Answer me!" He yelled." Nothing! I don't know him! I asked him about the castle!" I said. Tears started filling my eyes. My face was getting red from the pain in my tears. He then slammed his fist in the wall." Stop lying!" He yelled." I saw him whisper something into your ear!" He yelled. I didn't want to answer him. I need to keep my mouth shut no matter what. But I'm also scared about what he will do to me. But I can't say a thing no matter what he dose! Raj saw the look on my face. He then let out an evil laugh." I see, i can't get the truth out of you that easily? Well then I'll force it out if you!" He yelled and through me to the bed. I was to shock to even move, and to fight him off. He came on top of me and grabbed the top of my dress and started ripping it to shreds. He ripped everything off my body. And soon I was naked in front of him. Tears started to fill my eyes. I started crying from the torture he did to me. He then started pulling my hair and it came out of the bun I put it into. He pulled at it till I couldn't take to pain anymore. I tried to reach for something, anything to help stop this pain. I knocked something off a dresser and it shattered to glass pieces. I grabbed a piece and was about to stab Raj. But instead I turned around and cut my hair. Raj fell off the bed with a bit handful of red hair in his hand. I was always told to never cut my hair. But if my mother saw me know, she would think it's better then stabbing someone. I stood there in front of Raj with a piece of glass in my hand. He looked a bit frightened. I then through the piece of glass at him. It shot into the wall and stock out right beside Raj, like I through a knife at him. I meant to miss him, I wanted to scare him like he scared me, and tottered me. I then grabbed a new dress to wear, grabbed some black flats. And left slamming the door. I ran all the way to my room. I ran inside and locked the door behind me. I then ran to me bed and cried into a pillow. How could this happen to me?! I cried till I could no more. I heard a knock at my window. I got up slowly and cautiously went over. I grabbed a candle holder for a weapon incase. I went to the window and looked through to see who it is. And the stood Obi, but was wearing something different than a guards uniform. He also had a winter tuke on, even though it wasn't winter. I dropped the candle holder and opened the window. Obi came inside and shut the window."Prince Zen is here." He said. But then Obi eyes went wide." What happened to you?!" He asked looking at my hair and a small scratch on my face. I looked down about to cry." Raj happened." I said not daring to look him in the eyes." I promise you will get out of here soon." He said. He the. Walked over to the window and opened it. He sat there about to leave." Tonight you will be free." He said. He was about to leave when something shot out of no were and hit Obi in the face and he came crashing to the ground."Obi!" I yelled and ran over to him. I laid his head on my lap. Whatever shot Obi left a pretty bad mark on him. All around Obi's Right eye was blood. Obi was knocked out from the hit. Then I heard a few thuds at the window and looked up. And there stood two men." Hello Shairyuki." Said one of them.

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